ooc: cool thnx! i have no idea what is going on... Bic:Izumi walked down the hallway with her hands behind her head. she glanced up at the ceiling wondering what to do.
Can i join? Name: Izumi (Unknown) Age: 15 Gender: Female Family: Ayume Skill: twin swords and spells (shape shifting and fire spells) Details: she was adopted, because she was abandoned at birth cuz her family died in a raid Familiar: none (idk what that is) Appearance:
myou walked solemly down the street her hands deep within her pockets. she closed her eyes then opened them glacing toward the clear sky. ooc: i didn't know what to say i wasn't here when you guys started
i think it is really cute! i love the idea a lot, and i agree there is a bit of smudging
can i join? Name : Yuai Age : 17 Gender : Female Race : Cetran Element ( Optional ) : Shadows and fire Weapon(s) : two swords and guns Job , rank , or place : assasin Appearance : ya it is big srry Bio : she doesn't remember any of her past
underneath the fallen moon or the inky black sky somewhere far in the distance where time doesn't pass by one alone and lost lies asleep she is helpless and in too deep her tears fall to the bloody ground as she tries to hold on to the light but it keeps slipping away from her and falling out of sight can anyone hear her desperate cries or are they just as alone as she trying to find some form of truth her screams remind me of me we all know tales must have an ending but this is my story and the plot is still bending i didn't cap anything or put punctuation... i already know how to do that but i need help on ideas the middle is a little choppy and it annoys me... any suggestions?
i think the chin and nose are a little too rounded...
Played by: amythest Name: myou Age: 16 Gender: female Race: spellcaster Power: she can minipulate both fire and darkness Weapon: twin swords Kingdom: Galgaria Side: Prince's Personality: she has very tomboyish narture that is probabaly due to the fact she was raised by her brother she hangs out with guys more than girls Appearance: Biography: her parents died in a rage leaving her to be left by her brother, then her brother died too Other: she thinks it is her fault her brother died
Hey DS! i already saw this at school XP! okay to cnc the flower pettals are a little stifff (and don't take this offensively) and the grass should look a little more like grass... but i LOVE how this is a change from all the manga drawings, its really cute nice job! ^^
wow that is really good, i envy your shading and i absolutely love the expressions, i don't see anything wrong with it!
okay.... the first thing i noticed was the ears, one is completly different from the other (not trying to be rude or anything but ya) but a minor problem is the hair, on the left it is a little bit too close to the head... the shirt on the left shoulder is up a little but other than that it looks really good! well done!
well i have just a few suggestions. you could move down the nose and mouth a bit and i don't know if the hair across her cheek is supposed to be there. but in my oppinion i think it might look better if that wasn't there...
myou rolled her eyes and began to sprint
myou sighed angrily and began to speed up. Now what sprint around the school?
myou started to walk obediantly.
i wonder if anyone would know if i ditched myou thought crossing her arms