did you get the starseeker into wttd to work? nevermind if its still messed up lemme try this one Starseeker into WTTD 3U5C-03U7-ZR9EU E9WG-EC4N-BAYQ7dont forget to remove all blue abilities only use the ability Explosion WTD cant perform finishers except for that and magic
no it replaces ultima weapons model with xaldins lance model but if you load the game without the code on youll have em back
Well i just tried using axels chakrams with mulans moveset it didnt work sadly...:(
Yay for Mushball!!! that code will let you play as him too
there might be because you see roxas in his cloak during certain cutscenes so if we can get his model name then we might be able to make him but youd have to ask a coder im not sure.
a joker is a code that activates other codes using said joker and you can assign different buttons to be a joker
here you go try this DW Roxas Use Reaction Commands DPAH-3CJB-X3RR1 BW5G-Y4T9-ZM1VG E2H0-M1XP-DXX76 0KT4-N6PG-X02WY KXAD-H458-FCBN0 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Hold R2 and walk into another map and it should be working. Enjoy:)
i remeber talk of using mulans moveset and using axels chakram does it actually work?
yeah heres Xaldins lances for you Xaldins Lances P7MD-73YX-2UU31 261X-0JF9-G55C4 Xaldins Lances 21CEF160 00000845on a side note if you are gonna use this make sure you have ultima weapon equipped before you load your save
i think only the lances you can wield the rest im not sure about
Yeah its attached to his model believe me if it was possible it would already be out.
There is Dw Roxas and DW Pj Roxas all on the first post but here they are so you dont have to go lookin Dw Roxas 20340CA4 10101004 Dw Pj Roxas(I havent tested it) 11CFA3FC 00000323 21CC3830 58455F50 21CC3834 5F303131 21CC3838 5F43504E 21CC383C 414A4150 21CC3840 0053414D
Well I was wondering if there was a size mod that only affects like enemies and bosses seperately
alright thank you now any more conversions that you would like?
it only needs to be converted if its for a different device raw codes work with that master code we gave you
dude seriously no one can mistake you too 1.your starting to become extremely annoying while he hasnt done anything yet 2.IT SAYS YOUR NAME NEXT TO THE FREAKING POST SO UNLESS YOU GOT SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO SAY OR ASK PLEASE DONT POST WHATEVER POPS INTO YOUR HEAD!!!
Here try this one if that one isnt working for you Master Code 902FD330 0C0C42BD
A texture mod? does one exist if so what is it? that might be something worth trying.
Umm first you cant give him the final mix moveset but we could give him the dw roxas moveset and for the conversion you might want to change Demyx to another boss because if you mod Sephiroth into demyx it wont go past the first 80 water clones but here it is converted Luxord's Demyx Battle G28W-31G7-813CG CC8W-4BU6-9ZK2J R8AX-NUKM-BP2YK Y7TY-T68W-6CD11 ANWP-U3F2-HBJBN ZBFH-DTVK-76WBV 87MD-XR8T-CBBXG MGE8-NF5W-YW283 GYGT-0T0Q-3Y4YK DMM9-GKJY-YJ90K 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 JZYP-UVEJ-FD4ZT TNUP-CPFW-CQVKZ
i dont even know where to start with that one lemme rephrase its IMPOSSIBLE since that most definately isnt programmed into the game the closest i could get is hooded mickey.