-jacks Demyx back and rips off defiling sticker- Madam, HOW DARE YOU!!!
Srry social thing new to me never had to type on peoples profile.
Really dude I thought we were friends.
Oh really whoops so i posted on my own for no reason yay.
Hi how are you
Hows it goin dude?
I dont think my Demy likes hearing you guys fight over him.
IM gonna put this out there Xemnas Vs Darth Vader who would win?
There you go now you can all look at him whenever. :)
Kinda funny that this social group is basically an ad for another group.
USe the party mod mod goofy or donald use the full party code and teleport to 1000 heartless battle here it is put togehther 1000 Heartless and sephiroth 11CFA3FE 000008B6 40340C9C 00130001 03020100 00000000 E002FDFF 0035B55C 2033E830 00000204 2033E834 00000200 FK95-QKCF-CQ4YB 555M-JD6X-VHF68 RB4C-2QBQ-BUAU8 TRYP-XTHZ-ATG4N H13K-P8GV-A8ZUY UTU3-Y5NM-WYQX7 E96V-6MMR-D94D6
Actually in KH2 Selphie called Tidus Tidus not Teedus so whoever directed the voice acting in the first game messed up there but I liked Squall even though he went by Leon.
Oh so me playing as sephiroth wont work darn i was about to go try it. :(
So basically alot of these "experiments" are DMA?
What is DMA? Ive seen people use it but I have no clue what it is.
I think its just a lousy excuse to make some extra money and who honestly cares about the Org. the only 2 characters i really cared about were Axel and Xemnas because of the whole mystery behind BBS and Xehanort and who Xemnas really is the nobody of. Also it was all pretty much explained in KH2 so it didnt need better sense.
Here it is converted Roxas Replaces Donald G920-961R-K2GK8 ZBVW-CH2V-0GW5F 45X2-XGW2-FMGUD 4DJD-EGZZ-R63H8 KA5J-14H0-YKYAC BPAX-DXDD-4J6E8
Is there a code to make Magic Charge go slower i love the berserk charge in there and also its fast way to fill in drive.
oh ok umm new question what is the digit for finisher plus because the huge finisher code has 89 which is upper slash not FP does anyone know?
?????? dummy ability i dont mean to sound newbish but what is that??????