So when we change our background do you want it to be christmasy?
Here it is converted BXW7-42N1-8CU9K A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF J6BQ-FT7B-CDQEY 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN BEK4-8ZKT-49QNY 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A YNZM-RZKU-TGK1N
Well it was nice talking to you ttyl.
Cool Thx Now i can continue where it leaves off. =)
Im just usin youtube playlists but it sometimes stop so im a little angry that i cant just watch a full episode its in parts.
Actually i remebered watching it on funamation when I was little But I was talking about Kiba But I remebered that they can all transform. Do you...
Forget that wolf's rain question I just remembered what it was about.
I noticed how you repy to each part of a persons comment do you do that in real life? Also about wolf's rain is that the one where the guy turns...
I know now and thanks I love BBB Same with Jiro or Chiro however you spell it and I just watched that vid lightbeliver sent to everyone it was...
Alright well Im just gonna pretend I know exactly where that is and so anything new happen to you?
So lets just say in the middle of Ferndale And bellingham so Fernham or Bellingdale.
Ahh cool small world I lived in Bellingham when we first moved there but we went on to bigger and better things. (not really)
yep i live in Seattle what about you?
I can handle the cold I just wish Washington would not have rain for one day It really bums me out.
well thanks to kh days Demyx has sort of drifted away im more into Xion. too cute.
Ive been better Im not digging the rain out here.
Hello How are you?
LOL!!!! that was hilarious.
-gets white out and gets rid of Rhian's sign- HAHA take that Biotch Hes mine!!!!!
Its emu i was messin around with oblivion.