Alright talk to ya later.
Thanks im kinda embarresed now that you said that :)
Well if there are any coders out there who are working on this target mod i would love to help in anyway i can.
So it can be done it woud just take awhile... well there goes my dreams.
Is it hard to make one, a target mod?
Ithink i got something here try this it will teleport you to Sephiroth then when you talk to Sephy it should be DW Roxas as a boss Boss DW Roxas hold R2 goin through door E004FDFF 0035B55C 2037A3D0 0016EA24 2033E830 00000104 2033E834 00001600 11C50510 00000323
I think neo is just a shorter version of the normal moveset code
1.Goofy is Axel 642H-JBJW-Y0T2A 3TZY-8XME-RGXAK 2.Donald is Demyx ally XP9H-PCP7-WTCVR W1W8-MRHP-EUTCF 7RAP-Y1MZ-0XDCN 3.Teleport to Station of Awakening hold R2 when going through a door 2317-EQ2H-YZJGD JZYP-UVEJ-FD4ZT MW3C-0KBD-BNXVR 4. Impossible without emu 5.Heres a code to give you all keys ZYK0-A54W-W7T2M WU77-MXAG-TRDX2 F2D3-M0EN-G7E5E 6FH5-X8UM-KEWTJ UPUC-YMXP-5HVT2 5E9Q-URGW-CBFYK 9YMZ-QEMT-3WT9K 9BY6-UZB9-PBH74 9MZ1-XZT1-YB1FP
It doesnt work for me either heres the origional code can someone tell me if one part of the code is wrong. E006FDFF 0035B55C 01CC382F 00000001 21CC3834 00303031 01CC3874 00000001 11CFA3FC 00000323 10340C64 000001F3
You converted this code wrong im not sure what it is but here it is converted0ZCK-373M-8ZEYF A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF ME6Y-CC6F-WT3GC 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN BEK4-8ZKT-49QNY 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A YNZM-RZKU-TGK1N
srry for the late response had to get off for awhile since internet shut down Deathnote is awesome and im Probably gonna sleep god knows i deserve it.
Got any plans this weekend? not trying to sound stalkerish.
Im good you?
I thought i should let you know i borrowed your wolf pic.
go to your mastercode and click on the button to let you edit it i think its square but im not sure it tells you what button does what at the bottom of the screen once you get in there the code should be this Mastercode C7M1-BQW3-BTC7T C191-8M74-D0R9V
It might be your master code maybe the codes arent compatible with your mastercode.
Hello how you doin?
Im good I stole the wolf from Xatier's album I liked it.
Hello =) how are you?
So are you saying both Barbie and Xion are like MJ or just barbie?