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  1. Solax
    Does anyone know who made this code I wish to give credit where Credit is due?
    Nobody Form
    51CB98D0 00000020
    01CB9870 00000000
    11CEF114 00000074
    201A01F8 00000000
    E002FEFF 0035B55C
    21D58568 3FCDFFFF
    21D5856C 00000000
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    21D58568 3FCEFFFF
    21D5856C 00000000
    Post by: Solax, Nov 23, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Solax
    Profile Post

    Wait what why?

    Wait what why?
    Profile Post by Solax for sora-final-riku, Nov 23, 2009
  3. Solax
  4. Solax
  5. Solax
  6. Solax
  7. Solax
    if we mod the second key will the first one show up again?
    Post by: Solax, Nov 23, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Solax
  9. Solax
    Yes It seems I forgot to mention that sora-final-riku made this i didnt mean to sorry man.
    Post by: Solax, Nov 23, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Solax
    Profile Post

    Oh i thought I did?

    Oh i thought I did?
    Profile Post by Solax for sora-final-riku, Nov 23, 2009
  11. Solax
    is there a joker with it or what?
    Post by: Solax, Nov 23, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Solax
  13. Solax
    Well Idont know how to port (yet) but if you use the omniconvert on the first page you can convert codes from device to device.
    Post by: Solax, Nov 23, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Solax
  15. Solax
  16. Solax
  17. Solax
  18. Solax
  19. Solax
    right no taking 1000 heartless to the throne room
    Also on a side note i asked somone to port the DW wisdom code and he gave me a code its cool because it doesnt give you DW in fact it takes away your keyblade and wisdom still shoots and it still works Here it is:
    21cefed4 46544c55
    21cefed8 0000525f
    21cefedc 00000000
    21cefef4 46544c55
    21cefef8 0000525f
    21cefefc 00000000
    there is one problem though if you go into another room while in wisdom it could BSOD. But all you have to do is revert before leaving the room and have inf drive on it works.
    Post by: Solax, Nov 23, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Solax
    you need a save right before the battle you want to relocate and the room warp code then when you go into the battle hold R2 during the cutscene and you should be wherever with the boss or the battle.
    Post by: Solax, Nov 23, 2009 in forum: Code Vault