Huge finisher code Im having trouble with the huge finisher code i noticed that at the end of the lines 89 is actually the skill Upper slash so does anyone know what the digit is also doesnt the very beginning of the code need a 1 it is an ability mod code right?
Wttd someone in this thread said that they cant attack with rikus blade now im not sure what they ment by that but i do know it cant do finishers except for one the one where he slams the key into the ground and blasts of light shoot everywhere so pair that with six finisher pluses and a couple of combo pluses and wttd is amazing now for forms im not sure yet im still working on making it work on drives i let you guys know once i figure it out.
with all these mods could you like give WTD like fenrirs sprite only and have it still attack normal or something?
Is there any way to make way to the dawn work in drive forms or at least with finisher moves?