Nothing at all ._. Too much snow to do anything v-v
Well when you get four feet of the stuff, it gets annoying
O.O I hate snow. I live in Canada >> So yeah, we get TOO much
So, whatcha up to?
Yay ^__^ I was right >>
I'd say Light >> He killed L. Though he did go insane
=O But which is more awesome?
Hai! L is awesome though possibly less awesome than Light
Gaia rules
Yay =D -hugs-
Hehe ^__^ I love you
-nod, nod- Ah well, your still beautiful -winks-
Hey Brandon ._. Its Kody >> Your awesome for letting Jayn talk to Kid Rock
How ish you, babe? >>
Hai Jayneh! ^__^
>> -smacks Albert for hurting me- Hehe
Hey Jenn Jenn ^__^ -cling-