=O Where in the world did you get that?
-stabs the boredom?-
He walked into the building, his lavender eyes flicking left and right to regard the other patrons. "Hm.....Interesting crowd...." He murmured to himself, taking a seat away from the rest.
Name:Rek Race: Dhampir Gender:Male Appearance: Weapon:Two scimitars Profession:Mercenary Armor: light chain mail Hobbies: Mercenary-like stuff
So bored x-x
Sweet, one of my friends loves that show. I dunno if it's because its a good show, or if its a vampire show
-nodnod- It's hard to keep track of all the happenings in the animes though x-x
I can only watch one >> I suck like that
Happeh Birthday Jayneh =D -huggles- I wish I had a present for you, but my mommeh is evil
Sweet, how many series are you trying to watch at a time?
Though I did search up Love Hina on youtube
Nice, i'm too lazy to search anime on the internet ^__^;;
Which anime?
Hehe =D So, whatcha up to?
Oh well, more powers for me ^__^
Jump in some radioactive ooze? :/
I think Battle school would be so awesome, sure you have to be a genius to get in but oh well. You get to play uber laser tag!
Bleach is awesome XD
Indeed it would be ^__^ If only....
Its okay. I just wish I could melt it all with heat vision or something epical like that