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  1. Flame7532
    "And what would you mean by that? The roof? The attic? Cling to the ceiling and hope they don't notice?" He looked at them all in turn. "We don't have mcuh time." OOC: Nuuuuu! T.T I am uuuuber sorry, but I have to go. My sister got my mom on my case so now I have to let her o nthe compy. I'll see you all tomorrow! And now, I bid you Adieu!
    Post by: Flame7532, May 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Flame7532
    XD I'm quite sorry, old chap
    Profile Post by Flame7532 for Jayn, May 6, 2009
  3. Flame7532
    As he ran he had another idea. "Sounds good..." He blew out a portion of the ceiling ahead, using momentum to jump up and pull himself into the above hallway. He then sprinted back until he was above where he started, blowing out the floor and dropping down behind Kaylee and Scott. "How's that for a plan, Eh?" He grinned at them both. "What else can we do so we don't get in trouble with our kind baby-sitters?" He thought for a second. "Oh, and I lost em a while back. We should go somewhere safe. Any Ideas?"
    Post by: Flame7532, May 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Flame7532
    He frowned and thought for a second. He looked back at the other two, a mischevious grin appearing on his face. "You two be good now, y'hear?" He fished his orb from his pocket and blew the cell door apart with his power. He then took off down the hall, using his power to blow chunks from walls. This spectacle ended with Rek sprinting down the hall, every guard in tow. "Now how the hell am I going to lose these jagoffs?" He asked himself as he ran full tilt. OOC: Some help for those in trouble =D And I made sure with PT
    Post by: Flame7532, May 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Flame7532
    Profile Post

    XD Spiderman is bettur

    XD Spiderman is bettur
    Profile Post by Flame7532 for Jayn, May 6, 2009
  6. Flame7532
    "Hm...What'll we do if the Elite Guard comes? I'll fight if I have too...But first..." He moved to the bars and adressed the fighting trio. "Hey, pal." He said to the guard. "Cut your losses and go home before you break something!"
    Post by: Flame7532, May 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Flame7532
    -rocks out- Party on duuuuude!
    Profile Post by Flame7532 for Jayn, May 6, 2009
  8. Flame7532
    Profile Post

    XD I'm glad

    XD I'm glad
    Profile Post by Flame7532 for Jayn, May 6, 2009
  9. Flame7532
    "You're right...It isn't...But what can we do? I have a feeling we'll never get outta here unless everyone works together." He followed her gaze out the window. "I wonder what happens once that sun comes up....."
    Post by: Flame7532, May 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Flame7532
  11. Flame7532
    He looked over at Kaylee, seeing her curled up against the wall. He moved beside her and rested his hand on her shoulder. "It'll be okay, Kaylee. I don't think they'll hurt them too badly. I bet they're tough enough to take that puny little beating!" He patted the top of her head, trying to cheer her up the way he cheered up anyone he didn't truly know. With an attempt at humor. It usually didn't end too well....
    Post by: Flame7532, May 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Flame7532
  13. Flame7532
    We huggle alot -huggles you-
    Profile Post by Flame7532 for Jayn, May 6, 2009
  14. Flame7532
    Profile Post

    Mwah! ^^ Hehe

    Mwah! ^^ Hehe
    Profile Post by Flame7532 for Jayn, May 6, 2009
  15. Flame7532
    Profile Post

    -hugs you tighter-

    -hugs you tighter-
    Profile Post by Flame7532 for Jayn, May 6, 2009
  16. Flame7532
    Profile Post

    XD -clings-

    XD -clings-
    Profile Post by Flame7532 for Jayn, May 6, 2009
  17. Flame7532
    As Kaylee spoke to the guy in the corner, he looked out into the hallway. He spotted the guard beating on Eva, and also spotted Sierra. "Whoa...Never noticed her before. Must have that enticing gift i've heard of....I never knew that meant they were hot till now." He laughed quietly to himself.
    Post by: Flame7532, May 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Flame7532
  19. Flame7532
    He laughed and whispered quietly to her; "They don't want us to OD on the drugs at the moment so they never give me a big enough dose to keep me asleep for long. They don't seem to realize it takes more of the stuff to keep a six foot seven guy down than a five foot eight guy." He chuckled again and glanced at the guard. He truly wished he could just fry the jerk right there, though that would end up in more guards coming, more properly armed guards.
    Post by: Flame7532, May 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Flame7532