that sucks i think too much
trace woke up and looked at maria leaning on him,he blushed but smiled,petting her
*takes out book of stuff to do to people trying to destroy your huge robot*here it is!
do they make you feel sick or something? i had a pet cockroach
waterproof! *fires cannon that shoots out angry cats*
they came out and were in front of optimus,who was shooting decepticons,they were on a battlefeild
*robot puts cannon towards maria*
>_<i dont wanna think about it! i think of strange things about people >_> <_<
"I need attention 24 hours a day!Whats a guy gotta do to get an audience?!"whats that from *transforms to 376483 foot robot*
*points mountain dew tank at maria*
okayee...... i ate liver b4
*freezes ansems mouth*
trace opened it and walked through,kent following
*pours lava on ansem*
*pours lava everywhere except where i am standing*
no,you dont win this thread
trace smiled and kent pressed a button,it sent a message to optimus and suddenly a door appeared next to them
*laughs at all the idiots*
the monkey is no match for....Gigantor!
"i think we have had enough,besides,we need to help them,they need us right?"said trace smiling