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  1. Misty
    Gmail allows you to set up rules like this, I believe, but only if you use their web interface. If you use an email client it'll be easier -- I know for a fact that Thunderbird can, I don't know about Outlook but I imagine so.

    It all depends on your setup, really.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 10, 2015 in forum: Technology
  2. Misty
    Yeah, sorry I have it enabled. Should have clarified.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 10, 2015 in forum: Technology
  3. Misty
    Have you changed your Power Options to not turn off the hard disk or the USB? The hard disk settings cover only your internal hard drive, not any externals -- if you scroll down the list a little, there's a separate spot for USB settings. You can disable USB selective suspend there.

    View attachment 41616
    Post by: Misty, Mar 10, 2015 in forum: Technology
  4. Misty

    Grimes dropped this little bomb on her tumblr this morning -- a demo from her lost album. After the success of Visions in 2012, the follow-up album promised a more mainstream sound from Grimes, as she dabbled in the industry and ultimately wrote a song for Rihanna. Fans were upset and accused Grimes of "selling out," and she in turn trashed her album. It's since taken on sort of a mystical quality (she posted this as a demo from the "~ the lost album ~").

    I'm really digging REALiTi, I actually think it's a return to what we heard on Halfaxa rather than a more 'mainstream' sound, a great blend between Visions and her earlier influences (though undoubtedly cleaner and more accessible). I love the video too, exactly what I'd expect from Grimes. Given the positive reaction to the release, she tweeted saying she'd try to re-record the song and would consider it for her new album, but made no promises as she feels she has better in the pipeline.

    I support her decision, as an artist, to toss whatever she's unhappy with, even if REALiTi makes me even more curious to hear the lost album, but knowing that she's working on better gets me hella pumped for whatever she puts out next.
    Thread by: Misty, Mar 10, 2015, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  5. Misty
    Yeah I know running isn't the best, especially if you have joint issues. It's convenient for me since it's basically free and I live in a good neighborhood for it. I never beat myself up too much about time because what really mattered was that I was going out and exercising, but a big way to motivate myself has always been statistics. Being able to say "oh I've shaved three minutes off my mile time" is really rewarding for me, whether it's going from 11 minutes to 8 minutes or 20 minutes to 17 minutes. It's nice to see progress.

    Endurance is also a big thing too. When I first started I could barely run, I had to stop and walk a lot. I still do but it's way less, and if anything I try to just slow down my pace to recover rather than stop and walk. When I was going regularly I was able to do nearly a half a mile without stopping or slowing down, it's my goal to get that to a full mile.

    I joined the track team back in middle school but I felt they pushed me way, way too much -- it was good for people who'd been running for years but I wasn't one of those people and it was incredibly challenging, I was in pain and quit because I could barely move my legs. Obviously you've got to push yourself and endure some pain to get better, but it seriously turned me off from exercising in general for years. When I started again it was in part to ward off depression but I also felt it'd be better to try to go at my own pace, push myself but at a speed where I wouldn't get too burnt out.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 9, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Misty
    You do look a bit young for your age, only by a year or two. That's aight though, it'll balance out eventually. In the past like... year or so I've lost a lot of baby fat on my face which ages me up a bit and I think it's ongoing (seriously, looking back at pics from just like a year ago I'm like hello what).
    Ooh we're doing it at my school in April. I'm excited to see it for the first time! I was asked to be part of it but since I've never seen or read it before I'm not sure it'd be terribly appropriate.

    time for a selfie dump
    this is my outfit for when i star in some sort of lesbian vampire romance (i really need to watch carmilla) (it took me two tries to get this pic)
    View attachment 41604 View attachment 41606

    these were the only bandaids in my house, i feel they really add to my "trying to be a serious adult" style
    View attachment 41607

    i woke up one morning and felt very cute
    View attachment 41608
    Post by: Misty, Mar 9, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  7. Misty
    I really need to start running again. I hit a bit of a milestone the last time I went and got my best mile time (something like 7.5 minutes). It's not very impressive but seeing as, when I started, I was doing 11 minute miles, it was a big achievement for me. Then it got cold out and I stopped (I took a spin class in the meantime but that ended in December). The past two days have jumped into the 50 range here, though, so if that keeps up I'm hoping to head out again.

    Is that a treadmill or something else? I've thought about investing in one but I don't really have the space for it. :L Not keen on joining a gym.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 9, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Misty
    Finally downloaded the album, been listening to it for the past few hours -- definitely going to be rocking this for a while.

    Overall I'm incredibly pleased, it's another phenomenal release from Purity Ring and a great follow-up to Shrines. The first three tracks had me a bit dubious -- I still really haven't warmed up to Push Pull -- but Repetition pulled me and I love everything beyond it. I think the album opens very light and airy, then adapts the sort of heavier (in a good way) sound I expect from Purity Ring. I know I expressed concern about the lyrics previously but I'm really digging them as well. They actually talked a bit about their lyrics on reddit:
    Really interesting stuff and Another Eternity definitely retains the mishmash of ethereal and visceral quality found on Shrines.

    Favorite tracks right now are Repetition, Begin Again, Stillness in Woe, and Flood on the Floor. Awesome release overall.

    Edit In the half hour since I posted this, I have decided Flood on the Floor is the best track on the album. It's ****ing massive and delicious.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 9, 2015 in forum: Music
  9. Misty
    I don't really game on my laptop ;c It overheats a lot and I don't want to push it
    Post by: Misty, Mar 8, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Misty
    The best free antivirus is Avast.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 8, 2015 in forum: Technology
  11. Misty
    This is something I have already planned to implement (albeit using a slightly different method) when I sweep through and update our bbcode. It's on the list, just not at the top. For the time being, you may want to consider using a browser add-on that blocks loading of YT videos until clicked if it's crashing or freezing your browser.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 7, 2015 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  12. Misty
    Oh, guess it's not the whole album after all! Just two songs on Doppelgänger. The book is House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. Awesome book but a real chore to get through.

    Time Moves But It's Taking Its Time by Casey James and the Staypuft Kid

    Post by: Misty, Mar 5, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  13. Misty
    Recently learned that one of their albums is about the book I'm reading now. Once I finish I'm gonna have to get into them.

    Words I Don't Remember by How to Dress Well

    Yeah who knows if I love you baby,
    But you're the only one thing on my mind.
    If you could let your angels out I'd rescue one at a time,
    But the stress just grows in the corners of your eyes.
    So what is trust but knowing when to let you have your silence baby?
    To let you have the peaceful private corners of your mind?
    Just don't ask me to sing for you these words I won't remember,
    And I won't tell you how to live out your life.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 5, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  14. Misty
    Profile Post

    a little bifurious

    a little bifurious
    Status Update by Misty, Mar 5, 2015
  15. Misty
    Faint Resemblance by Rise Against

    I beg for you to let go, I dread the day you finally do;
    I fight for your attention, too little too late, or too much too soon.
    And how will this plague the time we share from here on out?
    And how long will this taint all these words spilling from my mouth?
    Post by: Misty, Mar 4, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  16. Misty
    You mean one that won't auto-embed? Yeah, you can. The easiest way is to write some text, highlight it, and have that text link to the video. Like this.

    If you still want to display the URL, you can trick the system a bit by pasting in the link, removing the http(s)://, then highlighting that text and making it a link, like so:
    Make two separate lists, then one definitive list? That's what I'd do, although my favorite album is a technically an EP so I'm biased as to their inclusion.
    Well yeah, haven't you seen our Christmas video?
    Post by: Misty, Mar 4, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Misty
    It's a typo. He was 83.
    We receive a lot of questions and don't answer all of them in one episode -- if we did, the episode would be several hours long. I just pick them out randomly before each episode.
    When it first came out I heard such great things about it that I went and picked up Bioshock 1 & 2 -- I've been told you don't need to have played them to get into Infinite, but I always like starting a series from the beginning. I played through Bioshock fairly quickly, haven't gotten to 2 yet. I do have Infinite because of PS+, excited to play it at some point haha.
    I've put together separate rankings for books vs movies, actually lol. For books...
    1. Goblet of Fire
    2. Chamber of Secrets
    3. Philosopher's Stone
    4. Order of the Phoenix
    5. Deathly Hallows
    6. Half-Blood Prince
    7. Prisoner of Azkaban
    And movies...
    1. Deathly Hallows Part 1
    2. Prisoner of Azkaban
    3. Chamber of Secrets
    4. Goblet of Fire
    5. Philosopher's Stone
    6. Half-Blood Prince
    7. Order of the Phoenix
    8. Deathly Hallows Part 2
    Post by: Misty, Mar 4, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects
  18. Misty
    It's time for another episode of the KH-Vids Podcast!

    This week @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn are joined by member guest @lockedongamer for a chat about sequels... and we actually get to talk about Kingdom Hearts this week!

    We begin by paying our respects to Leonard Nimoy, who passed away last week at age 82. Nimoy is best known for playing Spock in the original Star Trek series, but has had an illustrious career as an actor, director, writer, and musician, and voiced Master Xehanort in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. Though we also lament the lack of Kingdom Hearts 3 news, we also acknowledge that Final Fantasy XV's demo is near, and make ourselves feel very old when we realize just how long XV has been in development.

    From there we head on to our major topic for the week! We start off by establishing what we want (and don't want) out of a sequel, and discuss a sequel's responsibility to build upon the events of the original material, but also provide an entry-point for new fans. This will be a challenge especially facing Kingdom Hearts 3, as it will be the first entry on a Microsoft console for the series, and we speculate on how that will be handled. Some of our favorite, cited sequels include Mass Effect 2, Assassin's Creed 2, and Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, and our least favorites are The Sims 4 and Batman: Arkham City.

    Returning to the context of the Kingdom Hearts series, we extend the discussion into what changes and improvements we want to see in Kingdom Hearts 3, including changes to the Gummi Ship, achieving the sense of wonder found in the original Kingdom Hearts, a deeper attention to graphics and detail, unique worlds and storylines for returning worlds, a blending of elements from past battle systems, multiple playable characters, and much, much more!

    Finally we dive into user-submitted questions! @Graxe questions our favored brands of toothpaste, @Knight of Fafnir wonders about our favorite Keyblades, @Shu brings out the anarchist in Misty, and @Quilligan asks what we thought of Life is Strange!

    We didn't really note it in the episode, but today also marks the one-year anniversary of our relaunch of the KH-Vids Podcast! Episode #39 marked a new beginning for the podcast, when we established a regular host lineup, our current format, and, perhaps most importantly, our weekly release schedule. We'd like to thank all our fans, old and new, for listening to us this past year and for participating in the podcast! It's a joy to create this episodes for you guys and I hope to see many more anniversaries in the future. To celebrate, from now on episodes of the KH-Vids Podcast will now be uploaded to our YouTube channel! We hope that this will be an accessible way for our fans to listen to our episodes, as well as bring in a whole bunch of new fans! Episode #83 can be found here.

    As always, thank you for listening, and please participate in the podcast by following the links below or leaving us a comment with your thoughts on the episode and your answers to our user-submitted questions! You can also check out our member guest, @lockedongamer, on his YouTube channel.

    View attachment 41567

    Download Episode #83 (MP3)
    Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed

    Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
    Thread by: Misty, Mar 4, 2015, 7 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  19. Misty
    Good Left Undone is a weird song for me. I dug it when the album first came out and still do like it, but it was released as a single like... a year after Sufferer released. By that point I was pretty sick of it and didn't want to hear it played endlessly on the radio (this was before I had the ability to eschew FM radio in all forms), and that ruined it for me for a while. I've warmed up to it again since.

    My ultimate Rise Against nostalgia song, however...

    This was the first Rise Against song I'd ever heard, back in 2005 or 2006, on the soundtrack of Tony Hawk's Underground. The Tony Hawk soundtracks in general were a pretty pivotal influence for me, but none more than THUG, just for this song. I'd disable all other songs on the playlist, occasionally leaving Alkaline Trio's Armageddon, but this was my song. This was back before YouTube was a big thing, so I couldn't exactly search the song up and find it easily, nor did any of the shops that stocked CDs carry some (at the time) obscure hardcore punk band. And this was back when the other bands I was into consisted of Green Day and Simple Plan (yeah. I was 10).

    Knowing my deep ardor for the song, my sister had my dad buy me Revolutions for my 11th birthday from some hole in the wall record shop on the island. I was beyond excited, I immediately popped it into our PlayStation 2 for the whole family to enjoy. We talked through Black Masks & Gasoline (which is actually now one of my favorite Rise Against songs) and then Heaven Knows came up, then Dead Ringer, then Halfway There, and I remember my dad cringing and asking if this was really what I was into and my stepmom leaving the room and my nervous smile of "yes." It was angry and loud, it frightened me, and my answer was one part just trying to feel worthy of, and cool enough for, the album and another part hearing the heaviest music I'd ever been exposed to and really liking that.

    It took me time to warm up to much of the album; Voices Off Camera, Torches, and Amber Changing became staples for me, and of course Like the Angel remained my absolute favorite, but the rest were more of a slow burn. Siren Song is a much more accessible album and it solidified my love for Rise Against, as did Sufferer when it eventually came out, but I always find myself returning to Revolutions, because of that special place it has in my memory.

    I've always had a thing for the bass guitar too, which definitely predisposed me to Rise Against, and Like the Angel in particular has such a memorable bass line. To date, every time I hear it, it just... feels like coming home, to me.

    And that's the story of how I earned some punk cred at age 11.

    It's also taught me how to give albums the time they deserve, to marinate, and for you to learn to like them. I'm in that process with a great little noise punk band right now, Perfect Pussy; I grabbed their first album, Say Yes to Love, mostly because of the band name and from reading about their messages and seeing the lead singer in feminist media, and I didn't get it. It all sound like static, incoherent vocals, and erratic instrumentation. I'm still growing to like it (I have lost all desire for feeling, their EP and first release, helped), but when I first went through and was immediately turned off, I had to stop myself and think back to Revolutions.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 4, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  20. Misty
    Aww I really like Ready to Fall haha. That might be nostalgia though.

    Minor Threat (Minor Threat Cover) by Rise Against

    Post by: Misty, Mar 3, 2015 in forum: The Playground