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  1. Misty
    I had some free time tonight and used it to play around with this. As you'll see below, YouTube embeds look (mostly) the same...

    Really, it's somewhat of a trick. We're actually just displaying a box with the video's thumbnail, title, and a play button, which takes very little time to load, at least compared to a standard YouTube video embed. When you click the box, however, then the actual YouTube embed will load and begin playing. It's still the same number of clicks on your part, but think of it as a sort of opt-in system -- you only have to waste your time loading the embeds that you want to see.

    Most threads won't see much of a difference, as just loading one or two YouTube embeds per page is pretty snappy. Threads like The "What Song Are You Listening to Now?" Thread, however, which typically has ten or twenty YouTube videos per page, will load much faster now. I ran PageSpeed analyses on various pages of the thread and found each page now loaded in about half the time.

    If you encounter any issues, please report them. The biggest one is that some thumbnails don't load properly -- they just display the YouTube default, which is a gray ellipsis. This isn't really an issue on our end, but YouTube's, but even so, I'll keep an eye out for a fix. Even if the thumbnail fails to load, though, clicking the frame will still fetch you the video.

    Edit: Aaaand in posting this, I've noticed that videos aren't centering properly with this! Will patch that up, shouldn't be anything big.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 24, 2015 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  2. Misty
  3. Misty
    I'm honestly in shock every time an Adam Sandler movie comes out. I don't think I've ever found him funny, but I thought culturally we'd moved on from him... lo and behold, though, apparently he's still getting work.

    It's a nice idea but looks like just another family film that'll be quickly forgotten.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 21, 2015 in forum: Movies & Media
  4. Misty
    I was actually very meh on Satsuki around where you are in the series, too. Now I cry about her on the regular. **** happens.

    I've yet to watch Gurren Lagann despite insisting I will, but hey I've rewatched KLK like four times by now.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 21, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Misty
    I mean, even amidst my love for it, I recognize that it's definitely not for everyone. The humor crosses lines that I'm not okay with sometimes and of course there's the matter of the outfits, and I don't blame people if those things turn them off. I'm also not very into anime so I can't compare it to anything, really. But the music is awesome and I think the animation is extremely satisfying, it's funny and over the top and ridiculous and heartbreaking. Where you're at right now, **** hasn't really gotten real yet -- imo the fight club episode is, like I said, the first time you really realize that there's a very emotional heart to the show. After that it kinda snaps back again, but pretty much everything on from the Naturals Elections I'd include as the 'major plot' of the show & it's around then that I think the show really reaches its stride.

    Plus the twists. Ooooh the twists.

    I love this because it works as both a reaction image and an explanation.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 21, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Misty
    Real talk. In a way I'm not even upset Spam has been a bit dead lately bc there's interesting stuff going on elsewhere.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 20, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Misty
    I have SO MANY emotions about KLK, few of which I can articulate, but I believe that episode 7 is the fight club episode which was huge on selling me on it. The major plot doesn't pick up for a little while but the fight club episode really showcases how the show can still be really emotional. The episode wrecked me, basically, in a good way, and it was a similar ride from there. I'd recommend watching to that point before you quit.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 20, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Misty
    In the last few days I finished House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. It's somewhat of a personal triumph -- I've wanted to read it for years but was constantly too afraid to. It took me longer than I'd care to admit to get through it (both out of laziness and, occasionally, fear), but I'm glad I plugged through. Really phenomenal, very experimental and post-modern. I'm sure I'll be re-reading it plenty in the future.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 19, 2015 in forum: Literature
  9. Misty
    View attachment 41653


    Convenience is a big part of it for me, too -- it's just easier and more enjoyable to play things on my PS4. I'm not rich enough to buy everything that is re-released for that reason, but for one of my favorite games, I don't feel too bad. Switching between the soundtracks is a big selling point for me too, they desecrated the Besaid Island theme and I want it back. I love Amano's art as well and will be happy to have physical copies of it, small as they may be (though I also like the cover for the PS3 release).
    Post by: Misty, Mar 19, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  10. Misty
  11. Misty
    It's not a huge surprise given that it's Nomura's brainchild. It doesn't really leak into Kingdom Hearts, given the lighthearted nature of it, but Nomura is pretty into punk & goth fashion as I recall.
    Definitely recommend, especially if you like X-Files.
    I have a lot of feelings about Skyler -- I definitely agree that she's annoying. But she's also my favorite character.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 19, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Misty
    ahhh I really need to get on the SU train, but my sister and I want to watch it together and she has like two jobs and goes to school full time lol
    I'm not familiar with the shows in question but I agree with you that it's frustrating when something problematic is portrayed and people defend and, in some cases, love it -- it reminds me of when the last season of Breaking Bad was airing, people kept coming out of the woodwork talking about how Walt is an alright dude and defending him. It made me really sick (especially given the overlap these people had with Skyler-haters -- Skyler is by no means a saint, but a lot of the anger directed towards her is absolutely misogynistic, especially when the same people turn around and praise Walt). It's an issue that shows constantly face when they tackle difficult subjects.

    To some degree, I think it is a responsibility of the showrunners to portray things properly. For example, and without getting into too spoiler-y territory, Downton Abbey's fourth season had one of the female characters raped in an incredibly unsettling scene. I'm quite sensitive to rape scenes in general (I walked out of Girl With the Dragon Tattoo after one, I was into the movie but the rape scenes were too much for me to handle) but this was really horrific, especially for network television. Even in the shock of it (and the sadness, the character who was raped is one of my favorites and her actress did a phenomenal job), I was somewhat excited; Downton hadn't gone to complete **** at that point, and I thought it could turn into an interesting look at how rape and rape victims were treated in the 1920s, especially considering that Downton is no stranger to examining women's place in society (the first and second seasons were almost entirely about it). Unfortunately, the writers handled it abysmally, and the rape became more about how the victim's husband dealt with it rather than her. When treading complicated topics, writers have to be very careful, and I think that it's often important that they call out problematic behavior of characters, or at least make it clear that it is problematic -- because to leave it unexcused and unmentioned can send the message to viewers that it's totally okay. It's something Adventure Time does constantly and that I love it for, particularly with PB. She's an incredibly complex character who manipulates basically everyone and generally does some hella questionable things. She's been called on it before (and it's part of what I love about her relationship with Marceline), but never more so than in The Cooler. It makes it easier for me to say that I love Peebles, because the show has made it clear that she does ****** things -- and I'm allowed to like her in spite of them, because she has redeemable qualities and her bad behavior has been called out (and she's worked on changing it). I don't love PB and deny those things, they're part of the complexity of her character which I also love.

    Now of course, people are allowed to interpret and find defensible reasons for characters' actions. Returning to Breaking Bad, one can easily argue that Walt went into the drug business for noble reasons (even though I personally disagree with that, but that's another story). One can appreciate the character of Walter White as a great achievement from a writing and an acting standpoint. I love Walter White as a character. I hate Walter White as a person. Breaking Bad is a lot about moral ambiguity and relativism so I understand why there would be some gray area, but I'm similarly mystified by the cult-like worshiping of Walt. I mean, Jesse's scenes in the latter half of season five really drive home how emotionally manipulative Walt has been towards him.

    But yeah, point being, I get what you're saying -- it's frustrating when people mindlessly consume entertainment and don't critically think about it -- it needs to be balanced, which is another thing Adventure Time does really well, there are episodes you can just enjoy and have fun with and ones that you could write a dissertation about. To an extent I don't think it's entirely people's fault, as we aren't raised in a society that encourages critical analysis (one of the major failings of the American education system), and oftentimes showrunners too do not lead people towards it. It's also a problem of Twitter, which limits you to 140 characters -- there's not enough space to explain your thoughts on a complex idea or character. But I like to encourage people to think and I like shows that encourage people to think -- and it's disappointing when people don't take the opportunity or, in some cases, completely miss the point.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 18, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Misty
    I can't say I'm terribly familiar with his original stuff or his collabs (will check out some of the ones you posted), but he did a rap to one of my favorite Emancipator songs that I really dig.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 18, 2015 in forum: Music
  14. Misty
    The KH-Vids Podcast coming back at you, on Tuesday!

    Joined by @Plums, the KH-Vids Podcast crew ( @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn ) sit down to cover two of gaming's biggest conferences/events, GDC and PAX East, and all of the exciting announcements to come out of them!

    We begin by discussing the enormous presence of virtual reality at the events, the neat demos and specific information Sony dropped about their VR headset, the Morpheus. We follow the Sony track by highlighting the features coming to the PlayStation 4 in their 2.50 firmware. From there, we mention some of Microsoft's announcements and @Misty once again gripes about Fable Legends. Valve had some time in the spotlight as well, with their new lineup of Steam Machines and the Steam Link, their new streaming box. Following those tech giants, we cover some of the smaller announcements that interest us specifically, including (but not limited to!) the Maxis shutdown, Shadow of Mordor being named Game of the Year, Metal Gear Solid V and the PS4 port of the Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster's release date, and Rock Band 4!

    Next up we answer user-submitted questions! @Graxe asks what we do if fungal growths appeared on our bodies, @Shu wants to know our favorite nationality, @Quilligan poses the harrowing question of our Favorite Video Game Of All Time™, and @Misty has the group reminisce over some Rock Band memories. Finally, we congratulate @Sebax on his Top 5 victory!

    Thanks everyone for listening and please participate in the podcast by leaving us a comment or following the links below!

    View attachment 41650

    Download Episode #84 (MP3)
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    Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
    Thread by: Misty, Mar 17, 2015, 5 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  15. Misty
    u old grl
    Post by: Misty, Mar 15, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Misty
    Light Leaves, Dark Sees by Los Campesinos!

    I want you here as naked as a Christmas tree,
    left up until the second week of February.
    It's like your hand in my hair was just meant to be,
    you are my angel, now come sit atop of me.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 15, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  17. Misty
    Post by: Misty, Mar 14, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Misty
    The only way to tell would be to disable your add-ons / run Firefox in safe mode and check. I use Firefox, though, and have no problems with the editor.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 14, 2015 in forum: Technology
  19. Misty
    Unless the person who tried it on was actively lactating there's nothing to fear from touching a bra. It's just skin. Underwear obviously is a different story but most stores instruct you to try it on over your actual underwear... which of course some won't do, but I've never actually tried on a pair of underwear either.

    The clothes you buy have also probably been worn by several other people, and yet most people will wear new clothes out without washing them. I'm a bit too obsessed with hygiene myself but I don't tend to get squicked out by clothing.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 12, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Misty
    Post by: Misty, Mar 11, 2015 in forum: Technology