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  1. Misty
    IV by Perfect Pussy

    I have a habit of telling extravagant lies;
    Ask anyone, they'll tell you
    So why didn't I come forward?
    Why didn't I?
    Ha ha ha, I deserve to be hurt like that
    Ha ha ha, it's so funny isn't it?
    Oh, why didn't I come forward?
    It's not your fault that I didn't feel safe
    Post by: Misty, Mar 31, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  2. Misty
    Oh yeah I'd play on my PS4, my laptop is okay but I've already overheated it my fair share and I'd rather not take any chances. I always feel bad dropping into a series midway through, even if you don't need to have played the previous games to play Inquisition (different protagonist and everything), but I suppose if I liked Inquisition enough I'd go back and play the others.

    Either way I probably shouldn't be buying any more games lol
    Post by: Misty, Mar 30, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Misty
    Interference Fits by Perfect Pussy

    I met my despair at midday light and it was amazing and I almost cried.
    Nothing that comes and goes is you, but you can compensate for love's sake
    And say yes, and make something together,
    Something new.

    EVEN BETTER LIVE THAN I EVER COULD HAVE DREAMED OR IMAGINED, also bought a tee shirt with these lyrics on it
    Post by: Misty, Mar 30, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  4. Misty
    I'm a fan of Mass Effect but never had much interest in Dragon Age, science fiction/space fantasy is just more my style. DA:I is so damn pretty tho, makes me want to give it a try
    Post by: Misty, Mar 30, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Misty
    i would wear mcnugget pjs
    Post by: Misty, Mar 30, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Misty
    Hold shift while you resize things and your image editor will constrain the proportions. If you really like this image of the BBS characters, there's a pretty hi-res one available, albeit without the white background.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 30, 2015 in forum: Art Shop
  7. Misty
    i was going to reply to this thread with serious music but **** YOU CYNICAL PEOPLE
    Post by: Misty, Mar 30, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Misty
    I by Perfect Pussy

    Post by: Misty, Mar 27, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  9. Misty
    Actually playing the video games that I own? Clearly you do not know me at all, Haya.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 27, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects
  10. Misty
    Do You Really Wanna Know Why Yr Still In Love With Me? by Joanna Gruesome

    Post by: Misty, Mar 25, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  11. Misty
    Wednesday episode because we had some server troubles last night!

    This week @Kairi ♥ joins @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn to share her experience with the Final Fantasy XV demo that released with the PS4 remaster of Final Fantasy Type-0. We begin, as always, by mentioning what little Kingdom Hearts news and updates we have, which includes speculation on what we'll see later this year at D23 Expo Japan 2015.

    From there we go through the entirety of the demo, which focuses on the main cast of characters saving money to fix their car by hunting down Behemoth. We cover our thoughts on the gameplay, which borrows heavily from the Kingdom Hearts series, technical issues within the demo, our thoughts on the characters and voice acting, the Ramuh summon, and how the demo has helped (or hurt) our feelings about the long-anticipated title.

    Next up, we answer user-submitted questions! @Shu asks us where babies come from, an anonymous sender asks what non-video game franchises we'd like to see enter the gaming medium, and @Graxe teases @Misty about her struggles with Seymour Flux in Final Fantasy X.

    Thanks everyone for listening, and please participate in the podcast by either following the links below or leaving us a comment with your thoughts on the demo and your answers to our user-submitted questions!

    View attachment 41675

    Download Episode #85 (MP3)
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    Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
    Thread by: Misty, Mar 25, 2015, 1 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  12. Misty

    so uh

    PRETTY COOL, glad to see ya around rissy. i love it when ppl drop back in and then when they stay forever
    Post by: Misty, Mar 25, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Misty
    jesse pinkman smokes crystal meth so now i do!!
    Post by: Misty, Mar 25, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Misty
    If they did release a complete collection on the PS4, I would hope they'd do what they've done for the upcoming FFX/X-2 PS4 remaster for the resolution. It's technically running at a resolution higher than 1080p. Neither of the HD Remixes have actually been 1080p at all, they run at 1440x810 and then are downscaled to 720p or stretched to 1080p. It's negligible when playing on most TVs but I've noticed it when pulling footage off my capture card. Still looks nice, but damn that would be a huge selling point for the collection.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 24, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Misty
    april fool's day is cancelled on khv henceforce because i know there will never be anything greater than adult cat finder
    Post by: Misty, Mar 24, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Misty
    REALiTi by Grimes

    Oh, baby, every morning there are mountains to climb
    Taking all my time
    Oh, when I get up, this is what I see:
    Welcome to reality.

    Honestly can't wait to hear the redone track when it's released, if only just so I can have an official MP3. Love this so much.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 24, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  17. Misty
    Post by: Misty, Mar 24, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Misty
    Does his shirt say USSR?
    Post by: Misty, Mar 24, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Misty
    The level of racism and Islamophobia in America is absurd; I'm not surprised by this news, but still definitely upset. We're pretty xenophobic in general, as a country, and that's of course exasperated by the skewed view we have of Islam and, by extension, Middle Eastern and Arabic culture. I do feel somewhat obligated to explain that, despite New York being a liberal state, many of the areas upstate are straight out of the south -- but the burden of responsibility still falls on all of American to correct our prejudices.

    As someone who is pursuing a career in education, I'm similarly mystified that we still say the Pledge of Allegiance in classrooms. The contents of it completely notwithstanding, it's a terrifying example of nationalism that we're force-feeding our children every day. I stopped saying it in elementary school but still, without fail, every morning we were expected to at least stand for it, and not saying it was frowned upon. And then onto the contents, well, so much for keeping church and state separate ("one nation under God"), and it's incredibly ironic here that we're saying "liberty and justice for all" then persecuting an entire group of people.

    I support rewriting the Pledge and removing it from schools, but obviously that doesn't strike at the heart of the issue here.
    Post by: Misty, Mar 24, 2015 in forum: Current Events
  20. Misty
    Rock by Cloud Nothings

    bury me with this song
    Post by: Misty, Mar 24, 2015 in forum: The Playground