JUST TRY TO STOP ME I'm actually really pleased with the trailer, even if I agree that it's somewhat dishonest in showing primarily the FMVs. The PS3 remaster trailers gave away the (huge) spoiler that Yuna's pilgrimage meant sacrificing herself. I understand these are remasters and a lot of people already know that, but there are also a lot of people who never played FFX that I try to coerce into buying the remasters and it sucks if they're spoiled.
I have an Elgato and use my HP laptop with it. Does it get the job done? Sure, but not very well. Some of the features of the program are disabled simply by system specs, editing and rendering take forever, and oh god the overheating. I bought the laptop two years ago and, while I did look for good specs (I'm a computer nerd), I was mostly buying the laptop for school and web browsing. Disk speed sucks on most sub-$1000 laptops (they use 5400rpm drives to lower the power consumption), the processors aren't great, and few of them have a dedicated GPU. I've made it work but if I had the money to get a desktop, I absolutely would. It sounds like you could use a new computer, LPing or not. If you're comfortable with going for a desktop, then you absolutely should -- mobility was a big factor for me, being a commuting college student, but laptops in general are becoming less and less relevant in today's industry. $500 is an okay amount for a budget build, and I'll throw in my vote for building your own. If you're not comfortable doing it yourself, see if you can find a friend to help or supervise, but it really is dead simple. You do have to consider however the "extras" of the budget -- do you need a monitor? Keyboard? Mouse? Operating system? That'll eat into your budget, but I'm sure we can help you to put together a build. Pre-built is obviously appealing upfront but you'll be able to suck a lot more life out of a custom built PC. Not only that, but it's actually ideal for your situation: you'll have more control over your specs, which means better performance for making LPs, but if you find you are getting serious about doing LPs and really enjoy it, you can upgrade the machine down the line with more expensive parts (and for better performance). If you do abandon the hobby after a while, you'll still have a good PC on your hands that you really didn't sink much money into (I imagine you'd be spending $500 on a prebuilt machine anyway). As a side note, too, if you do abandon the LP dream, Elgatos and Yetis have a pretty high resale value if you take good care of them.
It's been ages since I played YGO and I was never good, but god damn that's a pretty nice interface. The last time I played a YGO game it looked like this:
i was going to like this post but it felt like, weird and inappropriate, but i (would have) meant it as supportive but I'll just reply sending a lot of love. not sure what else to say, other than it blows, but feel free to rant, people are listenin'
Oh I enjoy the Directs as well, I think they're a fun way to present information and Nintendo always does a fantastic job with them. Unfortunately, I think their lack of a more traditional (and accessible) conference at events like E3 affects their visibility. If they need a big announcement at E3, which I think they do, a new Pokemon would be a good option! After the disaster surrounding Other M I can see why they'd be hesitant to touch the franchise again, which is a damn shame. Oh for sure, the Wii was huge. It was a game-changer for the industry. I make fun of the codename because it just made it so awkward to talk about it! I don't either, but the holiday 2016 release window sounds pretty secure to me unless there's some sort of unexpected problem or delay. Yeah that's the thing, it would be a big risk to take but I actually trust Nintendo with it because they've been such innovators in the past (like with the Wii). It would also probably get me to buy into Nintendo again, too (last Nintendo console I owned was a DS). I definitely think that's the right path for Nintendo. I just sort of associate Majora's Mask with home consoles, I guess! I just think of the N64 and so I think a remaster should also be on a home console lol I'll also use this post to say there will be no podcast this week! We were planning to record today but I woke up with a nasty cold & sore throat which obviously would prevent me from hosting. We'll be back next week! On a similar note, we're planning to do a Order 1886 spoilercast, so if you've played it please shoot me a message if you want to guest!
'Cause I've heard a million times, "what's gonna get you there?" And I've said a million times, "I don't know, who cares?"
This also. Taking Square and Dissidia out of the equation, Disney has their collaborative universe in Disney Infinity -- which is notably not a fighting game, but seems to indicate, to me at least, that Disney doesn't really want their heroes pitted against one another. And even if not, they might not have intentions to add Kingdom Hearts to Infinity now or ever, but Disney can also be stingy about their properties.
Does Nintendo include many multi-plat characters in Smash Bros? Obviously Kingdom Hearts has been on Nintendo consoles before (the GBA, DS, and 3DS), so I don't think that licensing would necessarily be an issue, but I thought they mostly stuck to first-party additions. I also haven't played a Smash game in ages, though, so I could be wrong. That and I doubt Square would be too liberal about lending their characters out when they have their own massive Smash Bros-esque series (Dissidia), even if Kingdom Hearts has yet to appear in it. I hate to **** on the fun but this is always what comes to mind when the prospect of Sora in Smash games comes up (which, it has before).
Will have to give her a download then. Right now I'm pretty into indie/art rock and noise punk but when I start feeling a genre jump I'll head over into FKA Twigs. Because it's hard to say no, yeah it's hard to say no, Think you'll be okay but you really should have known, and it's hard to say no, it's hard to say no, you think you'll be okay until you're laying on the floor.
Rainmeter has a variety of weather skins available; it's more or less the standard for desktop displays on Windows PCs and incredibly customizable to boot. Don't waste your time trying to fix MS's gadgets.
A podcast episode? On time!? This week @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn are joined by @al215 and @Llave to discuss some of the recent news coming out of Nintendo in the past few days. Their new Legend of Zelda title, slated for release on the Wii U, has been pushed back into 2016 and will not make an appearance at E3 in June, they're entering the smartphone market in a partnership with popular Japanese developer DeNA, and are working on a new mystery console codenamed the Nintendo NX. Given their precarious state in the gaming market, and continuous decline in the last few years, could Nintendo be headed for trouble? Only time will tell! We also pay a quick homage to Hideo Kojima's forthcoming departure from Konami and wonder what that will mean for the Metal Gear Solid series. As always, we answer user-submitted questions! @Shu gets spiritual with us, @Graxe pitches the plot to Castaway, and @Amaury asks about our first gaming experiences. Thanks everyone for listening! Please support and participate in the KH-Vids Podcast by leaving us a comment, answering our user-submitted questions, submitting to be a guest, or sending in questions of your own! View attachment 41710 Your browser does not support the audio element. Download Episode #86 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to podcast@kh-vids.net!
1. sex criminals 2. i'm not
Been meaning to check out FKA Twigs! Glad to have the Lithium endorsement (presumably) :B Driver by Perfect Pussy Lies like 'I will be protected' Lies like 'death might forget me' Like 'home is where I'm never invited' Like 'my voice provides a light' Like 'I can have everything I want before I die'
I interviewed Phil Snyder that one time so I guess I theoretically met Pinocchio's conscience too.
Podcast questions will now also be sent to you via personal conversation in an automatically generated message, just like staff apps.
In these times of darkness and uncertainty, I would like to nominate @Krowley to assume the voice acting responsibilities of Master Xehanort. Really though, I don't know much about voice acting or who's out there -- but I imagine they will replace Master Xehanort with either another high-profile voice actor, or simply grab someone who can imitate Nimoy well. I wasn't a fan of Master Xehanort's voice (though of course I respect Nimoy and what they were going for) and as such, I wouldn't mind a change.
honestly might watch better call saul just becos of him
There's absolutely no shame in dropping a class. The thing your parents have to understand is that college doesn't operate like high school; because you're paying to go, rather than receiving a compulsory education, the professors really don't give a **** whether you pass or not. Some are nice and offer extra credit opportunities, retakes, etc., but most don't. If you fall behind, you fall behind, and at a certain point -- which, halfway into the semester might be -- you can't turn that around. And that's okay. The first semester of college is rough, adjusting to the new format of classes and homework and learning to motivate yourself. You need time to figure out how to be a student again, because what flew in high school might be a total disaster now. I always remind friends and acquaintances that it's okay to drop a class, especially your first few semesters, while you're still figuring out your ideal workload. My first semester I dropped a Public Speaking course for a variety of reasons, but a major one being that I was taking six classes and just going bananas trying to keep up with all of them. Once I did, it was a workload I didn't have to worry about, and I started to do better in the classes that I could now dedicate more time to. I was also in a similar situation to you that semester -- I was taking Calculus and having a really tough time of it. I'd start to understand things in class and occasionally in the homework, but come test time, I was lost. I managed to scrape by with a C+ (which dragged down my GPA that semester), but as an English/Education major, I really didn't need to be taking Calculus at all. I was placed in it because I'd taken Calculus in high school, but the math requirement could have been filled by other, easier classes. It's sweet of you to want to please and impress your parents, but not at the cost of yourself. If you choose to drop the class, you will probably have to tell them (especially if they know you're struggling in it and they check up on your schooling), but you're an adult in college now. Be upfront and adult with them -- you were struggling in the class, there was nothing you could do to pass, and you dropped it so you could focus on your other courses. It's not a decision you made lightly and you've learned a lot from it; come time to take another math course (whether it's Calc or you're able to take something else better suited to you -- I found Statistics enjoyable), you will do better. Good luck!
Sleep Talk by Potty Mouth