Oh that sucks! I'm happy to say I haven't had issues with my launch PS4, hopefully it's like the PS3 where some thermal paste can solve some heat...
It's a good game! Our podcast this week will actually be on it, so you can definitely share your thoughts on it when the episode goes up. I think,...
My boyfriend and I were in a flirtationship for like a month before sealing the deal lol. I imagine that's fairly typical experience, especially for people who begin as friends. It's frustrating being there but it's also sort of fantastic in its own way, too.
flirting is impossible like it's always "are you just bored or being nice or are you actually for some mysterious reason into me"
Just to be clear everyone, I don't want this thread to be a discussion about whether or not you feel this feature is worthwhile nor about gender. The feature is here, and staying, and we put efforts in to ensure that those who (for whatever their reasons may be and whether or not I or anyone else personally agree with them) would experience virtually no interruption to their time on the site -- their previous gender selection is imported and the most they'll have to deal with is seeing other people's selections. As for discussions on gender and social justice, you guys know i'm all for them, and so if anyone does have questions or wants to open a conversation about them, I would just request that we do so within the Discussion section. That way, we're all understood on the rules of engagement, we're encouraging people to make calm, thought-out responses (some posts have been removed from this thread for language etc.), and it's easier for the staff to moderate. Thanks everyone. I won't be answering any questions regarding release plans or giving any specifics. Assume the answer is always "when it's ready," even when it doesn't fit the question asked -- that's the mindset.
We are working on a new style for the site which will include a lot of interface improvements, it's a very big project though and takes a lot of time. Issues people may have navigating the site on mobile are really helpful to post about so that they can be corrected -- I personally haven't experienced any of what you've said on mobile, but if you can grab some screens / describe in more detail what you're referring to here in the feedback section, I will definitely look into it.
I am so hype First of all, Alex! I knew she'd be returning but I am firmly in the "I love Alex Vause" camp and I am never leaving it. I imagine Ruby Rose will take on a somewhat antagonistic force for at least Piper and Alex, as there's supposedly a love triangle situation going on there. There's also the issue of the drug lord guy -- Alex seemed pretty rough in the trailer. We already know he's after her, whether that will extend to prison remains to be seen but Alex is definitely in some trouble. Also really happy that Lori Petty will be in this season! Lastly, it looks like Nicky is getting out (she's shown in street clothes and that's probably why Lorna is crying at the window). I'll be really upset if she leaves the show, even if I can't see a way around it -- I have faith in her to maintain her sobriety and I don't think the show can afford to, for a third time, release a character only to bring them back a few episodes later (Taystee and Alex have both gone around the prison conveyer belt). That said, it's always an opportunity to critique how difficult it is for ex-cons and how so many do end up in prison (which they did with Taystee, but that was more of an economic and racial perspective -- Nicky's I imagine would be based on drugs and addiction).
Fireworks by Animal Collective I was eating with a good friend who said "a genie made me out of the earth's skin," But in spite of her she is my birth kin, She spits me out in her surly blood rivers.
We're imposing a character limit on the Gender field to combat possible abuse. Those who edited their gender to exceed that have had it blanked out. We understand some people are just having a laugh, but we won't hesitate to take action against those who abuse these fields. Yes, by gender we're referring to the societal definition & construct. You're right in that it is a complicated subject, so we've adapted exactly that mindset: tell us what you want to be called.
KH-Vids Presents... More Inclusive Gender Options! Marked as Implemented.
Thanks to a suggestion by @Sebax and the hard work of @libregkd, we're really excited to roll out a new feature to our site. For years now, users have been able to specify their gender in their profiles; the gender options, however, have been limited to 'Male' or 'Female'. While there has also been the third option of 'Unspecified,' these options reflect a very limited view of gender and supports a gender binary that would potentially exclude many of our members. View attachment 41805 This system has been replaced with a new, fill-in-the-blank type field. When filling out your profile, you can fill in the Gender field with whatever fits your identity. The field will present you with autocomplete suggestions... ... but if none of them match up with your gender identity, you can input a custom value. The field will automatically fill with your existing option (for example -- I had previously selected 'Female,' and that has been imported into the new field), so if you don't see a need to update, no worries! Naturally, we have also added an option for users to specify their pronouns. View attachment 41806 Both of these fields can be edited by heading over to your Personal Details page. These options will display in various areas of the site, for easy reference, like the information tab of your profile... View attachment 41809 On member cards... View attachment 41810 And next to your posts, with a fancy tooltip for checking pronouns! View attachment 41811 We hope these changes will make KH-Vids a more inclusive environment by design, and want to urge our users to please take these fields seriously. Not sure what all these terms mean? That's okay! There are plenty of pages on the internet that break them down for you. Do a little research, and open up your conception of gender. If you have any problems or questions regarding these changes, feel free to reply! Notably, a conflict with our Social Groups add-on has cropped up, which has been temporarily disabled.
These restrictions seem focused on individual households and citizens -- which is fine. In a drought, everyone should cut back, for obvious reasons. But we need restrictions to be placed on the bottled water industry, particularly the companies based in California. Coca-Cola, for example, who releases bottled water under the Dasani brand, uses "1.63 liters of water for every liter of beverage produced in California." In simpler terms, that basically means that they literally use more water than they are producing. It's an unsustainable business model that also pollutes our environment between the costs of transportation and the leftover bottles. Stricter regulations need to be placed on Coca-Cola, Nestlé, Aquafina, and Arrowhead in particular, who are either based in or get a lot of their water from drought zones like California. These restrictions actually work in their favor, as residents will gradually turn to purchasing bottled water to supplement the limits placed on their municipal sources. Furthermore, fracking also uses quite a bit of water, as does agriculture. The latter is somewhat unavoidable (though I'm sure could be made more efficient), but imposing heavier incentives and initiatives to switch to green energy sources would eliminate fracking. But hey, this is America. Of course our legislation would punish the people in favor of corporations and big business.
Aaron Paul and racing movies are like, entirely my interests. I don't watch these sorts of flicks for great story or acting or anything. They're good novelty films when you want to just turn off your brain and have fun for two hours.
I can't wait to see Furious 7, I need to binge the preceding movies beforehand though. I'll probably throw the Need for Speed movie in there too. A lot of people come out of the theater in tears though, it's pretty fun to watch.
If they have copyrights you could end up in some legal trouble for using a similar name. Any other ideas?
I'm no pro at logo design, but I can tell you that modern design trends for logos and websites are moving towards flat colors and silhouettes. You have a nice shape going on here that will definitely be unique to your site -- but it's aged by the gradient, stroke, and drop shadow. That's fine if that's the direction you're choosing to go in, but take a look at how YouTube's logo has evolved over the years, as an example: http://logos.wikia.com/wiki/YouTube Notice that the 2005-2011 logo used a stroke on the rectangle and a gradient/light effect. In the 2011-2013 version, they toned down the gradient a bit, but added a noticeable drop shadow on the 'Tube' text. Moving on to the current logo, the gradient is hardly noticeable and there's no more drop shadow. The app icon takes advantage of the silhouette design as well. Just something to consider when you're working on this -- again, you're already ahead because you have a recognizable and unique shape going. As a more technical critique, the logo needs some cleaning up. It's not symmetrical, for example, in the last two images (not sure about the first two). Assuming you're using Illustrator, the best way to create a symmetrical logo would be to design half, mirror it, and then join the paths. Also be careful that your lines, well, line up. I circled two areas where your paths seem to be conflicting as well. View attachment 41800 If you do stick with the stroke, I'd advise keeping it consistent across the entire logo. Like I said, it's a good start! I don't mean to come off as overly picky, just trying to be helpful.
Like @libregkd said, the install base for the XBO in Japan is laughably low. I mean, the PS4 hasn't exactly been embraced by Japan either, but for a Final Fantasy title it really does not make sense to release on the Xbox. FFXIII did abysmally on the 360 and I don't see FFXV performing well on it either (while its release on PS4 will without a doubt boost PS4 sales in Japan). Porting FFX/X-2HD to the PS4 honestly seems like a weird choice to me just because the PS4 hasn't really caught on in Japan yet, but the PS3 release sold so well that I imagine they're looking to leech as much out of the title as possible, combined with the rumors of a X-3. It is a crime that FFXII hasn't been remastered yet, though. Totally with you on that.
It's why I don't really mind that the forums are slow rn (kh lulls and all), everybody in spam nowadays is the people who have been here for ages and we all kinda know each other and care about each other, at least i do, so yeah I like keeping updated with you guys lol. not in a creepy way I just feel like khv is a little family (not to say that new people can't join in too)
The manga is a treat, I didn't read much beyond the first seven volumes because they then got a lot about Duel Monsters. Early on they were just about games and gaming with your friends! It was cute and great. If you're a fan of the show, particularly its quirkier aspects, I really recommend them. Yeah I haven't bought much lately. I keep up with individual Saga issues, Marceline Gone Adrift has been a treat, and now I'll be keeping current with Sex Criminals but I don't think there's anything other than that. I tried Spider-Gwen but I just don't think I'm into the superhero thing. Nothing else has really grabbed my interest. Been meaning to read more Scott Pilgrim but money ;[ Also been looking for the first Rat Queens trade but none of the comic shops I've visited (my local one OR the ones I went to in the city, wtf) have it in stock. Oh man like lists of childhood crushes? Brock (from Pokemon), literally every YGO character (Pharaoh and Honda and Anzu)
This was on the GBA actually! It's from The Sacred Cards, which I played the **** out of. I had one for the GBC too, which was even worse in terms of UI... Some of the character art was pretty impressive though. I remember being pretty attracted to the Pharaoh... I was pretty into the show during its Duelist Kingdom and Battle City arcs and bought into the game for that reason, but I'd only ever play amongst my sisters and we were all terrible. Played some of the games too. nowadays I mostly just indulge in the manga, which is great btw. I got back into it recently! The second trade came out last month and I picked it up when I went into NYC last week. I loved the first trade and was a little afraid to read past it but holy ****, I think I might like the second one even more. Definitely pick it up. I love the covers they do, felt I had to represent.