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  1. SlvrmanX
    ....that makes me think of Jenova from FFVII lol
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. SlvrmanX
    wow...pretty strong Heartless...

    But i shouldn't really have expected any weaker ones since you do fight the really tough Organization battles at the end of the cave...
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Production Studio
  3. SlvrmanX
    Vexen forgot to use his own Enemy Card lol
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. SlvrmanX
    dang, Re:CoM looks alot tougher than regular Chain of Memories

    i wonder how difficult the final boss is gonna be...
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. SlvrmanX
    wow, Roxas fights really well...

    he lost rather quickly though lol
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Production Studio
  6. SlvrmanX
    this is great news, we so have a chance getting this game over here! also seems like my theory of the three knights has a chance after all...
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. SlvrmanX
    :eek: damn....he does ALOT of damage

    i'm gonna LOVE fighting this guy!

    ...although i'd probably die about....twelve times lol

    you know what i just thought of? Since you get to this battle through Disney Castle, that might explain how Mickey's at the end of the new secret movie...
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. SlvrmanX
    that's how it was in the first Final Mix as well (except for some characters they re-used old voice clips) they probably weren't able to get the voice actors back for the new scenes or something like that.
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. SlvrmanX
    wow, that's alot of info

    Level 99 for the Organization re-fights?! they must be pretty darn now i'm wondering exactly how strong the E.S. is....
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. SlvrmanX
    EVERYONE! this song is for the Organization battles! (the ones in KH II Final Mix, not Re:CoM)

    this is the data battle against Zexion, the player loses, but it still shows some of Zexion's moves in action.
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. SlvrmanX
    wow, Larxene's battle seems a bit annoying

    ...i still can't wait to fight her :D

    hm...i wonder what Pluto's card does...
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. SlvrmanX
    i'm honestly thinking that it takes place in the future. Because the knight that got frozen looked alot like Roxas, except older. Also, the bald guy was wearing Xehanort's Heartless's (Ansem in the first KH) outfit, except he looked pretty old so maybe Xehanort's Heartless got resurrected or something like that.

    And any of you guys remember that Heartless that guarded Xehanort's Heartless when you fought him in KH? Maybe the Heartless in this movie is a more powerful form of it. The heart in the sky at the end of the movie is most likely Kingdom Hearts, which if the bald guy IS Xehanort's Heartless then he's after Kingdom Hearts again like in the first game.

    Mickey's appearence at the end of the video makes me think that maybe he was following the bald guy or something. But if the video went any farther than i think Mickey would've probably jumped into the battle to fight the bald guy and his heartless.

    anyways, that's what i think. All i'm really hoping is that we'll be able to use the knights in the next Kingdom Hearts game (since Mickey appears in the video, it's pretty obvious he'll be in the next one as well)
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. SlvrmanX
    wow, Final Mix+ is selling REALLY well

    thanks for the song, Xaldin!
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. SlvrmanX
    wow, that was a REALLY awesome video!

    i'm honestly thinking that it takes place in the future. Because the knight that got frozen looked alot like Roxas, except older. Also, the bald guy was wearing Xehanort's Heartless's (Ansem in the first KH) outfit, except he looked pretty old so maybe Xehanort's Heartless got resurrected or something like that.

    And any of you guys remember that Heartless that guarded Xehanort's Heartless when you fought him in KH? Maybe the Heartless in this movie is a more powerful form of it. The heart in the sky at the end of the movie is most likely Kingdom Hearts, which if the bald guy IS Xehanort's Heartless then he's after Kingdom Hearts again like in the first game.

    Mickey's appearence at the end of the video makes me think that maybe he was following the bald guy or something. But if the video went any farther than i think Mickey would've probably jumped into the battle to fight the bald guy and his heartless.

    anyways, that's what i think. All i'm really hoping is that we'll be able to use the knights in the next Kingdom Hearts game (since Mickey appears in the video, it's pretty obvious he'll be in the next one as well)
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Mar 29, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. SlvrmanX
    this song sounds like it's for the Roxas battle or the E.S. battle
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Mar 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates