i love warcraft BOOOOO QUEERNESS
i have an MSN but im not going to tell you!!!!!!!!!!!
its on paint
i know:( *i laugh* iv been out of school for like a long time now
*licking the ice cream* this is good. what flavor is it? i cant get this really funny picture into this sig but you would laugh:D
i hate doing reports. CURSE YOU THAT DUMB GREECE REPORT!!! I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all better!:D that was the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and he asked what kind of a name is la soifa?
2nd what? nobody tells me these things!!!
i saw that and i laughed
have you guys seen the in my pants thread yet? its sweet
frankenstien in your pants kryptonite in your pants
i could draw these but i cant get them onto my sig because my file thing is to big. but i did my avatr
Baby got back in not my pants
this is probably the most popular thread. 10852
confortly numb in my pants
what is the deal with this 3rd game? I heard thats its to do with kingdom hearts, the org., and that the game doesnt include sora, kiairi, roxas, riku, and ansem. Comment please
i hated the iguna thing from deep jungle. it probably took me literaly 150 tries:(
i drew my avatar
heak ya! All your friend will be jealous! Tell them you have the coolest pet!
it just seems like theres no tomorrow when your bored. a minute can seem like an hour, a second can seem like a minute............