It's a small world in your pants. 0_o
aww,no prob~ : D Happy Days- Otsuka Ai
Yesh,she did. it's called 'Flavor of life' !! I love it! Atrevete- Calle 13
Utada Hikaru~ <3 love her songs, i heard she is making a new Album in english. ! I got all of her Jap. & English Cds,and singles~ : 3
got 'bout 104 J-pop songs. > D Teaser Feat.Clench&Blistah -Koda Kumi
I love j-pop too! : D WHACHAGONADO?-SOULHEAD
卒業写真 - Ikimono Gakari
Lucky Peeps~ ^^'
ME talking bout FM+ & Re:cOm ((This isn't the one i found,but it is talking bout the same.)) ((This one i just found..Just go down to Final Mix+)) Well that's really i've got....i couldn't find me website. U_U sorry. but lots of peeps are saying 'bout KH Final Mix+ FALL. <--- Type it in....I hope i didn't put donw your hopes. Puls i also tired looking for websites in spanish...(I also know spanish jajaja) but there were not much. but keep believing! and don't hate me! D : (and sorry 4 bad english) Plzzzz!! dont shave my head!! D: No,i'm not a god. But it be cool. i said i was 90% sure... -sniff- but i do believe the game will be out!....(I already have it....) But I'm just saying for the peeps here. ......Well i Hope I'm right! Me glad that I made Mr.Mime found a new strenght! : D
Well,I can't remember the website but i think i Faved,the Website. Let me see if i can find,it. (me have a tons of Faves webs) I'll Post later,with the website. ; )
Pure True !! !!! :3 I wonder why they put so much hints,that Kh2 has Gayness in it. Lol This game should have been Rated (0T-M?) Yaoiness!
Deperessed??! What's that???...Sorry! to for my low english skills! !! D :
Welcome! ! !! ^^ Have lots of fun,like i'm having!! ; )
Don't have to be harsh,Mime~ xD It's coming out FALL~ I live in Japan,so i am 90% positive. I remember seeing this information in a don't cha worry~ I bet i'll out into australia. too~! ^^ sorry for my bad english! D :
Awww! Arigatoh! <---(thank you) u're so nice,well i never thought i was pretty.Lot of peoples,told me that I do,cuz i have green eyes.and a light tan~ : D I thought I just look normal. lol Thankx by the way~
Welcome!! <3 nice to meet you here too~ i'm new here,too.but i'av been a loong lurker. > 3 have tons of fun here~~
What are these used for? and how do ya use them? Ps: I'm NOT very good at games my self. D: plz,don't kill me!
歓迎! I'm a n00b too,well been a lurker for a loong time. > 3 lol <3 have fun~
歓迎! Raito! 私 L!! > D ....私は見る好むデスノート!! x3 そう私は! yohkoso !! 私は感じる幸せ見るため日本人。 ~L Have Fun,here!! x3
歓迎私はRika Ryuo である! 会うため! また新しいここに。 >3 Have Fun here!