When Sora,got punched in the face. ^^ funny y sad. xD
MODE: Easy BEATEN?? : Nope. TT_TT do i suck.... I canot beat the boss... -cries- im not meant to play video games.
BLEACH !! = D Waaay better then Naruto ! (to me)
I love to Skate !! who dont? I always fall,off my skate board... x ( but i'm praticing.
Awww,you look pretty ! like your hair ! = D it soo wavyy & shiny!! : D
has Control elements. xDD Squat Toilets are on the floor. xD (don't ask how i know) but the Squat Toilets are mostly found in the very large and pretty fancy department store, the Kieo. = ) more infomation?
Arigatoh !! x 3 Yesh, i also love Kitsune mask ! : D I love to wear it everyday x D
My avatar was my picy me. : D A close up... back side...LOL not lot of pics of me. D :
Marly: take,yo pants off... Sora: /0\ *Get's Cursed*
LOL nice man. xD
LOL. Nice. Have not seen these vids before xD
wow! that is not good,....I never thoght u would put that avatar. xD now i scared! if i get hacked !
oh my gosh ! How does the baby look like?! : D
: D Loveing story you made ! Keep up great work, is getting inresting. I want more ! take ur time.
U talking to me ? lol Yes, it is Precious Moments. Arigatoh~
^oldest Art ^Newest Art!
Love your work!! : D May I post some of mine?
Awww,what a nice thing to do,to Roxxy! .... Happy Roxxy Day~ : D
Wait a Minute -The Pussycat dolls
i never heard dubbed animes,i watch mine in japanese...do the dubbings really suck?.