I luv them! all very cute~ <33 nice job : D
cute.... i luv weddings ! ; D -tear-
^Interesting.... : P
mine japanese charcters. But i translte them! ^^ B: Loves people O: Has one of the best personalities ever K: Really silly U: Awesome kisser W: Very broad minded A: Gorgeous K: Really silly U: Awesome kisser M: makes dating fun A: Gorgeous True! True ! xD lol
me likey, not soo funny. but ok. ^^ great job
firework cake !? xD
Really not like spam.. but some times is good! = D lol
well, sister show me Kh: Com, and i thought it was dumb. but there was no other,game that interesting. so brought it. and i liked...and well dats how i got to gaming. >.<
Lol. = D some peeps,get it some do not
Kehki > Cake. thought,would be easy understand. D = just by saying it.
o_o" Will there be kehki ??
I tryed to come here fast. : 3 yay !! = D I promise meself not cry ; D lol i don't get much of weddings.. here. ^^'
says NTSC : )
Umm,no sound no picy. D :
hope i'm not interupting something. ^^" when get codebreaker, u need to add new codes? or just use the codes, it already have? I have not put codes yet. i select game: Kh2 and then out the cd,of game.and normaly it goes to meun,then i select file,i want to play. nothing comes out,just a black screem. D = Hope dat wasn't a no0b,question. if it is then -stabb- post. >.<
Code? i didnt put any code. Where do u put the code? D =
I picked the Japanese meaning: Scent of home
thankxy!! ^^ now i can beat Kh:final mix+ ! i'm barely in the middle. xD I'll use these codes when i need them. BTW: How do you use the codes?? where do u put them? D = I barely got codebreaker,and it doesn't work! ) : I put cd in,and pick kh2,then take out cd,and out kh2 game into it. and it goes normal. then i pick the file i want to play, and the screen goes Black. and nothing comes out!? (Is still trying to defeat kh2,yes i suck at video games)