Haru walked into the house and said,"Eh not bad.. Thise house is ok!".Haru smiled at her in a goofy way.
Haru said,"Im pretty messy too".Haru smiled at her again.
Haru said,"Hmm how bout we go to your house then go to a diffrent village".
Haru smiled at her and said,"You pick".
Haru started to blush and said,"Thanks".He smiled back at her.
Haru smiled at her and said,"I have no idea".
Haru kept on smiling at her and said,"I wanted to see Nuthura".
Haru smiled at Phisoxa and said,"Im just going around..".
Haru smiled at her and picked her up.Haru,"Eh you fight good".Haru smiled at her again.
Haru teleported to phisoxa with a black looking heartless arm with a keyblade in the other hand.Haru at phisoxa.
Ooc:Mind if i tele to Phisoxa?
Ooc:Ok now im seriously! Back!!! School and shizzle was in my way XDDDD so what happend in the Rp?
Haru screamed loud like when the sand shurikens hit him.Haru jumped in the air and said,"Now to finish this!".Haru made a large tidal wave of sand fly in the air.Haru slammed it to Her. OOC:I gtg Cya
Haru felt sand under him sinking.Haru canceled out the sand sphere and pulled his leg out of the sand.His leg was bleeding a little.Haru stared at his bleeding leg.Haru crossed his arms as pillars of sand started to rise out of the ground.Haru made the sand fly at her.
Haru formed a sand sphere around himself.Haru made a sand spike jump out of the ground from under her.
Haru smiled at her.The sand started to rush at her leg.The sand tries to grab her ankle.
Haru started to chuckle and said,"No.. Are you?".As Haru crossed his arms and Sand started to rise from the ground.
Haru smiled at her and said,"You dont have to pay its my pleasure".Haru paid the price thats on the bill.Haru looked at her and said,"You ready for the fight?".
Haru smiled at her and said,"Im paying".
Haru said,"Yea it does smell good".Haru started to eat the Ramen.