Haru coutinued to dance as he started to do backflips around the road.Haru yells,"This is fun! i will never be bored!!".Haru started to laugh
Haru glared at Uzon and said,"YOU SHUT UP!!".Haru coutinued to dance.He started to run around in circles while dancing like a maniac.
Haru was walking down the road in the leaf village as he was dancing wildly.He bumped into alot of people but he didn't care he was having too much fun.Haru yelled,"Life is so AWESOME!!!".
OOC:K K How do i start out?
OOC:Oye Oye I made a char but nobody answered back
((Yea and speed it up slow it down))
((Like he can control time but like he can't control it for very long he can only hold his time and space powers for 1 minute but as the story progresses he holds it longer))
Oooc:I edited it
Name:Haru Takashi Age:16 Race(quincy, human, shinigami): Shingami Powers(if human): Gender:Male Good/Evil(exiled shinigami, or just evil):Good History: pic/description:Haru had a very rough child hood.He has been figthing alot of gangsters because they always tried to steal his money.He grew up learning how to fight very properly.He now protects people with his great strength. Zanpakuto form(if you are a shinigami): Shikai name:Otaku Shikai description and power: This shikai can control time and space. Bankai name:Major Otaku Bankai description and power: This bankai has the same powers of the shikai except that his reaction time is must faster and stronger. but he ends up hurting hims self.He hasnt full mastered the bankai
OC form: Name:Haru Uzumaki Clan:Uzumaki age:11 Rank: Genin new or old shinobi:New appearance: bio:Haru is the son of Naruto Uzuamki.Eh he had a pretty simple life going to the academy to become a ninja just ike this father Naruto Uzuamki.Haru always wanted to be like his father. if you were to be a Naruto character in this RP, who?:Sasuke theme song: (I just like this, but you don't gotta do it) what group:Leaf Village
WHAT JOO TALKING ABOUT!?!.Family guy owns the simpsons very hard,It is very random that is what is funny.The reason I watch family guy is because of stewie and Peter
Ooc:I think Hinata and Shino is in a Cafeteria and me and Hidden_light and Haru are at his house.
Haru smiled at her and said,"Nah i dont mind".
Haru smiled at her and said,"Nope".
Haru shrugged and said,"Well.. I dunno".
Haru nodded and said,"Yes..".
Haru said,"Yes..Shukaku the sand Demon...".Haru coutinued to frown.
Haru frowned and said,"Shukaku will come out".
Haru sighed sadly and pointed at his eyes showing black marks around them.Haru said,"I cant sleep or it will be unleashed".
Haru said,"I cant sleep....".Haru sighed