Search Results

  1. Deathspank
    Okay. First things first, here's some re-records of Kingdom Hearts that I threw together today:

    1. Traverse Town: Second Visit ... [player=25FoILKTLr4]Stream[/player] | Download
    2. Agrabah ... [player=EhAfmIFDZ_Y]Stream[/player] | Download
    3. Monstro ... [player=q6lRltZs-KY]Stream[/player] | Download
    4. Atlantica ... [player=OMNHEOdkEKM]Stream[/player] | Download
    5. Halloween Town ... [player=keMFk5YZMDA]Stream[/player] | Download

    These are only a very small amount of what I've re-recorded. It's just that I haven't had much time to work on the videos because I've been making major renovations to the site that you'll be seeing in the upcoming weeks. This brings me to my next point.

    The first of these things is a very small update, but it's necesary for future development. We've started the usage of the reputation system, for the purpose of users gaining access to premium accounts. A user who earns 50 rep. points or has 1,000 posts becomes a Premium User. Premium users have the advantage of receiving new videos two days before every other user. This will come in advantage during the release of KHII: Final Mix+, where you will be able to see these videos before thousands and thousands of people. This update is available now, and I suggest you start using it to reap benefits later.
    Click here is you want to learn more about the reputation system.

    Our second upcoming site update is the introduction of a full-fledged community based environment. Users will be able to have their own blogs, share pictures and videos, set up friends lists, etc.... It's highly customizable.

    The third upcoming update is the introduction of a download manager to manage all of the site's official videos. It's a lot more organized and feature-filled than our current HTML-based videos pages. In about a month's time also, we will be undergoing huge server maintainance in which we will be running five servers giving off 5 TBs of bandwidth each. At that time, we are going to be moving all videos from FileFront and host them directly on KH-Vids for your convenience.

    The final and biggest update is a complete site rennovation. New layout, new style, many extra features, etc... It's jam-packed with cool stuff.

    Look forward to next month everyone.
    Thread by: Deathspank, Jan 22, 2007, 18 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Deathspank
    Firefox always and forever. That reminds me, Firefox 2 is out now.
    Post by: Deathspank, Jan 22, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Deathspank
    Lots of good submissions this week. Here's the top five for week eight.

    1. Submitted By: Oblivion_Master | View Video
    Song: Far Away by Nickelback

    2. Submitted By: khfreak87 | View Video
    Song: Here Comes the Boom by Nelly

    3. Submitted By: dualwielder | View Video
    Song: Pain by Three Days Grace

    4. Submitted By: CptkirbyAkATenny | View Video
    Song: Faint Remix by Linkin Park

    5. Submitted By: kngdmhrts2 | View Video
    Title: Kingdom Hearts: The Musical

    Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next Sunday!
    Thread by: Deathspank, Jan 22, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Deathspank
    Seriously though.

    I'm horrid.
    Post by: Deathspank, Jan 18, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  5. Deathspank
    I suck. Hate me.
    Post by: Deathspank, Jan 18, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  6. Deathspank
    This is spam... guys, just because the spam section does is offline does not mean you use this place as its replacement.
    Post by: Deathspank, Jan 18, 2007 in forum: Discussion