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  1. Deathspank

    Donated Blood

    The Red Cross blood drive was at school today, and since this was my last time to donate before I graduate, I went ahead with it. Most people just donated a pint of blood (mix of plasma and red blood cells), but I was to go on a machine called ALYX. What it did was separate my plasma from my red blood cells, giving me back all my plasma but taking twice as much red blood cells. So instead of saving 3 lives, I now saved 6. It felt good to donate.
    Thread by: Deathspank, Mar 22, 2007, 15 replies, in forum: Discussion
  2. Deathspank
    If you can't stream them, then download them instead. It's a pretty simple concept.
    Post by: Deathspank, Mar 21, 2007 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  3. Deathspank
    Sorry for being a day late on this, the server move was top priority.

    Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! Here's the top five for this week.


    This Week's Winner: Budds | View Video
    Song: Out of Control by Hoobastank​

    2. Submitted By: khfreak87 | View Video
    Song: Easier to Run by Linkin Park

    3. Submitted By: KL93 | View Video
    Song: Numb by Linkin Park

    4. Submitted By: Frogmelon | View Video
    Song: SexyBack by Justin Timberlake

    5. Submitted By: Topazia | View Video
    Song: Let Go by Frou Frou

    Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next Sunday!
    Thread by: Deathspank, Mar 19, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Deathspank
    Attention all users of KH-Vids. Due to recent events involving very slow site load times, over the course of the night I had to move the site to a brand new extremely powerful dedicated host. Given the transfer, I'd say things went pretty smoothly. However, there's one setback; anything done on this site after 7:28 PM (Western/Pacific) last night (new posts, new registrations, changes to your account, etc.) does not exist on this server. You're going to have to make those posts/registrations/changes/etc. again. The reason for this being that we had to copy the SQL database to the other server, and obviously not all information can be retained. But, otherwise, this transfer went extremely smooth. Enjoy the new server guys.
    Thread by: Deathspank, Mar 19, 2007, 21 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Deathspank
    It happens when the server is overloaded with users, or when traffic is high. The higher the traffic, the more errors you will get. I'm currently in the process of getting a new server, this problem should be fixed with the release of KHV3.0.
    Post by: Deathspank, Mar 17, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Deathspank
    Mish is a she?!?!?!?!?
    Post by: Deathspank, Mar 17, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Deathspank
    Haha, this guy is freakin' hilarious. I remember watching this stuff like, a year ago and it's still good. Until I see a totally good reason to close this, the thread stays open.
    Post by: Deathspank, Mar 17, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  8. Deathspank
    Re:CoM will get a full play through, Final Mix will only get new cutscenes and bosses.
    Post by: Deathspank, Mar 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Deathspank
    Finally got to pre-ordering my copy from Play-Asia with the fastest shipping possible. Set me back a good 90 bucks. Should be playing and recording it no more than a few days after it comes out.
    Post by: Deathspank, Mar 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Deathspank
    The world will not end in 2012, that's far too early. Though, because the sun is a star, it will eventually supernova, at which point life on Earth will cease to exist.
    Post by: Deathspank, Mar 17, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  11. Deathspank
    Rep will more than likely be forgotten until KH2: FM+ comes out, simply because RIGHT NOW there's no benefits. When the game comes out, however, I'd think the otherwise.
    Post by: Deathspank, Mar 15, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Deathspank
    I can confirm for you that there is no secret area in Land of Dragons. Also, I couldn't get to TWTNW because I couldn't pass that wall, so I went to Twilight Town instead and I got to the secret area in Atlantica. Another thing... if there's ANYONE out there that remembers cutscenes that take place in areas that you can't get into, please tell me where and what visit it is. I may be able to get to the area.
    Edit: EvilMan, do you think it'd be possible to get on top of the clock tower in Twilight Town? Another quick thought... you think if we used these codes, played through Agrabah: First Visit and waited for the cutscene with Kairi and Axel, do you think it would land the character on Destiny Islands?
    Post by: Deathspank, Mar 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. Deathspank
    Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! Here's the top five for this week.


    This Week's Winner: kairi_namine__sora_roxas | View Video
    Song: Lux Æterna by Requiem for a Dream Soundtrack

    2. Submitted By: khfreak87 | View Video
    Song: Above the Rising Falls (Remix) by Sephfire

    3. Submitted By: SephirothX10 | View Video
    Song: The River by Good Charlotte

    4. Submitted By: GothSora | View Video
    Song: Faint (Remix) by Linkin Park

    5. Submitted By: JadeRhade | View Video
    Title: Organization XIII Tribute

    Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next Sunday!
    Thread by: Deathspank, Mar 11, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. Deathspank
    EvilMan, check your PMs.
    Post by: Deathspank, Mar 11, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Deathspank
    Are you talking about the way how you can play the beginning of the prologue as Sora? I know about that one, but I didn't think it was that significant to make a video of. Or, is there something else?
    Post by: Deathspank, Mar 11, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. Deathspank
    Well, I was really bored and decided to get back into fiddling with codes in Kingdom Hearts II. EvilMan_89, our neighborhood code master, pointed something out that I found very interesting. So, naturally I made a video. Check this out:

    You get led to an area called "Villain's Vale". Some of you may recognize this as the area that Pete and Maleficent have their little chats.

    So, I bet you're all wondering how to get to this area yourself. First off, a cheating device is required. I'm going to show you how to do it with Action Replay MAX.

    1. The Easy Way
    I've saved all of you guys the trouble of getting to this point by creating a save for ARMAX that you simply need to put on your MAX Memory stick, load onto your Memory Card, then enter Hollow Bastion. Simple.
    Download the Save...

    2. The Relatively Easy Way
    First off, make sure you're at the point in the game where you just finished Twilight Town: Second Visit and you're about to enter Hollow Bastion: Third Visit. This glitch will only work at this point in the game.
    Second, go into ARMAX and enter this code:


    It's an All Worlds Unlocked code, but for some reason it lands you in Villain's Vale when you attempt to land in Hollow Bastion: Third Visit. Keep in mind to use this code on a save that you do not want, because once you use it it'll make it so you always land in that area, and you can't get out of it. This is purely for fun and exploration.
    Thread by: Deathspank, Mar 11, 2007, 27 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. Deathspank
    Time is not a loop, it's linear. It's gotta be infinite.
    Post by: Deathspank, Mar 5, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  18. Deathspank
    Here's the top five.


    This Week's Winner: khfreak87 | View Video
    Song: Breaking the Habit by Linkin Park​

    2. Submitted By: RikuTheDark | View Video
    Song: People from the North (Trance Remix) by bLiNd

    3. Submitted By: khfreak87 | View Video
    Song: Carol of the Bells by Trans-Siberian Orchestra

    4. Submitted By: FireNanaki | View Video
    Song: All I'm Living For by Evanescense

    5. Submitted By: kevz2kool | View Video
    Song: The Saints Are Coming by U2 feat. Green Day

    Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next Sunday!
    Thread by: Deathspank, Mar 4, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. Deathspank
    Lots of good videos this week. Here's the top five.


    This Week's Winner: SalZa89 | View Video
    Song: My Paper Heart by The All American Rejects

    2. Submitted By: kngdmhrts2 | View Video
    Song: Famous Last Words by [SIZE=-1]My Chemical Romance[/SIZE]

    3. Submitted By: Skyus | View Video
    Song: How to Save a Life by The Fray

    4. Submitted By: DIEXEMNASDIE | View Video
    Song: Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls

    5. Submitted By: TwilightRoxas | View Video
    Song: Fergalicious by Fergie

    Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next Sunday!
    Thread by: Deathspank, Feb 25, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Deathspank
    Disc 1
    01 Dearly Beloved
    02 Hikari -KINGDOM Orchestra Instrumental Version-
    03 Hikari -PLANITb Remix- (Short Edit)
    04 Dive into the Heart -Destati-
    05 Destiny Islands
    06 Bustin' Up on the Beach
    07 Mickey Mouse Club March
    08 Treasured Memories
    09 Strange Whispers
    10 Kairi I
    11 It Began with a Letter
    12 A Walk in Andante
    13 Night of Fate
    14 Destiny's Force
    15 Where Is This?
    16 Traverse Town
    17 The Heartless Has Come
    18 Shrouding Dark Cloud
    19 Blast Away! -Gummi Ship I-
    20 Tricksy Clock
    21 Welcome to Wonderland
    22 To Our Surprise
    23 Turning the Key
    24 Olympus Coliseum
    25 Road to a Hero
    26 Go for It!
    27 No Time to Think
    28 Deep Jungle
    29 Having a Wild Time
    30 Holy Bananas!
    31 Squirming Evil
    32 Hand in Hand
    33 Kairi II
    34 Merlin's Magical House
    35 Winnie the Pooh
    36 Bounce-o-rama
    37 Just an Itty Bitty Too Much
    38 Once Upon a Time
    39 Shipmeisters' Humoresque
    40 Precious Stars in the Sky
    41 Blast Away! -Gummi Ship II-

    Disc 2
    01 A Day in Agrabah
    02 Arabian Dream
    03 Villains of a Sort
    04 A Very Small Wish
    05 Monstrous Monstro
    06 Friends in My Heart
    07 Under the Sea
    08 An Adventure in Atlantica
    09 A Piece of Peace
    10 An Intense Situation
    11 The Deep End
    12 This is Halloween
    13 Spooks of Halloween Town
    14 Oopsy-Daisy
    15 Captain Hook's Pirate Ship
    16 Pirate's Gigue
    17 Never Land Sky
    18 Kairi III
    19 Blast Away! -Gummi Ship III-
    20 Hollow Bastion
    21 Scherzo di notte
    22 Forze del male
    23 HIKARI -KINGDOM HEARTS Instrumental Version-
    24 Miracle
    25 End of the World
    26 Fragments of Sorrow
    27 Guardando nel buio
    28 Beyond the Door
    29 Always on My Mind
    30 Hikari
    31 March Caprice for Piano and Orchestra
    32 Hand in Hand -Reprise-
    33 Dearly Beloved -Reprise-
    34 Having a Wild Time -Previous Version-
    35 Destati

    Disc 3
    01 Dearly Beloved
    02 Passion -KINGDOM Orchestra Instrumental Version
    03 Passion ~opening version~
    04 Lazy Afternoons
    05 Sinister Sundown
    06 The Escapade
    07 Dive into the Heart -Destati-
    08 Fragments of Sorrow
    09 Tension Rising
    10 Kairi
    11 Missing You
    12 The 13th Struggle
    13 Roxas
    14 Sora
    15 The Afternoon Street
    16 Working Together
    17 Friends in my Heart
    18 Magical Mystery
    19 A Twinkle in the Sky
    20 Reviving Hollow Bastion
    21 Scherzo Di Notte
    22 Laughter and Merriment
    23 Desire for All That Lost
    24 Organization XIII

    Disc 4
    01 Gearing Up
    02 Shipmeisters' Rhapsody
    03 Blast Off!
    04 Asteroids Away!
    05 Crossing the Finish Line
    06 Waltz of the Damned
    07 Dance of the Daring
    08 Hesitation
    09 Dance to the Death
    10 Beauty and the Beast
    11 The Home of Dragons
    12 Fields of Honor
    13 Apprehension
    14 Vim and Vigor
    15 Cloudchasers
    16 Olympus Coliseum
    17 Road to a Hero
    18 The Underworld
    19 What Lies Beneath
    20 Villains of a Sort
    21 Beneath the Ground
    22 Rowdy Rumble
    23 Mickey Mouse Club March
    24 A Walk in Andante
    25 Monochrome Dreams
    26 Old Friends, Old Rivals
    27 Floating in Bliss
    28 Winnie the Pooh
    29 Bounce-O-Rama
    30 Bounce-O-Rama (Speed up ver.)

    Disc 5
    01 Isn't It Lovely?
    02 Let's Sing and Dance!
    03 Swim This Way
    04 Part of Your World
    05 Under The Sea
    06 Ursula's Revenge
    07 A New Day is Dawning
    08 Any Time Any Place
    09 Nights of the Cursed
    10 He's a Pirate
    11 The Corrupted
    12 Hazardous Highway
    13 A Day in Agrabah
    14 Arabian Dream
    15 Arabian Daydream
    16 This is Halloween
    17 Spooks of Halloween Town
    18 Adventures in the Savannah
    19 Savannah Pride
    20 The Encounter
    21 Space Paranoids
    22 Byte Bashing
    23 Byte Striking
    24 Sinister Shadows
    25 The 13th Dilemma

    Disc 6
    01 Showdown at Hollow Bastion
    02 One-Winged Angel
    03 Battleship Bravery
    04 Sacred Moon
    05 Deep Drive
    06 Riku
    07 Courage
    08 Disappeared
    09 A Fight to the Death
    10 Darkness of the Unknown
    11 Passion ~after the battle~
    12 Fantasia alla marcia for piano, chorus and orchestra
    13 Destiny Islands
    14 Hand in Hand
    15 Sunset Horizons
    16 Dearly Beloved -Reprise-

    Disc 7
    01 Dearly Beloved
    02 Memories in Pieces
    03 Traverse Town
    04 Hand in Hand
    05 Just Wondering
    06 Struggle the Way
    07 Welcome to Wonderland
    08 To Our Surprise
    09 Piccolo Resto
    10 Olympus Coliseum
    11 Go for It!
    12 Disquieting
    13 The Fight for my Friends
    14 A Day in Agrabah
    15 Arabian Dream
    16 A Very Small Wish
    17 Monstrous Monstro
    18 La Pace
    19 This is Halloween
    20 Spooks of Halloween Town
    21 The 13th Floor
    22 Under the Sea
    23 An Adventure In Atlantica
    24 Face It!
    25 The Force in You

    Disc 8
    01 Captain Hook's Pirate Ship
    02 Pirate's Gigue
    03 Scent of Silence
    04 Hollow Bastion
    05 Scherzo ni notte
    06 Revenge of Chaos
    07 Winnie the Pooh
    08 March-a-long
    09 Dash-a-long
    10 Thirteen Discretion
    11 The 13th Struggle
    12 Lazy Afternoons
    13 Sinister Sundown
    14 Destiny Islands
    15 Night of Fate
    16 Naminé
    17 Castle Oblivion
    18 Forgotten Challenge
    19 Graceful Assassin
    20 Scythe of Petals
    21 Lord of the Castle

    Disc 9
    01 One-Winged Angel
    02 A Night on the Bare Mountain
    03 Disappeared
    04 Another Side
    05 What A Surprise?!
    06 Happy Holidays!
    07 The 13th Reflection (Roxas battle?)
    08 Cavern of Remembrance
    09 Deep Anxiety
    10 The Alter Existence
    11 Awaken Rage
    12 Fate of Not Known

    Discs 1 to 2: Kingdom Hearts Original Soundtrack
    Discs 3 to 6: Kingdom Hearts II Original Soundtrack
    Discs 7 to 8: Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories Original Soundtrack
    Discs 9 : KH2FM+
    Post by: Deathspank, Feb 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates