ATTENTION ALL VISITORS: Lately, in the process of subbing things, I've been running into lines that even Xaldin couldn't translate. It's now come to my attention and under his suggestion that we get another person to help with the translations. If anyone feels they are skilled in the language of Japanese, please PM me, as we're in need of your assistance. In other news, I will be releasing Floors Eight and Nine late tonight, as well as Riku Replica battles one and two.
Floor Seven Added + Downloadable Versions of Videos Hey guys. Here's Floor Seven. Larxene: First Battle | [player=A49smsLk_6s]WATCH NOW[/player] And, as promised, here's the downloadable versions of the Re:CoM Intro to Floor Six. Floor Four is still being translated so I haven't put it up yet, but it should be up soon: Intro | DOWNLOAD Floor One | DOWNLOAD Floor Two | DOWNLOAD Floor Three | DOWNLOAD Floor Five | DOWNLOAD Floor Six | DOWNLOAD Stay tuned! I'm going to attempt to finish Re:CoM today, which means a lot of videos coming our way!
srsly, riku sora kairi own, stop being so emo. Do you honestly think **** like that phases me? I'm a **** talker, naturally I expect to get **** talked back to. Now stop this nonsense before you actually do make me angry.
lawlz He really did bad rep me. That's actually pretty ****ing funny.
Your mom's getting boring. Nooch.
UPDATE: Floor Five is now back online For some reason, YouTube is acting really weird with our videos. They'll process, and then it'll seem like it unprocesses. Anyway, here's Floor Six. Castle Oblivion: Floor Five | [player=UCai_muL-vg]WATCH NOW[/player]
I am aware that the video is not available right now. It's doing the same thing it did for the videos yesterday. What I'm thinking is that too many people are trying to view, overloading YouTube's servers. Please be patient as it will return shortly. Hey guys! Just saw the secret ending that Xal posted. Man, it's epic! Anyway, to start off today, here's Castle Oblivion Floor Five with English subtitles. All videos I release for now on will have English subtitles attached, due to high demand. In total today, I'll be uploading Floors 5, 6, and 7. I'll also be uploading the first Larxene boss battle. So, keep an eye out guys, and enjoy! Oh, one other thing. I'll be a little late on those downloadable versions of the Menu Trailer through Fourth Floor, so sorry for those who were expecting them now.
Oh wow, Xal, you don't know how relieved I am right now to see that little theater mode button.
zaffax, I'm afraid that's not how this works. I have to use a special device to record footage off of my PS2 in real time. It has nothing to do with "ripping" the scenes from the disc. John S., I just finished up Monstro, about to enter Halloween Town. After I get out of Halloween Town I battle Larxene, I believe. Not sure though. Floor Four should be online within a few minutes. Good night people.
Guys, I'm gonna post one more vid and that'll be it for tonight (Floor Four - has scenes with Axel and Larxene). I'm pretty swamped with homework, otherwise I'd post more.
I just finished recording the actual intro(what was up before is actually just the menu trailer), part 2 of Floor Two, and Floor Three. They should be up soon.
*UPDATED* - Floor Four online. Come back tomorrow for more videos and downloadable versions of the ones that appeared today. We at KH-Vids have managed to snag a copy of KH2:FM+ earlier than expected, and at this point we're currently running through Re:CoM. Here's the introduction to Re:CoM: Menu Trailer | [player=JZAe313LQLI]WATCH NOW[/player] Castle Oblivion: Floor One | [player=lEYL5N7NFbU]WATCH NOW[/player] Castle Oblivion: Floor Two Pt.1 | [player=mLZTqrkx5xo]WATCH NOW[/player] Axel: First Battle | [player=VD_vQFHm2Ho]WATCH NOW[/player] Castle Oblivion: Floor Two Pt.2 | [player=sb8N34B3Sco]WATCH NOW[/player] Castle Oblivion: Floor Three | [player=6_jb0qbLFuU]WATCH NOW[/player] Castle Oblivion: Floor Four | [player=ts8zSTAiDFM]WATCH NOW[/player] These files will be downloadable in higher quality by tomorrow. Also, expect many more videos for viewing today. We've only been playing for a few hours, but this game is intense! NOTE: Further posted videos will more than likely be posted in our Video Portal, not YouTube. So, keep checking back on the site!
Dang, we're posting news up a storm today. Anyway, another sample track from the new OST has been leaked! This one sounds like something totally new. >> DOWNLOAD THE TRACK
Well guys, it's the 28th in Japan. That means two things: 1. Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+ releases in less than 24 hours. 2. The Kingdom Hearts Soundtrack compilation releases today! So, somebody managed to leak a portion of one of the new tracks! It sounds like a orchestral version of the song "Roxas", really dramatic. >> Download the Sample Track
If you're a newbie, I highly suggest that at this point you stick to Windows Movie Maker. After you become relatively good, try to make the transition to a better program. I personally use Sony Vegas for everything I edit. It's so extensive though; I've had Vegas 6.0 for close to two years now and I still don't know everything about the program. I don't suggest using it if you're not willing to spend a lot a time with the program, because you'll just be lost.
Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! Here's the top five for this week. [top5number1]1d675e7f-9b1f-4204-ac45-98fa01894e74[/top5number1] This Week's Winner: Budds | View Video Song: Over My Head by Sum 41 2. Submitted By: Mocha | View Video Song: Television by OK GO 3. Submitted By: skuller86 | View Video Title: 300 Trailer 4. Submitted By: KL93 | View Video Song: REWRITE by Asian Kung-Fu Generation 5. Submitted By: SaintZach | View Video Song: Numb by Linkin Park Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next Sunday!
shadowjak, I'm not going to say that Kingdom Hearts III wouldn't work on Wii. What I am going to say though, is that it would not work well. In my opinion, Nintendo is way over-capitalizing on the fact that you can swing the Wii remote like a weapon... In Red Steel you swing like a sword, in Zelda you swing like a sword, in Kingdom Hearts III you'd swing like a Keyblade... The idea is getting really old. Secondly, the FF move from SNES to Playstation was not major at all. The controllers were both classic handhelds. Not only that, but that move was made in the eve of video gaming history, where there still weren't that many people gaming. Nowadays, everybody games, and taking a major game series, especially taking a major game series from one platform to another, does not happen. I'd also like to point out that SE made that change because Playstation was much more powerful than the SNES. Going back to Nintendo would be like de-evolution. Thirdly, and most importantly, I don't see it happening simply because the PS3's gaming engine is ridiculously amazing, whereas the Wii's rivals the PS2 gaming engine. The Wii is just old technology with a couple of upgrades and cool things added. That's why I don't think the Kingdom Hearts series will ever port over to the Wii.
The best thing you could've done was just play it on Proud mode. That way, all you have to do is lock all worlds and beat the Hades Cup. It really is the easiest way.
Which height are we talking about here?
Looks like an Australian shepherd. Take her to your local shelter, tell them that you found the dog on the street and that you want to keep it. They'll take it for about a week, just to make sure there's no owner. If no owner shows up, they should get back to you and tell you that you can keep it. After which, they'll get you a license, vaccinations, etc.