" Stop! I'm all weat TT_TT" She said with a sad face.
"WHY YOU?!" She said. Mari got hit by a water ballon. " I need Sebastian TT_TT" She fell down the sand.
Mary saw them trowing water ballons at Riku. " HEY! Stop!" she said gettin up and walking to them. "That's not nice!"
Mary sat donw looking up at the sky and started singing agian. "If i cloud fall Into the sky Do you think Time would pass be by. . Cause you know i walk a Thousand Miles.. . If i cloud just dee you tonithg. .. " She sand.
Occ:Selphie is on the little kids team^^ Mari loocked at the sky. ". .hun. . .I wish i was a butterfly.. . " She whispred.
Occ: Okay You can Have them^^
Mary loock'd up and saw lelouch. She blushed and waved to him. "HI!" She said blushing.
"Sebastian?!" Mari got up the ladder, she look'd down and smield. "Need a hand?" She said smirking. OCC: Omg! that's just SO COOOL!*huggles You* You rock!*claps!*
Occ: Welcome! x3 Wanna RPG? I kinda bored. .. and loney
OCC:Welcome ! Ohh! Pretty cool idea!
" Hey! Wait for me ! " She got up and fallow him. " How are you today? " She asked with a smiel still blushing.
Occ: You are^^
Mari looked up blushing. " You know i dont fight Sebastian. . Everytime I try to fight i look like i'm trying to dance And fighting is stupid! " She said hidding her face so Sebastian wouldnt see her blushing. (( What Mari is wearing now:
Name: Noah ! x3 age:16 gender: Male appperence: weapon: A big Gun that belong to the king. parents:Mickey and Minie homeworld: Disney Castle side:good or bad? Good. other: . . HE's very quite and fails at everything. Can i join?
Mari was sitting near the shore, drawing and listing to music. " If i cloud fall into the sky. . . " She sang.
Thank you so much Dx *Huggles* So what will be the story be like?
. . .TTwTT*hides in the emo box*
I frogot the story! Dx but i can't write now! I have to go to bed! Dx*hides in the shadows*
This is my frist RPG! x3 So Yeah! Frist this will take place in Destiny Island! :D You can have one character! Name: Age: Likes: Dislikes: Bio: Parents: * If you want* Apperance: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Mariana\ Mari Age: 14 years old. Likes: To draw, To sleep, Candy, Heartless, Her dog, Making Friends, going to the beach and her secret place. Dislikes: Bad people, to be alone, to be made fun of, etc. . . Bio: Mari was left in the Island when she was 5 , she shy , happy, and fun person. She has bad luck with love and isnt good at school. She's looking for the time she will shear a paopu fruit with someone. Parents: IDK Apperance: Plz Join! Story: * I'll put it up later, sorry. .TT_TT*
Harry Potter and The chocolate Factory <3