No. . . She looked blushing. I love you.
Oh! Sorry. . Because kissed you!
Mari got scard. Im sorry! OCC: 23 . And where you live?
It wasn't a dream. Mari was really kissing him.
Mari kept kissing hes cheeck. HEr heart was beating faster then ever. Occ: lol x3
Mari kissed hes cheeck. "Chuu~ <3" OCC: Are you leaving?
Mari looked at him . .. "Cute. . ." Mari got close to him.
MAri sat down. "What do i now. . .?" She though.
Maris heart keep it beating. "H-He's so cute. . .."
"Okay!" She said smieling. MAri hold hes hand without knowing it.
" Are you okay?" She help him up. Heart started beating faster.
"sure" She said blushing and smiling. Her beat heart was going fast.
"I'm fine. . .Now that i'm talking to you. .." Mari blushes " I mean. . ." OCC: YAY Boredomm!
Mari smield. "So. . .How are you?" She said blushing. "Hes so cute" She though.
" I don't know" She said. "Somewhere nice!" She look'd at him and smiel'd blushing.
Mari blushed. "Okay. . . Hey! Wait up . .." Mari got up. "W-wana go for a walk?" She said blushing.
Mari loock'd down at Sebastian. " Need help Sebastian?" She said all weat.
"Oh.. . Kairi I have to help Sebastian Up. .. " She said blushing.
" . . .Okay. ." She said smieling to kairi. Mari took her hand and got up.
" N-No! " She said " My clothes are all weat. .TT_TT and i dont got more.. .."