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  1. Axika
    This is good! slightly confusing though! ^^ But still very good!
    Post by: Axika, Aug 29, 2007 in forum: Archives
  2. Axika
    Hehe, i loves heaps of them! *fan girl Squeal* lets see.... Demyx, Riku, Sephiroth, Leon and AXEL!!!!!
    heheh But has anyone noticed that he is voiced by the same guy that does the red headed character: Reno! in Advent Children? (Quentin Flynn is the actors name) Is there a connection here?
    Post by: Axika, Aug 29, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Axika
    I will! Thanks!!
    Post by: Axika, Aug 29, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. Axika
    Well basically this is my fan fic about Kingdom hearts, I've only just started it but I hope you all like it! ^^

    The Missing Number
    A Kingdom Hearts Fan-fiction

    Chapter 1 The Beginning of the End

    The day was slowly creeping into the evening; the sun was slowly setting beyond the horizon. The girl lay comfortably on the soft grass. She sighed, looking up to the clouds; the day had been peaceful, uneventful. The way things should be, she smiled 'this is the life.'

    As she moved her hands behind her head and closed her eyes, she felt something... something wrong.
    'Nah, it couldn't be... Not on a calm day like this surely?' she thought, wondering if she should visit her friend in town.

    Then, a strange sound, something she couldn't describe... She sat bolt upright and turned, seeing something she didn't recognize.
    A.. Creature, for lack of a better word, just a strange creature. It was black, and scuttling... then there were more, some wore armor of some kind, the insignia on the armor was slightly familiar. Whatever they were, they didn't look friendly. As the weird glowing yellow eyes locked onto her, she bolted.

    She knew she stood a chance if she headed towards town, and as she ran as fast as her legs would take her she was forced to a halt by more creatures. These ones were armed. She backed away as they brandished their weapons at her. She was scared. What were these things? What did they want from her?

    In a flash, they attacked. She screamed and jumped back, kicking at one of the things. It jumped back, dropping its weapon which she immediately grabbed. She swung blindly, afraid for her life. A few of them disappeared in a cloud of smoke, then she saw a light above her, it shone brightly. When she looked up she saw it was a heart shaped object, floating up to the sky.
    'Hearts? What the-?'
    SHING! The ringing sound of a blade, then a squelching sound of wet meat. These unfamiliar sounds reached her before the pain did, she looked down, and there was a splash of red on her front, dripping down to her feet. Her mind could not fathom what it was. The next thing she knew, everything went black.

    When her vision returned, all she could see was a blurred mess, what should have been a familiar sight was now foreign to her. The sky was a twisted mess of blues, purples and pinks. White dots glowed, making no sense in her vision.
    Blood splattered on the ground beside her, a hole carved in her chest cavity, her heart gone, she could feel the cold space where it once lay, and the life force that was once so strong she felt ebbing away. She felt a beat, as though from a heart but hers was gone, with every beat more of her essence disappeared.
    Why? Why her? Why was her heart more valued than the others? There were a million questions running through her head, but she understood only one; 'Is this the end?'
    Beyond the questions and that strange beating sound, she heard another, a rattling, windy sound. A sound that could have chilled her very blood had it not been spilt all around her. The sound... it was close, she could tell, the odd gasping. Wait, gasping? It was then she realized that the sound was her. Her own body fighting for life with every dying breath.

    She'd never felt so cold before, another strange sensation on this once dull day. Everything had started off so well, so normal, painfully painfully normal. She'd always thought she'd have more time, a warning, a sign. Time to do all the things she'd dreamed of, time to make proper memories, she'd only just begun to live. Now it was all over, Judgment had come. But those were not her thoughts as she faded into darkness. Her final thought, behind the screaming pain, was merely;
    'Thank you.'

    And all faded...

    A portal opened, the world was strange to the entrants, and they looked around the grassy cliff, but quickly spotted what had led them to that place.
    “So this is the source,†said the first of two cloaked men. He was bigger than the second.
    The second man moved closer to the body lying on the ground, a great hole in her chest, blood everywhere. “She’s still alive, but won’t last long. Vexen should be able to restore her…â€
    “Yes, but we should hurry the Superior was eager to obtain this one.†The first replied, he snapped his fingers and four twitching white creatures appeared and picked up the bleeding and broken girl, following the cloaked men back through the portal. It closed, leaving only blood smears on the grass.

    Thread by: Axika, Aug 29, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  5. Axika
    Wow thanks guys! I feel welcome already!
    Post by: Axika, Aug 29, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  6. Axika
    Hey guys! Wow... i love this place... ^^ I finally decided to join up and I'm really glad i did!

    (I'm also Axika on )

    I love KH vids.... heheh this place rocks!
    Thread by: Axika, Aug 29, 2007, 23 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures