*gasp* (it's a Victorian AFL team)
Wow... I gotta wait til december! I didn't get to go last year... I got tonsilitus! Yuck!
Yeah, so was I... :P
Really? Where are you? -In general I mean...
Anyone going to an Anime Convention? Is anyone going to any anime/game convetions soon? And what as? --Just curious-- I'm going (hopefully) in December! And I wanna go as my orig character! ^^
What?? It did?? Alright!!!! Good on Geelong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not that it's my team or anything.... o.O
oh. drat. hmmm.... oops! Damn it! I knew I'd need to read today!!! (my eyesight is shot) Well um... I just won't do it again... I don't think I can delete it....
Well it said 'spam' .... right? O.o?
Edited For Content
YES!!!! YES WE DO!! Well I think I can speak for more than myself there... heheh Yeah, the Arial thing was.....disturbing.... I personally feel traumatized from the experience and subsequently will need rigorus therapy.... *twitch*
You know... if they just matched up the mouth movements and said what the japanese said it would be much better.... I blame the censors! And thoses "moms against ______" sort of campaigns... we're TEENS! We know what life and death is! We know how to SWEAR!!! Don't BABY us!!! *twitching* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *breathes heavily*
I've edited it, putting more in there! Hope y'all like it ^^
Hey there guys... Sorry I couldn't join you sooner.... I had lotsa crap t'do! ^^
what about mickey gets on the AIM? OR! A nobody activist! it's racist.. or nobodyist in the game... especially DiZ and Sora... that's just mean!!!
Wow! thanks guys! ^^
hmm... I am gratefully happy that this exists... I will be your servant *bows in worship* It's just so funny! Can't wait for more! ^^
Hey guys! Thanks for the tips! ^^ I'll do my best!
I liked it! It was cool! You should continue! ^^
FOR THE GREATNES THAT HAS POSTED THAT WHICH IS POSTED!!!!!!! I will be your slave for all eternity!!! *Grovels and bows to your will*
Actually I just sent the founder a PM to do so!!! ^^