i looked through the messages and aster said no go ahead
awsome sounds ok your camera realy distorted your voice though
cardgames on motorcycles!!!!!!!!!!!!
i usualy just block run attack pretty much to everything so im more of a defence offence kind of guy i very rarely use magic and if i see it i do reaction commands
if i did it was before he came sorry
Spoiler crap if i would have still had those 2 cards i could have won
Spoiler crap alrigt monsters: spell/trap: hey wait if on the first spiritualism he acivated all three jar of greeds wont i still have 2 cards in my hand? just wondering
i didnt end my turn cus black tyranno attacked and was negated becous of necro gardna but then super conductor tyranno attacks and he has 4300 attack becous of axe of dispair so since this is a 4000 life point duel you lost unless im mistaken somewere
i knew it i went over it 20 times in my head (to in wich hurts from pondering that)
okay i had 6 cards activated 3 spiritualisms so i had 3 cards left then activated raigeki 2 cards in hand gracefull charity drew 3 discarded 2 so that left me with 2 cards and then i activated pot of greed wich let me draw 2 cards so i have 3 cards in my hand and the a moster reborn and a premature burial and a axe of despair no cards in hand the move sound perfect to me
wtf how the h is it illegal i checked it over its an alright move
sorry in my head i activated a pot of greed i just forgot to put it so heres my turn alright draw phase: 6 cards in hand Standby phase: mirage of nightmare activates main phase 1: alright ill start by activating 3 spiritualism's to return your three facedowns to your hand then i activate raigeki now i have 2 cards in my hand now i activate graceful charity and i discard a super conductor tyranno and a black tyranno now i activate a pot of greed then i activate a monster reborn to bring back my super conductor tyranno and i also activate premature burial to bring back my black tyranno i equip my super conductor tyranno with axe of despair and now Battle Phase: black tyranno attacks do you use the necro gardna?
alright draw phase: 6 cards in hand Standby phase: mirage of nightmare activates main phase 1: alright ill start by activating 3 spiritualism's to return your three facedowns to your hand then i activate raigeki now i have 2 cards in my hand now i activate graceful charity and i discard a super conductor tyranno and a black tyranno now i activate a monster reborn to bring back my super conductor tyranno and i also activate premature burial to bring back my black tyranno and i equip my super conductor tyranno with axe of despair and now battle phase: black tyranno attacks do you use the necro gardna?
who said i wanted to use them if i need approval i will ask
FYI i didnt post that for you aproval mosltly for fun and that second one i posted you didnt say anything about and anyways its a good card gees
why thank you
how about this
sweet already and check this one out see if its good or not thats alright with me ill keep checking
like mabye some dragons or dinosour i just want my own custiom deck but i honestly am not good at it or i would do it myself
hey aster think you can make me some costum cards im not real good at it