Not at the moemnt Im not installing it right now, but I will later.
Fine, fine.
Thank you. Illegal wanderings aside, how are you?
I have no idea. Does the emulator come with a translator?
Rp will be moving on shortly Krowley says, he's just doesn't feel like moving it on atm
I'm actually playing on a emulator, and it's the gameboy version. Can't find a good playstation 2 emulator/Roms
That would be correct.
Hey you should go on my site moar often.
No, just when I hit level 50, wether during the Marluxia fight or just grinding.
Excuse me, where'd you find a ROM for KHFMII?
July 31st How is it nominated? I'ts not even OUT yet?!
Yeah I know what you mean.
So I went in and played CoM, and I reached level 50, but after that when I leveled up, the game completely crashed. What's going on?
I draw pre-made recreations, in other words I take other's art and recreate it.
Hey there! What makes me worthy of a friend request?
Practice makes perfect.
That's cool.
My first video game was A Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
I can draw I just don't share my artwork.