Saelis looked at Anora, who had just greeted him and Kel, and saw a big bunny. "Didn't see that one coming." he said, laughing. Then he said "I guess, where did you land? We landed right back there." He said, pointing. He didn't bother checking if it was her, her tone in her voice gave it away.
Alright then.
Isn't sync blade double wielding?
You're up.
Saelis grinned and grabbed Kel's hand, and was pulled up. "What a weird world this is. What exactly are you? I recognize what I am because cougars were used as substitutes for lions back in Retiarra." He said, walking along side him looking for Anora. "I wonder what Anora will have turned into. Oh, and how did you recognize me?" he asked, turning to Kel.
Uhm, just a note, you don't post on your own wall ^_^
Is sometimes not considerably nice.
Your welcome.
Alright, alright.
Saelis would like to equip Blend.
How are you?
That's all well.
Exactly. All you can do.
I've been fine, what about you?
Gave you an opening to continue in the Rp.
Saelis jumped off his glider and landed on the ground, tucking into a roll to avoid any damage to himself. "Well, seems gladiator training came in handy after all." he said to himself, looking around. Suddenly he felt a presence behind him. He turned silently and saw a life-size giant fox, walking on it's hindlegs, wandering through the woods. "What in the world?" He asked, and summoned his Keyblade to see if it was a heartless. He climbed a tree to get a better view of the creature. As he did, he caught a glimpse of yellow on his arm. He looked to see if he had been injured and infected, and realized his arm was covered in pale fur. He angled his Keyblade to see himself and raised his eyebrows. "Oh my." he said. "I'm a cougar. A walking, talking, Keyblade-wielding, cougar." He thought for a few moments, shrugged, and said "I've seen stranger things." Suddenly, he felt himself slipping. He fell of the branch he was on, right in front of the fox. "Ow." he said, and looked into the face of the fox.
I don't mind.
Oh and also, good job (no sarcasm), we went and set the stage for our characters to be rivals if you'd like.
Life, pretty much.
Ah, okay then.