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  1. Cloud.Strife.
  2. Cloud.Strife.
    I guess I will, thanks for the help guys.

    Mods, you can close this thread now. ^_^
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 22, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  3. Cloud.Strife.
    Saelis looked up at Anora hanging from a tree. He stopped Kel from walking further and looked around. He couldn't see any other traps. "Kel, you get underneath Anora and get ready to catch her when she falls. I'm going to untie her. Dang Keyblade aint sharp enough." He directed, then climbed up into the tree. He started fiddling with the knot, which was pretty complex, but within a few minutes it was ready to be undone. "Ready?" He called to Kel, and pulled the string that would untie her from the tree.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 22, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Cloud.Strife.
  5. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post

    Not much, really.

    Not much, really.
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for SonGoku, Jun 22, 2012
  6. Cloud.Strife.
    My fault, understandable.
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for Krowley, Jun 22, 2012
  7. Cloud.Strife.
    Oh dangit, alright then.
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for Krowley, Jun 21, 2012
  8. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post

    You're up.

    You're up.
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for CrownMoksha, Jun 21, 2012
  9. Cloud.Strife.
    you two are up in the RP.
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for NikkiNoNo, Jun 21, 2012
  10. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post

    Ohaidere ^_^

    Ohaidere ^_^
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for SonGoku, Jun 21, 2012
  11. Cloud.Strife.
    "Might've been fun though." Saelis said. "Wait a minute, have you seen Anora?" He looked around but couldn't find her.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 21, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post

    Lol good one.

    Lol good one.
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for Aelin, Jun 21, 2012
  13. Cloud.Strife.
  14. Cloud.Strife.
    "Either way, the sheriff didn't seem so nice himself." Saelis awnsered. "He was about to kill us. I thought we'd have to fight our way out of there." He shuddered at the thought.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 21, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Cloud.Strife.
    "Especially since they were probably making so much noise. I wonder who he is? If h's giving these guys problems then I applaud him." Saelis said jokingly, and laughed.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 21, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Cloud.Strife.
    "Very well then." Saelis said, and started towards the east, and once he was out of vision of the wolves, he jumped up in a tree and waited for the others to follow. "I'm glad their gone."
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 21, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Cloud.Strife.
    Saelis sighed. He was used to authority pulling the death by arrow card. "Fine, we'll do it. We'll need our time and our privacy to do it, however. It'll be hard to find a fox, especially one as sneaky as you say, with a battalion of archers following our every move. So, if you wouldn't mind, we'd rather you leave." He turned to his companions. "It looks like we have no choice." he said under his breath. "Let's at least find him and get this one out of our hair, then we'll look for the keyhole."
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 21, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post

    You're up.

    You're up.
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for Krowley, Jun 21, 2012
  19. Cloud.Strife.
    "I don't believe in a monarchy, so thanks, but I'm good, I'll stick with that warning." Saelis said coldly. He didn't like this wolf one bit, but admired the way Kel had remained calm. He really needed to work on that. "So do pardon Sheriff, but no thank you." he said, and laughed under his breath. "Also, you're ignoring that first question. Who's this Robin Hood?"
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 21, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Cloud.Strife.
    "Who you callin' a hood, hood?" Saelis spat in defiance. "We don't know any Robin, and we aren't hoods, so you can just let us go now, we don't want any trouble," and he added under his breath "And neither do you." He gazed around at the archers. Around 15 total, all around. There was no way to deflect and dodge all those arrows with one person, but with 3 keyblade wielders, two highly trained, maybe...
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 21, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena