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  1. Cloud.Strife.
    (OOC: Sorry guys, my fault confused on posts.)

    "Oh great." Saelis said, and jumped on top of a soldier, evaporating it. He flipped off before it had gone and landed on a lance soldier's lance. He then jumped up, smashing the soldier's lance into it, evaporating it. He then jumped back spiraling around, and rammed into three more heartless.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 23, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post

    Hello there!

    Hello there!
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for #8 Axel, Jun 22, 2012
  3. Cloud.Strife.
    Saelis looked around after slicing a Lance Soldier and saw only one Heartless left. It seemed to realize this too, and tried to run away. "Oh no you don't." Saelis said aloud, and threw his Keyblade at it, impaling it in the back. It stuck in the ground, and dissappeared in a shaft of light. "Wow, that was fun." he said after a few minutes silence.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 22, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Cloud.Strife.
    Saelis sliced through a soldier then did a sort of side leap, thrusting his keyblade into another. "How many more are left?" he called out, watching everybody take down heartless. This Robin Hood really was a good aim with a bow and arrow.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 22, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Cloud.Strife.
    Saelis jumped up into the air, sliced downleft, jumped back up in the air with a upright slash, and somersaulted in mid air with his Keyblade out slashing through a long line of Heartless on the ground, when he turned to his comrades to see a lance soldier charging straight at Kel's back. "GOTCHA!" He yelled, and threw his keyblade at it, flipping through the air, and it slashed the Lance Soldier right in half before impaling the ground behind Kel. He summoned it back and continued to fight.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 22, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Cloud.Strife.
    Saelis ran at a Lance Soldier, slid underneath it, and neatly jabbed it in the back. Then he jumped up, attacked a Stealth Soldier, sliced clean through it, and then used his Keyblade as a pole-vault and jumpkicked into a Soldier, knocking it down before jabbing into it with his Keyblade. Then he got on his knees, his Keyblade still in the ground, and swung around, knocking all the heartless around him to their feet, then grabbed his Keyblade, and placed it teeth to the right, and swung in a clockwise motion, destroying 5 heartless, 2 soldiers 3 stealth soldiers.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 22, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Cloud.Strife.
    Saelis somersaulted over a soldier, sliced downward into a heartless, then before the one behind him could react, he flipped his keyblade into a reverse position and backwards-thrusted the Keyblade into it's back. He flipped his Keyblade back into Upwards position and stabbed through another heartless, drawing it back and giving the others heartless to fight too.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 22, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Cloud.Strife.
  9. Cloud.Strife.
  10. Cloud.Strife.
  11. Cloud.Strife.
    "Well, we've blown our cover anyway, so, Keyblades out!" He yelled as the Soldier Heartless came closer. He twirled his own once in the palm of his right hand, grabbed the hilt, and swept his arm in a wide arc, evaporating several Heartless. Then he gripped the Keyblade tightly in his right hand and waited for the others to start fighting too.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 22, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Cloud.Strife.
    Oh crap. Alright I'll fix.
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for Krowley, Jun 22, 2012
  13. Cloud.Strife.
    "Oh crap. I knew these guys would turn up soon." He turned to Robin and John. "Can you guys fight?" he asked them.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 22, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Cloud.Strife.
  15. Cloud.Strife.
    "You're one to talk! Faking us out like that! Well, anyways then." Saelis said, and shrugged. "We have a problem." It didn't look like they'd get out of this situation without a fight. But should he reveal his Keyblade? This could be a dilemma...But what choice did any of them have? He summoned his Keyblade in a flash of light and prepared for the coming fight.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 22, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Cloud.Strife.
    "As I said before, I don't like the looks of that sheriff guy. Could you tell me about him and yourself? Then, perhaps, we will decide where our loyalties lie." Saelis said, grabbing the moment.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 22, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Cloud.Strife.
    "Ugh..Can't..breathe...losing...conciousness..." Saelis grunted. This bear was really very strong. He saw Anora and Kel laughing behind him and laughed too.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 22, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Cloud.Strife.
    "An enemy of the sheriff is a friend of mine, good sir!" Saelis said, walking up to the fox, deciding friendship would be the best approach here. "I am Saelis. Who might you and your big-berthed friend be? That was a well done trap, by the by." He added in.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 22, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Cloud.Strife.
    "What I want to know," Saelis said, kneeling and picking up the rope. "Is who set this trap," He stood up and threw the rope on the ground and looked around. "And why did they not want visitors?" He started walking again, more slowly, more cautiously, looking for traps and "Robin Hood" every step.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 22, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for ClawtheCyclops113, Jun 22, 2012