Hey there man! Say, who do you prefer, Roxas or Sora?
This is Square trying to get us to go out and buy a new console isn't it?
Yeah I did the same thing with the big metal snake thing at the lake ^_^
Myeh, I'll watch a let's play and live without.
But I don't think Sony releases games for the PS2 anymore, do they?
From what I read in DDD, that's what's probably gonna happen. [SPOILER]
We---eeeell. It's possible, but with Nomura around, it's likely, all the planning he's done in this series, you can't go ten feet without stumbling upon a teaser. So yeah, that's probably a foreshadow of the rest of the game, but you aren't supposed to realize it until you get to the end, then do a facepalm and say "Ohmigod, THAT'S what they meant! Nomura you sly dog!~."
Secret ending of Re:coded: King Mickey and Yen Sid have found Aqua and Ven's hearts and have reincarnated them, and are searching for Terra's....
Honestly, I don't think Riku has the right setting at the moment to have a girl. Even if he did, it would take at least 3 games to develop it into a full relationship. Hell, SoraxKairi took, what, 15 years? I can picture RikuxXion, but it ain't gonna happen, simply because Xion will not get a real form because Spoiler she was never a real person! I mean, sure. We can all picture it, but unless she magically gets put in somebody living, it ain't happening. I mean sure it'd be interesting, but still, be real. It doesn't look like it's happening but who knows? Maybe Nomura with get inspired and bring in someone for Riku, but personally? I doubt it.
Never played Birth by Sleep, but I got the main gist of it. I want a Roxas comeback in KH: III!
exactly. I'd like a ps3 but my family is poor, so we can't afford it, we just got an Xbox 360 for Christmas last year.
I'm having a debate with some other friends about what the new game will be on. I say it would be sweet to have it on the Wii, but they would probably wait until the release of the Wii U for it. Playstation II is almost completely out of the question, since they aren't releasing games for it anymore. Another option is PS3. What do you guys think?
Yeah but you gotta admit, a Wii KH would be freaking awesome.
Yeah... I'd mooch off my friends ps3 if it is on ps3.
Not alot happens in DDD, it's really short surprisingly compared to the other handhelds, 358/2 Days took place over a year and Re:coded had alot...
Yeah but it's still good. I already read through the plotline of Dream Drop Distance so I don't plan on getting it, I'll just skip ahead to 3. I...
finally playing re:coded.
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Hey there, what's up?
Welcome to KH-Vids.net, have fun, stay away from the pervs (half the forum.) and be careful to follow the rules carefully and fully. now that that's aside, welcome! if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here alot.