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  1. Cloud.Strife.
  2. Cloud.Strife.
  3. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post

    Yeah good point.

    Yeah good point.
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for Aelin, Jun 28, 2012
  4. Cloud.Strife.
  5. Cloud.Strife.
  6. Cloud.Strife.
  7. Cloud.Strife.
    This really ticks me off. There is nothing wrong with being homosexual. I am a christian, and nowhere in the ten commandments say it is a sin to be gay. Humans were given willpower to decide what they want to do with their lives, and other humans should accept them for this, religion withstanding. There is such a thing as going too far with religion, and this is a good example of it.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 28, 2012 in forum: Current Events
  8. Cloud.Strife.
  9. Cloud.Strife.
  10. Cloud.Strife.
  11. Cloud.Strife.
  12. Cloud.Strife.
  13. Cloud.Strife.
  14. Cloud.Strife.
    "I was just kidding!" Saelis said before Anora and Kel started lecturing him. "I know we're supposed to stay in the shadows! I was just kidding!!! Gawd, can't you guys take a joke?" he said, sighing and rubbing the back of his head with his hand. "What downers." he said, thinking aloud. He walked over to a tree, and climbed up and sat on a branch, facing away from the group.He stuffed his hands in his pockets and kicked a smaller branch and stayed silent.
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 28, 2012 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Cloud.Strife.
  16. Cloud.Strife.
  17. Cloud.Strife.
    Profile Post

    Hey there, what's up?

    Hey there, what's up?
    Profile Post by Cloud.Strife. for KeybladeMasterJoe, Jun 28, 2012
  18. Cloud.Strife.
  19. Cloud.Strife.
    That's pretty cool man, have you ever thought about making one for Roxas, with like Oathkeeper and Oblivion and stuff?
    Post by: Cloud.Strife., Jun 28, 2012 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. Cloud.Strife.