Hey guys, as you all probably saw I closed the forums a bit earlier to upgrade us from Xenforo 1.1.3 to 1.1.4. It's a rather small release with some bug fixes that don't really affect most of you directly, so I don't have many changes to highlight (although you can now add a poll to an existing thread!), but if you're having any troubles from this update please post in here and let me know.
PAX East hasn't brought us much news of Kingdom Hearts aside from the first English trailer, but Square did a short interview with KINGDOM HEARTS Brand Manager Mat Kishimoto on KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5 ReMIX. Nothing new was discussed but, when asked about the chronology of the three included games, Kishimoto had a rather noticeable pause. Check out the interview (beware, audio quality is kind of bad) and the highlights below. [parsehtml]<center><iframe width="480" height="302" src="http://www.ustream.tv/embed/recorded/30330757?v=3&wmode=direct" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border: 0px none transparent;"> </iframe> <br /></center>[/parsehtml] Source: Square-Enix Members NA on Twitter
Heyo anyone feel like playing any ME3 multiplayer? On the PS3, sorry Xboxers!! Me and libregkd are REALLY BAD (hush it's our first time) so yeah, send me a contact request on the PSN and I'll invite you. My PSN ID is mistypants.
My right wrist has been bothering me for a few weeks now ;c I guess obsessive internet use over seven years starts to catch up with you...
in Huerta Memorial so I could answer IMs after ~~~~there is a spoiler here stop hovering for real~~~~~ nothing to see here nope ignore me ~~~~there is a spoiler here stop hovering for real~~~~~ Spoiler Thane died i can hear the people writhing in pain gotta love that realism
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix is releasing in just eight days in Japan, and while the rest of the world has to wait for a Fall 2013 release, that doesn't mean our fan community is quiet! Cosplayers are some of the most talented and dedicated figures in any fandom; with the detailed hairstyles and intricate outfits in Kingdom Hearts, we see some of the most impressive results. View attachment 35577 Kingdom Hearts - Birth By Sleep by *fiathriel Kotaku, though a shaky source for reliable news, posted a nice round-up of some of the most awe-inspiring costumers! Check out more cosplays by reading the full article. Have we got any cosplayers here? Reply with your best photos!
KH-Vids has a rather extensive FAQ that you should take a look at before asking a question. Click here to go to the FAQ! If your question remains unanswered by the FAQ, feel free to post in this section. The FAQ should be your first stop, though--we didn't go through the trouble of making it for nothing!
I really like music. Unfortunately in recent times I have been without any music that seizes my interest. Even my old favorites are feeling a little bland right now. I've hopped around looking for new stuff but haven't found much that draws me. So, I am doing something that I probably will not ever do again and that is ask for recommendations. there are rules I am a music snob. Like hardcore. Please keep that in mind. I know it is horrible. I know it is mean. Please do not be sensitive about this. I do not want: Christian rock, of any kind. Music made before 1990. Classic rock is ****ing terrible and I wish everyone would stop listening to it. Metal. It's not my steez. Soundtracks. I like them a lot but I'm not in the mood for them right now. Generically hazy indie rock (e.g. Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Broken Social Scene, that kind of thing). I like it i'm just sick of it atm. Techno / dubstep / that stuff. Again, I like some of it, just not in the mood One song per person please, I don't want to be overwhelmed. for this reason, you should make an impression. think carefully. if I like yo style I will ask for more. please look at my last.fm before posting, if my tastes are not in line with yours or if yours do not mesh with mine then please keep that in mind ( are you seeing where the snobbery comes in ) I LIKE THESE THINGS violins and string instruments ( esp. in folk punk but also in general ) folk ( bright eyes is pretty cool and other things. laura marling.) SOME twee maybe idk not feeling it lately but i like it hip hop subgenres (trip hop yes plz) depressing / mopey / poetic lyrics male female combo acts (ex. slow club, the xx) HARPS weird stuff (this is a blanket term but cocorosie, xiu xiu, parenthetical girls, stuff that unsettles you a little) please help me i know i am a handful just nothing is appealing rn
View attachment 35083 We're all stupendously excited to see that Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix will be seeing an international release in the Fall of 2013. Square-Enix Community Manager Rob Peeler has been answering some questions about the game over at the PlayStation Blog. Some of the highlights: Now that a few days have passed since the announcement, shops are slowly making preorders available. No bundles have been advertised yet, and I have a feeling we probably won't see them, at least not to the extent that we did for Dream Drop Distance. The game seems to be retailing for $40 (£29.99), which isn't much considering you're getting two games and a three hour movie! You can check out preorder links below. United States Europe and UK Canada Amazon (Prime eligible) Newegg Walmart Amazon UK GAME EB Games Note: Some of these sites are listing release dates, many of them as 31 December 2013. Please remember that we haven't gotten an official date yet, and these are likely just placeholders! Find a preorder available elsewhere? Comment with a link and I'll add it to the post!
Time for some serious discussions. 8) Monogamy is, for the most part, our social norm: you grow up, get married, and stay faithful to that person. However, in our widening culture, open relationships or full-blown polygamy are entering the mainstream, whether it is the result of religious beliefs (for example, some Mormons believe in and practice polygamy), experimentation, or a person's belief in their natural tendencies. Because we're all rather young here (I don't think many of us are considering marriage right now!) we can put this simply in the realm of open vs. exclusive relationships, as the terms monogamy and polygamy do imply marriage, but in my mind they're rather interchangeable (feel free to disagree or correct me!). Some food for thought: how do you perceive monogamy and polygamy? Are you a strict monogamist, polygamist, or somewhere in between? Have you experimented with both types of relationships? Do you believe it's possible or even natural for two people to remain faithful and in love with each other for the rest of their lives? These are just starting points, don't feel obligated to answer them all, or restricted just to them!
I came home from school today, turned on my laptop, and found a line of what I think was dead pixels on the left corner of the screen, about two inches long. Because I'm poor I usually take good care of my electronics, because I know this is the only one you'll be getting for the next 5+ years cassie so treat it right Having only just bought my laptop before the new year, I was understandably upset. i got in touch with HP (yeah it's an HP suck it it's good) and they said they'd fix it for free, so they dispatched shipping boxes to me and said once I send it it'll be 7 - 9 days. I was kind of bummed because I use the laptop for school and being without it for that long would be a major inconvenience, but I figured I should fix it while it was free. However, I read an online remedy that basically said to massage the pixels on the screen, which made it better, but there was still a lot of schmutz and I figured let me fix it while it's free instead of waiting over the past few hours it's gradually disappeared to the point where it's almost not even there anymore but i don't know if I should send it in for repairs to get rid of the little bit and hope they'll replace the screen so it'll never happen again or just keep it and take my chances what do khv
Hey everyone, the Sony conference came and went and while PlayStation 4 news is exciting (talk about it with us in our Gaming section!), there was no Kingdom Hearts shown at the event. We still have some news, though! In GameTrailers's pre-show they announced they would be doing one of their Timeline series, this time with Kingdom Hearts! For those unfamiliar with GT, they did a Legend of Zelda series where they tried to connect the dots between the games. The following trailer reveals that Spring 2013 will treat us to a Kingdom Hearts Timeline! [parsehtml]<center><div style="background-color:#000000;width:520px;"><div style="padding:4px;"><iframe src="http://media.mtvnservices.com/embed/mgid:arc:video:gametrailers.com:1b014021-ba66-40ad-be60-c4cc8509350d" width="512" height="288" frameborder="0"></iframe><p style="text-align:left;background-color:#FFFFFF;padding:4px;margin-top:4px;margin-bottom:0px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><b><a href="http://www.gametrailers.com/shows/timeline">Timeline</a></b></p></div></div></center>[/parsehtml]Download the video from GameTrailer's website (free registration required). What do you guys think--do you like GT's timelines? Can they possibly make the KH plot coherent? Leave a comment and let us know!
As you might have noticed, the site is looking pretty different! It is my proud duty to unveil KH-Vids's newest redesign, KH-Vids 7.0! Before I start to highlight the new eye candy you've got ahead of you, let me explain a little: it is the tradition of KH-Vids to release our new styles on KH-Vids's anniversary in December. However, in August of 2012 we underwent the taxing but worthwhile move to Xenforo, a new forum software, thus introducing KH-Vids 6.0. In order to get the site up and running as quickly as possible, I downloaded a pre-made style, modified it for KH-Vids, and dubbed it KH-Vids 6.0. It worked well and looked nice! But I am of the school of thought that KH-Vids should have something entirely custom, built specifically for us, by us. Once everything had settled down after the Xenforo move, I began work on KH-Vids 7.0. I tried my best to have it done by the end of December but was unable to--however, I've busted my butt the past few weeks and the skin is now available, albeit a few weeks late! I do sincerely hope you guys like KHV's new look. The KH-Vids 6.0 styles will be disabled as I will no longer be supporting them, and 7.0 is really quite similar in color scheme and layout. I know a lot of users want a light style for KH-Vids and I do hope to provide it one day! Instead of explaining the snappy new appearance of KH-Vids, I'll leave you all to see it for yourselves. KH-Vids 7.0 has been tested rather extensively by myself and the staff team. I have tried all the major browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer), and while it functions fine on any of those, if you are using anything below Internet Explorer 8, I highly recommend that you upgrade to a newer version, or to a more modern browser. You'll be able to experience the full pizzazz behind KH-Vids 7.0! Should you find any display issues, browser-specific or not, please reply to this thread with the following: Screenshot of the problem Link to a page where you see the problem What operating system you use What browser you use (include the version!) ... and I will address it as soon as possible. Known Bugs/Issues Bug #001: Particularly on mobile devices, links and the search bar are conflicting. (Screen) Unconfirmed Bug #002: Links on the likes bar are hard to see. Fixed! Bug #003: Some gray text is difficult to read. (Screen) Fixed! Bug #004: Tab link hover needs to be lighter (Screen) Fixed! Bug #005: Quote link arrow needs to be lighter (Screen) Fixed! Bug #006: Start New Conversation button cuts off (Screen) Fixed! Bug #007: Some buttons have jaggies (Screen) Fixed! Bug #008: Spoiler text is italicized Fixed! Bug #009: Post and signature separator needs to be clearer Fixed! Bug #010: Dropdown arrow could use brightening (Screen) Fixed! Bug #011: Some buttons have black links (Screen) Fixed! Bug #012: Spoiler bar is threatening Bug #013: I completely forgot to style attachments (Screen) Fixed! Bug #014: Poll results are hard to see (Screen) Fixed! Bug #015: More posts to display bar needs styling (Screen) Fixed! Bug #016: Deletion notices need styling Fixed! Bug #017: Post new thread button cuts off (Screen) Fixed! Bug #018: Attachment upload bar needs styling (Screen) Fixed! Bug #019: Tab link hover on profiles (Screen) Fixed! Bug #020: Sign Up Now! button needs to be styled (Screen) Fixed! Bug #021: Default avatar has cropping issues (Screen) Fixed! Bug #022: Overlap in profile signature displays, only when tabs are used (Screen) Fixed! Bug #023: Login bar needs to be styled Fixed! Bug #024: Default avatar is hard to see on discussion listing Fixed! Bug #025: Prefix selection bar is uggo Fixed! Once again, I do really hope you guys like the redesign. Happy posting!
Late last night PLAY ARTS -KAI- announced they'd be releasing KINGDOM HEARTS: Dream Drop Distance play arts. The figures feature Sora and Riku in their KH3D gear. They appear to be packaged with two Keyblades each. [parsehtml]<center><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>New updates! KINGDOM HEARTS 3D [Dream Drop Distance] PLAY ARTS Kai visuals uploaded! <a href="http://t.co/qyNW3MtK" title="http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.125771174265906.24565.100004990716473&type=1&l=aca3909a50">facebook.com/media/set/?set…</a></p>— Hidemi Matsuzuka (@hidemi_mad_EN) <a href="https://twitter.com/hidemi_mad_EN/status/299372402708713472">February 7, 2013</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script></center>[/parsehtml] View attachment 34047 View attachment 34048 View attachment 34049 View attachment 34050 No word yet on when they'll be available but we'll keep you updated!
In this episode I seize the reigns from Peace and War for yet another Staff Questions podcast! We posted a thread asking our members for questions and now we've got your answers. This podcast features our staff members Peace and War, Kites, Krowley, Mike, and Stardust, with questions from a bunch of our forumers. Enjoy! Stream DownloadiTunes Spoiler: Song Credits Intro You Are Not a Robot by Hoodie Allen ft. Marina & the Diamonds Background Tunes Tokyo by The Books Downton Abbey [Suite] from the Downton Abbey OST V-Day by Nathan W. McKee Cookie Breath by Nathan W. McKee Very Little Sleep by Nathan W. McKee You Are the Sun by Of Porcelain Besaid Island (Extended) from the Final Fantasy X OST Coastal Brake by Tycho Thursday by Takénobu The Living Sculptures of Pemberley from the Pride & Prejudice (2005) OST Bastila's Love Theme from the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic OST Gobbledigook by Sigur Rós Roll On [Instrumental] by DNTEL ft. Jenny Lewis Soon It Will Be Cold Enough to Build Fires by Emancipator Where is My Mind from the It's Kind of a Funny Story OST Monkey Island Theme from the Monkey Island OST Graduation March by Elizabeth Cotten Emancipation from the Downton Abbey OST I Am the Doctor in Utah from the Doctor Who: Series 6 OST Vincent from the Doctor Who: Series 5 OST Four on Three by Nathan W. McKee For Guitars by Nathan W. McKee Oh Joy by Nathan W. McKee Glósóli by Sigur Rós Banshee Beat by the Vitamin String Quartet Fast Fall by the Vitamin String Quartet Outro Banshee Beat by Animal Collective Have suggestions or questions for the members of the KH-Vids Podcast? Let Peace and War know, or bring it to our attention in the posts below! Just be sure to follow the rules and guidelines here. YouTube Twitter Tumblr Facebook
that very few of you check the news sections so http://www.kh-vids.net/threads/podcast-prelude-staff-questions-iii.136792/ Last day for questions homies, send some in~
Hey everyone! We're excited to be having yet another Staff Questions podcast! For those unfamiliar with the Staff Questions podcasts, basically, we post a thread in which you guys can send in questions. These questions can be directed at a specific staff member, or to the entire group. The host--in this case, me!--will ask our staff members these questions over the podcast! The following staff members will (hopefully!) be appearing, so feel free to direct questions either to one of them or the group! Kites Krowley Mike Peace and War Stardust Stuck for question ideas? Consider inquiring about any of the following! Our lives (work, school, friendships) Our hobbies and interests outside of KH-Vids Advice, opinions, suggestions, concerns Kingdom Hearts or any you want to ask us about or tell us! Please remember that this is a PG-13 podcast, so all questions should fall under that category. If you would like a question to be anonymous, feel free to send it to me in a personal conversation--I promise I won't tell! We may not be able to get to every question, but we'll try our hardest. Make sure you indicate who you want the question to be directed to--if no one, just write "group," or something along those lines! To avoid being overloaded with questions, please try to be equal in your asking--for example, don't ask eleven questions to Kites and none to Krowley. Get your questions in, because this thread will be locked on Friday, February 1st!
Hey everybody! We've got a nice bit of news this weekend, it seems--Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix has been confirmed for localization, and we've got a look at the upcoming box art. The game drops in Japan on March 14th, still no dates for the rest of the world but we'll keep you updated. In the meantime, we've got some nice new screens from the HD remaster of KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days. Unfortunately the game will not be playable, but the HD remix will feature a three hour cutscene movie to recap the game's events. View attachment 33785 View attachment 33786 View attachment 33787 View attachment 33788 View attachment 33789 View attachment 33790 View attachment 33791 View attachment 33792 View attachment 33793 View attachment 33794 View attachment 33795 View attachment 33796 View attachment 33797 View attachment 33798 View attachment 33799 View attachment 33800 View attachment 33801 View attachment 33802 View attachment 33803 View attachment 33804 Sources: 4Gamer.net, translations by goldpanner Thanks to forum member libregkd for tipping me off!
Inspired by libregkd's thread and my fascination with offices, I thought we could have a "share your work station" thread. Basically, take some pictures of where you use your computer, do homework, or any other office work! Bonus points to whoever has a clean & organized desk. If you'd like to go the extra mile, feel free to offer specs on what is pictured! For scrolling purposes, please put images under spoiler tags! Code: [spoiler][img]http://linkto.com/yourimage.jpg[/img][/spoiler] Entire Desk Spoiler View attachment 33753 Desktop: HP P6510F (AMD Athlon II X4 630 ~2.8GHz, 4GB DDR3 RAM, Radeon 4000, 750GB hard drive). I don't really use it anymore, I keep it under my desk (as a foot rest) because I'm thinking about setting it up as some kind of home server. Laptop: HP Envy m6 (15.6" screen, AMD A10-4600M APU Quad-Core ~2.3GHz, 6GB DDR3 RAM, Radeon HD 7660G, 750GB hard drive) Monitor (used as a second display to the laptop): 20" Acer S202HL, 1600x900 resolution. Printer: Brother MFC-J430W. Wireless printer shared by the whole family. Desk: IKEA VIKA AMON in white. A little crooked because I had to move it myself, waiting for someone strong to straighten it out. :L Webcam: Logitech C310 Art: Nan Lawson Cable management is not up to my usual standards because I've been grabbing my laptop charger quickly & going to school. I'm also waiting for a cable to arrive in the mail that will force me to redo some things. Angled View Spoiler View attachment 33754 Pencil Cup & Decor my favorite part! Spoiler View attachment 33755 Keeps my work fun. 8) Let me see yours!
I'm trying to get my PS3 controller to work on my PC, so I can use it with PCSX2. I've had a bit of luck using Motioninjoy, I was able to get everything but the analog sticks working. They're pretty important for PS2 games, though, so I'm in need of some help. Motioninjoy seems odd to me so if anyone has other driver recommendations that'd be greatly appreciated. I've gone through several different install guides for it and still have had no luck. I'm willing to buy a PC controller too, though, so if anyone has recommendations on those that would be awesome. I'm starting to think that might just be the easier option. I know Xbox 360 controllers are supposed to work well with Windows, but I've small hands so they're a bit uncomfortable for me. thanks xo