Nomura has been a busy guy this past week, with E3 announcements and interviews nearly everyday afterwards! We've got another interview with Dengeki PlayStation. Nothing too groundbreaking, but some nice information at any rate. Translations are courtesy of the hard-working goldpanner. EDIT: IGN also got an opportunity to catch up with Nomura on possible franchises Disney's acquired and the possibility of including them in future games.
Kotaku has posted a play-by-play of Square-Enix's press conference at this year's (on-going!) E3. Nothing huge or groundbreaking, but a good read while we're all salivating for the details! Miss the trailer? Watch it in our original news post. View attachment 36196 Read the full article (includes more details on Final Fantasy XIV and XV) on Kotaku. The highlights: No release date yet Kingdom Hearts 3 will be released on Xbox One and PS4 worldwide Osaka team is developing Kingdom Hearts 3 Suggested female playable characters (Aqua and Kairi please!) No news on a Wii U port
Below is the category list thus far. Within this thread, you can suggest potential categories for this year's awards. Please keep in mind that category suggestions should be accessible by many members--use your better judgement. Newly added categories will be listed in blue, and rejected submissions will be listed under 'rejected' (naturally). Please check the rejected list before suggesting to make sure it's not already been rejected. Nominations are not open during this time. We are making an effort to condense the category list this year so if there are categories you feel could go, feel free to suggest that. Happy suggesting! Categories Rejected Suggestions Maybes Cut Categories New category | Cut candidateGeneral Nominations (21) Best ProfileBest SectionBest UsernameBiggest Attention WhoreBiggest FlirtBiggest Kingdom Hearts FanBiggest OtakuBiggest Post WhoreCutest (Fake) CoupleCutest (Real) CoupleFavorite Banned MemberFavorite EventFriendliest MemberFunniest MemberHottest (Female) MemberHottest (Male) MemberManliest ManMaster DebaterMember You’d Like to Know MoreNicest MemberStrangest MemberWhimsical WomanWriting, Video Editing, and Art Nominations (14) Best AMVBest FanfictionBest Graphic ArtistBest KH-Vids FanfictionBest Original StoryBest Overall WriterBest PhotographerBest PoemBest PoetBest Traditional ArtistBest Video EditorMost Improved ArtistMost Improved Video EditorMost Improved WriterThread Nominations (3) Best ThreadWeirdest ThreadWorst ThreadBest/Worst Member Nominations (20) Best AdministratorBest BromanceBest CoderBest Female MemberBest Male MemberBest MusicianBest NewbieBest Non-Staff ContributorBest Normal MemberBest Overall Member (any usergroup--Normies, Prems, Staff!)Best Overall Staff MemberBest Premium MemberBest ReporterBest Retired Staff MemberBest Returning MemberBest Sectional ModeratorBest Super ModeratorWorst Female Member (nominations will be submit yourself only)Worst Male Member (nominations will be submit yourself only)Worst Staff Member (nominations will be submit yourself only)“Most” Nominations (23) Most AdorableMost AmbitiousMost ChangedMost CommittedMost CreativeMost EgotisticalMost HelpfulMost InsaneMost IntelligentMost InterestingMost IntimidatingMost Knowledgeable about Kingdom HeartsMost Knowledgeable about Video GamesMost Likely to be a HeroMost likely to be a VillainMost likely to be FamousMost likely to be on KH-Vids ForeverMost likely to be on StaffMost likely to End up in PrisonMost MissedMost OverratedMost SeriousMost Shocking MomentMost UnderratedMost VerboseRoleplaying Nominations (6) Best RoleplayBest Roleplay Concept/StoryBest Roleplay GraphicsBest RoleplayerBiggest GodmodderMost Improved Roleplayer Most Invisible Biggest Troll Most Likely to be a Millionaire Most Likely to Take Over the World Best Otaku Best Cosplayer Scariest Member Biggest Fan Best Reaction to KH3 Announcement Best Social Group After many years of User Awards, we’ve ended up with a rather extensive category list. This year the staff went through and decided to put an axe to the following categories. General Nominations Arcade Junkie (no more Arcade)Best Avatar (deprecated in favor of Best Profile, which covers signature, avatar, about section, etc.)Best KHV Chorus Song (Chorus is on hiatus)Best Signature (see Best Avatar)Biggest Like WhoreBiggest Spammer (covered by Post Whore)Favorite Fad (never gets any nominations)Least Favorite Fad (see above)Member Who Should Post MoreWhiniest MemberBest/Worst Member Nominations Best Poster (too vague)Best Question Time Contestant (not enough people to consider)Best Theorizer (never gets any nominations)Best Thread Starter (see Best Poster)Worst Speller"Most" Nominations Most MysteriousMost PrestigiousMost RandomMost UniqueRoleplaying Nominations Fastest Roleplay ResponderMost Fun RoleplayerMost Likely to Quit a RoleplayIf you feel strongly about one or more of these removals, feel free to contact me and I can expand upon our reasons for doing so. If you can make a strong case for it remaining in the Awards, we may reconsider, but do know that we had valid reason behind all the choices made.
Hey everyone! As some of you may know, the User Awards run every summer. It is getting time for the 2013 Awards! This thread will have some general information on the Awards, and is your go-to spot for any questions or suggestions you might have (excluding category suggestions). Nominating When will nominations be opened? When category submissions have ended, nominations will be opened. This will likely be mid to late June. How many members can I nominate per category? Can I nominate myself? You may nominate two members per category. For couple categories (e.g. Cutest Fake/Real Couple, Best Bromance, etc.), you may nominate two couples; for thread categories, two threads, and so on. Do note that for “worst” categories (e.g. Worst Female Member), you may only nominate yourself. Nominations for other users will be discarded. These are the only categories in which you may nominate yourself; however, for couple categories, you may nominate a couple you are a part of. When nominating, use a member’s current username. Nicknames, real names, or former usernames will be discarded. Please do not nominate inactive members. The 2013 User Awards cover the period from the end of the 2012 Awards (roughly August of 2012) to the present, so consider that when nominating. For example, if Joey was a Sectional Moderator in February of 2012, but left in March of 2012, do not nominate him for Best Sectional Moderator 2013. How do I send in my nominations? When nominations are opened, staff members accepting nominations will be listed. Please send only one message to each staff member. For example, even though you are sending Xavier your Thread Nominations and Best/Worst Member Nominations, just include it all in one message. Please directly copy and paste the categories. You do not have to nominate for each category—just leave an N/A in the space. For example, even if I choose to not nominate anything for Thread Nominations, I will still include it in my message. Voting Public Polls & Alternate Accounts Polls will be public, therefore we can check if someone is creating alternate accounts to boost votes for a particular member. If you are found doing so, you will be removed from this year’s awards, and will face our typical alternate account punishment. Likewise, other users can see who you are voting for. Can I vote for myself? You may only vote for yourself in a couple category (e.g. if Joey and Jim are in the running for Best Bromance, Joey can vote for the Joey & Jim Bromance). In other categories, if you vote for yourself, you will be dropped from the category. I want to change my vote! If the poll is still open, message Misty about changing your vote. Misc. If you would like to withdraw from the User Awards entirely, message me and I will take you out of any category you’re nominated for. I can also remove you from any polls you appear in. Please do keep in mind, however, that the awards are all in good fun—so don’t feel too bad if you’re submitted for Biggest Post Whore! If you have any other questions or suggestions, feel free to reply to this thread. Have fun!
Not another! Hello friends & welcome back to the podcast! As many of our regulars know we opened up questions for the fourth Staff Questions podcast last week, and here's the episode! Today Misty stole hosting duties from Peace and War (though she let him appear anyway), and interrogated staff underlings Llave, Ienzo, Mish, libregkd, and Forsaken. Enjoy and we'll catch y'all on the flippity flop. [url][/url] Your browser does not support the audio element. DownloadiTunesNot an iTunes user? Subscribe to the podcast via our RSS feed. Have suggestions or questions for the members of the KH-Vids Podcast? Let Peace and War know, or bring it to our attention in the posts below! Just be sure to follow the rules and guidelines here. YouTube | Twitter | Tumblr | Facebook Intro: Always Like This by Bombay Bicycle Club | Outro: Grammy by Purity Ring
Hey y'all, we need some more questions for the podcast so shameless advertising ask away plz~
Hey all, it has been a while since I posted a problem in here. Google seems to be failing me, as are my usual tricks. A colleague of my mom's was having an issue with her laptop and my mom offered my services. Because I wasn't around when it started I don't have much info on that. The laptop is fairly old, a Dell Inspiron 6000, running Windows XP. I can get the more specific specs if needed. When I first tried booting it, I was getting an error saying that ntfs.sys was missing or corrupted right after the motherboard screen. I used an Ubuntu live CD to copy ntfs.sys from a Windows XP disc to the hard drive, then restarted. I was able to get to the Windows XP loading screen this time, but was met with a BSOD: I've run chkdsk (came up with no errors), chkdsk /r, and fixmbr via the recovery console, all to no avail. I also removed the physical hard drive and put it back in just for kicks. If I try booting to Last Known Good (I have that option after restarting from the BSOD) I get the same error. I tried Safe Mode as well but when it's loading the drivers I get to mup.sys and then it restarts. The hard drive is accessible via the Ubuntu live CD so I can always replace files that way. Similarly, worst case scenario is that I backup her files to an external HD from the live CD and do a clean install of XP, but I'd rather it not come to that.
Hey everyone! We're excited to be having yet another Staff Questions podcast! For those unfamiliar with the Staff Questions podcasts, basically, we post a thread in which you guys can send in questions. These questions can be directed at a specific staff member, or to the entire group. The host will ask our staff members these questions over the podcast! This time around Peace and War and myself will be cohosting. The following staff members will (hopefully!) be appearing, so feel free to direct questions either to one of them or the group! Llave Ienzo Peace and War Mish libregkd Forsaken Misty Stuck for question ideas? Consider inquiring about any of the following! Our lives (work, school, friendships) Our hobbies and interests outside of KH-Vids Advice, opinions, suggestions, concerns Kingdom Hearts or any you want to ask us about or tell us! Please remember that this is a PG-13 podcast, so all questions should fall under that category. If you would like a question to be anonymous, feel free to send it to me (or Peace and War) in a personal conversation--I promise I won't tell! If you don't care about anonymity, just post your questions in this thread. We may not be able to get to every question, but we'll try our hardest. Make sure you indicate who you want the question to be directed to--if no one, just write "group," or something along those lines! To avoid being overloaded with questions, please try to be equal in your asking--for example, don't ask eleven questions to Mish and none to Llave. Get your questions in, because this thread will be locked on Wednesday, June 5th!
Kingdom Hearts on my podcast? What is this! Hey everybody & welcome back to the podcast! With all the buzz about Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix, particularly the international release dates and the first of its cutscenes added to our archive, now is a great time to look back on the series, as well as discuss our wishlist for the future of the series. We did just that on this episode of the KH-Vids Podcast. Our usual host Peace and War, staff members Misty (me!), Llave, and Ienzo were graced by the presence of our lovely Premium guest Cat for a lovely discussion. Enjoy and we'll catch y'all on the flippity flop. [url][/url] Your browser does not support the audio element. DownloadiTunes Have suggestions or questions for the members of the KH-Vids Podcast? Let Peace and War know, or bring it to our attention in the posts below! Just be sure to follow the rules and guidelines here. YouTube | Twitter | Tumblr | Facebook Just a small note: things are a wee bit static-y and echo-y on this episode due to some technical difficulties. Sorry about it!
Anyone feel like playing some tonight? I'm going out to eat with my sister around 4:30, dunno how soon I'll be home but I'll have time before work at 8ish. Might feel like playing after I get out of work also. Let me know~ eastern time etc
View attachment 35940 Hi guys! We've got some really exciting news. Thanks to our illustrious recorder Mixt, we're proud to present all of the cutscenes from KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5 REMIX: 358/2 Days! The videos are in their original Japanese (still waiting on that Fall 2013 international release, Square!) in lovely 1080p! Mixt has really done a great job with these so be sure to give him a big thank you! You can check out the cutscenes by either heading to the Cutscene Archive (listed under both 358/2 Days and Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix) or just clicking here! The videos are available in fourteen parts, in your choice of MP4 or AVI. One or two of the download or watch now links might be down while I'm doing a little uploading but it should be 100% soon! :] Make something great with these clips? Share your video with us in our Video Portal, and make sure you tag it for entry into the Top 5!
You cannot play with most of us without downloading the multiplayer DLC! It's all free and totals 3 - 4GB, so it's not a fast download depending on your connection. Thanks all ~
( yes I still have not beaten Mass Effect 3 but I want goals ppl ) Okay so basically my semester is ending in a few weeks which means more time for video games. I'll basically have six weeks of complete freedom until my job becomes everyday for the summer, so Imma need a game to play post-ME3. ( yes I will still rope y'all into multiplayer sessions do not fret. and i fully intend to do more ME playthroughs ) I have such a massive backlog of games and no idea what to play next so help me out y'all. I also bought a capture card recently so might try doin' an LP or stream or something.
and I'm sharing it with y'all The Adventure Time one is perf note to my future husband: include downton abbey
Playing some ME3 with libregkd~ AND STREAMING IT
aka tomorrow. Let's do this shiz B| Obvie we can only have four people per room, but if more than that want to play we can always do two rooms! And then shift around based on people coming/going. We usually have a Skype call goin' while we play so feel free to add me on Skype ( writingthenote ). I also have a capture card so I can record our Epic Victoriez. Starting around 12:00PM (Eastern). Please post in here if you're interested in joining~
Reply with yrs and I'll add you to the list. Misty: mistypants libregkd: libregkd Reptar: InuKH2Sammy Peace and War: Kam-Sage hatok: Hatokman Kites: Quorra Cat:[/B Cat10013
See this thread: You can request your old group data to be imported within this thread. First, create a social group according to the instructions in the above thread. Second, visit this subforum and locate any & all threads from your old group. You can use the search function to locate things more easily, or sort the threads in alphabetical order. You may also want to click on the Who Replied? link and take note of your forum group members, so you can invite them. Third, post within this thread with the following information: Link to recreated group Links to ALL threads you want moved to recreated group I will notify you when your request has been completed. Any questions, feel free to message me.
That's right everyone! Social Groups are back. I know this was a very popular feature in our vBulletin days, and I know I promised for a long time that they'd be back "soon." I am sorry for the delay, but they're upon us now. To enter the Social Groups area of our side, hover over Community on the navigation bar and select Social Groups. You'll be brought to the Groups area of the forums. From here, you can hit the Create New Social Forum button to make a new group, or just browse through and see what groups interest you! Groups can have open membership (anyone can join!) or moderated, meaning a group moderator must approve membership. In a moderated group, users can request membership or be invited. Members can be invited to open groups, and thrown out of either. When you create a group, you can appoint moderators. Just like our staff, these moderators have some special powers within your social group--they can edit or delete posts, sticky threads, etc., so only appoint people you trust! Please note that our regular staff has full power within groups, and that group content is visible to everyone. The best way to understand groups is to use them, though! We're excited to see what you all do with them. Please note that normal members can create up to seven groups, and Premium members up to thirteen. I know the big question on everyone's mind, though, is whether or not you can reclaim the content from your old vBulletin groups. We have backed up the data from them and have a method for moving the content from your old group to the new group. It does require some manual work, so importing content from old groups will be open to Premiums only for now. Once Premium requests for import have slowed, it will be opened to all members. While you wait, feel free to recreate your old groups and start posting! Premium members can request an import within their subsection--I'll be posting a thread within there shortly. Have fun guys! If you need any help or have any questions, feel free to ask within this thread.
Square recently held a private conference at GDC with some news we think you guys are really going to flip over! We haven’t got all the details yet but this seems to finally be it—Kingdom Hearts 3! View attachment 35757 View attachment 35758 Release sometime after KINGDOM HEARTS HD 2.5 ReMIX Production has been going on in secret for a while now Codename “Project <3” Rumored locations: Agrabah, a Kingdom Hearts classic at this point Andy’s Room, from Disney & Pixar’s Toy Story. Buzz and Woody models were found in Kingdom Hearts II (though they were unused), so it’s unsurprising the next numbered Kingdom Hearts title will feature them! More Pixar worlds are hinted to appear The title will feature Sora, Riku, Donald, and Goofy as main party members (no word on whether the previous three character limit will be adjusted). Kairi is rumored to be a playable character but little is known about the role she’ll play. New Final Fantasy characters from XII and XIII will make cameos As some of you guys are probably aware Square is going through some tough financial times—the announcement and development of Project <3 does seem very sudden, so I was skeptical at first, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were going to try to put out some titles they know will sell well in order to make up for losses. The big question is, though: PS3? PS4? Multi-platform? Whatever it is, this is the biggest news we've had in years! Source: Eyes on FF, KHWorld