Ever since In first got my computer I have had problems with DirectX, so it doesn't suprise me that this came up. So I got portal, right? I installed it and everything and when I tried to run it, the screen turned black as if it was going to run the game, but it went back to the desktop with a window that said i need a minimum of DirectX 8 to be able to run Portal. I asked my sister's boyfriend what to do and he suggested to update DX completely. So I went to the DirectX 10 Download, since it was the newest one and downloaded to installation program. Now, I tried to instal that and got this message: An internal error occurred. Please refer to DXError.log and DirectXlog in your Windows folder to determine problem. And I'm really confused. Any help would be nice. All I wanna do is just play portal D:
Ctr, you gave me an idea. You know what I need to rant about? When people wander into the graphics section and enter a thread. Their reply to that thread is something along the lines of: Next, they go to ANOTHER thread and post something like this: And the next thread.... It goes on and on, people. And I have to delete those posts. Why you ask? They're total spam! The total point of posting in that section is to help them get better by using CNC. Comments and CRITIQUE. Not, comments and not helping them in anyway possible, just post whoring. Yeah, CNC, LEARN IT LIVE IT LOVE IT. The funny thing is, it's not just one person. Heck, it's not just here on KH-Vis. It's in the internet, it's in the world. And think if you were the artist getting those replies to. Maybe you put your SOUL AND HEART into drawing this BEAUTIFUL drawing. You worked and worked in all your weak parts, trying to improve and this is your only reply: WTF MAN, WTF. Do you people not understand what it's like TO be an artist? Everyday this thought goes through my mind, "Am I ever going to be as great as those many names I hear and read about? Am I seriously wasting my time perfecting my art? Am I just a girl with a pencil? With no point? No promise? Is it a waste? Will I EVER be there?" And knowing a lot of people like me, they feel like that too. I strive to be better, and I know all those people out there do too. I'm sorry guys, but I'm a person who hates praise, I'd rather be better at what I do then for someone to tell me, "Good Job" every time I create when they don't realize what a GOOD job is. You know what I ALSO hate? When they try to critique you but they just say what's wrong and don't tell you how to fix it. How the HELL am I supposed to fix this dog's paw if I don't know the proper way? How am I supposed to align the eyes right when the face is tilted? What IS the proper way to shade? Please, next time you look at someone's art, don't sit there and say, "I like it" or "Good Job". Be in DEPTH. Tell them at LEAST what you like about, what you think they can do better. Because most people who wouldn't care about art don't see what it is. It's not just a drawing. It's not JUST a photograph. It's NOT just a sculpture. It's the feelings and emotions of the person, in a form where you can see, hear, taste, feel, and read. I could go on and on, but you guys would probably get bored. And to those who actually sat down, read this and understand, thank you.
Is everyone on the forum extremely rude today?
I was listening to Escapism by AnCafe in Window Media player and in the middle of the song, it started to fade out and it doesn't usually do that O.o So I had to turn it up. wtf? I think my speakers are possessed.
This morning I woke up to my dog barking. I thought of course that she needed to go outside. So, I got up and walked down to my living room to see her staring into the kitchen and barking. And it didn't sound like a 'I'm asking for something' kind of bark, like when she DOES have to go outside, but like she doesn't know what something is. It just freaked me out. She does this a lot, actually she's doing it as I type. Mostly it's when she's a foot from the wall and facing it, or looking into the guest room, where weird stuff happens quiet often (stuff moving, crying like sounds). After looking at this, I asked to myself: Can animals see what we cannot?
After not drawing a dragon in 2 years, guess what I did XP Here's da link I'm very disappointed in the background, and to lazy to fixit. perhaps tomorrow? Ehh, whatevs. Critique? Pl0x?
Newest Drawing. Linky Yes I go on gaia. Critique?
They raped my father and killed my mother D:
New photo. Click me, yah Cnc, yus?
Drawn a LONG while ago in math class. The one with Darky and Trig is mah favort
Is there a way to make a lower quality picture look HIGHER quality? Any tutorials on it?
needs moar nyappy.
Talk about this week's SoTW here! Theme:Nature
Signature of The Week Nature -SUBMISSION-THREAD\DISCUSSION-IN-DISCUSSION-THREAD/ENTRIES-DUE-JULY-20TH- This week's theme is nature. Make a signature that shows mother nature and the beautiful earth. Entries are due July 20th '08. Please keep all discussion in the discussion thread. If you post in this thread to discuss, your post WILL be deleted. Entries only, please.
So... can the guitarist from Dragonforce get through 'Through The Fire and The Flames' on expert?
http://youtube.com/watch?v=BQrSYLYtltU D:
Any good bands, my friends?
I can read backwards
My sister's boyfriend bought me a deviantart subscription. =DD