My all time favorite anime. It aired on Adult Swim a few years back, so I know some people have heard about it. The series is basically about a girl who has pyrokinetic powers, which means she controls fire. There are other people too who control elements, they're all called Witches. Robin was hired at this company to help track down the Witches who abuse their power. It's a short, but amazing series.
I'd sooooo be gay. ;D
I now realize when I look at something and draw it, it looks hella better. CLICK ME PEEPS Before any of you say it, I know the right eye is higher than the left, I didn't realize on it until I inked it XP HARDCORE Critique, pl0x?
I am so freaking proud of how this turned out. I just love it. Version 1 Version 2: It's not finished, 'cuz I'm going to digitally colour it. Critique, pleeeeease?
Lolz, this is so weird. Linky I tried a bit of shading. Critique pl0x?
Okay so I drew this picture and I don't know what to do with it. Drawing link picture taken on phone Should i: -Scan it and leave it in pencil -Outline in ink, colour with coloured pencils -Outline in ink, colour on computer -Scan and vector in GIMP, then colour -Eat it? I needs mah halp
I hate drawing chains
More picture stuff. CLICK IT CNC please.
and the plants were singing and the birds and the sun was almost down from the top of the sky.
I want $330 D: This is why.
¯\(º__o)/¯ That is all.
I went on a walk and brought my camera. Critique is loved for all of them. 1 - Take a Seat 2 - where we grew up. 3 - Beauty of a Sun 4 - Playful 5 - Spin it
What's the HTML code to make text coloured? =X
More photography from Hissora <3 Linky That was some yummy cake. Good Critique is loved.
What is a good way for me to get money and fast? I need to buy myself a better camera for photography. I'm not old enough to get a real job, but I know there is somethings I can do. I've considered mowing lawns and babysitting, only I don't have anyone to babysit. And perhaps selling old Gameboy Advance SP on eBay or to my brother. And selling prints on DA, but I would get like 20% profit. Any ideas?
My stupid computer won't let me run Portal and I wanna play it so bad. D: It all has to do with stupid DirectX. >|
Signature Of The Week Voting Thread ENTRIES: Sadden Blood Warrior Hubba-Bubba-Bubbles jojoj13 MegaMan X Hissora Cin Darkwatch tofuman Mexony Ris Fallen King Ghetto on mirrors edge Shades Reptar ;D Disqualified: Pika_Power: You entry did not go with this week's theme and you were unable to re-enter.