Mooore Jerith! :3 click me Hardcore critique wanted.
Fatal Frame 4 came out... In japan.
And at the VERY end is there supposed to be a bunch of stars?
This is my ringtone. Awesome yus? XD
Is a restaurant from heaven.
By the show Maury ;o
Hmm, how long can I last without sleep, I wonder?
So I just finished making an animated pixel art avatar for me. I saved it as a gif but when I play it, the layers underneath are shown when it animates since it's see through at some parts. How with GIMP can I fix this?
Another photo link CnC, please?
Woo, new drawing~ click me CnC please?
Woo, I made up a game~ Okay so, what you do is post a secret a truth and a lie. The next poster guesses which one is which, if they get it wrong, another person has to guess, if they get it right, they get to post theirs. Simple, yes? ;3 Okay, here's mine: 1 - I wish I was a guy 2 - I accidentally blew up ice cream once 3 - I dropped my brand new phone in a pool GO GO GO
I almost had a heart attack! I have this kinda CD case rack on my desk and the CD case on top just fell... And it's not even 3 am yet o-o
I need to sleep badly but I'm so into this fanfiction. It's SOOO good D:
And to mars.
And I hated it.
Rules: 1. You are now playing The Game. 2. If you think about the game, you lose. 3. If you lose, you must announce that you have lost. Everyone is playing the game. They always have been and always will be. Participation in a game requires neither consent nor awareness of its existence. Now, GO!
Make me lol
Why did they have to make Miku and Mafuyu siblings? D: I mean, that's just wrong. THE WERE MEANT TO BE PPL. She goes into a freaking house to save her brother, and it's oh so romantic. And they have to be siblings. Why can't they be childhood friends or something? That would be better. Stupid Tecmo. I hate you. If you have no clue what I'm talking about, that is good.
needs more happy.