So I want an Entei plush REAAAALLY bad, so I got to that website they sell a bunch of pokemon stuff, and it's closed! WTF MAN, WTF! I looooved that site D:
here's a Hissora there's a Hissora and another little Hissora fuzzy Hissora funny Hissora Hissora Hissora duck. Hissora Hissora pie Hissora tablet wood tomato Hissora Hissora Hissora mushroomHissora Hissora Hissora duck i was once a treehouse i lived in a cake but i never saw the way the orange slayed the rake i was only three years dead but it told a tale and now listen, little child to the safety rail did you ever see a Hissora kiss a Hissora on the Hissora Hissora's Hissora tastes of Hissora Hissora Hissora duckhalf a Hissora twice the Hissora not a Hissora farmer Hissora Hissora in a car alarm a Hissora Hissora duckis THIS how it's told now? is it all so old?is it made of lemon juice?doorknob ankle cold now my song is getting thii've run out of luck time for me to retire now and become a duchere's a Hissora there's a Hissora and another little Hissora fuzzy Hissora funny Hissora Hissora Hissora duck. Hissora Hissora pie Hissora tablet wood tomato Hissora Hissora Hissora mushroomHissora Hissora Hissora duck i was once a treehouse i lived in a cake but i never saw the way the orange slayed the rake i was only three years dead but it told a tale and now listen, little child to the safety rail did you ever see a Hissora kiss a Hissora on the Hissora Hissora's Hissoratastes of Hissora Hissora Hissora duckhalf a Hissora twice the Hissora not a Hissora farmer Hissora Hissora in a car alarm a Hissora Hissora duckis THIS how it's told now? is it all so old?is it made of lemon juice?doorknob ankle cold now my song is getting thii've run out of luck time for me to retire now and become a duchere's a Hissora there's a Hissora and another little Hissora fuzzy Hissora funny Hissora Hissora Hissora duck. Hissora Hissora pie Hissora tablet wood tomato Hissora Hissora Hissora mushroomHissora Hissora Hissora duck i was once a treehouse i lived in a cake but i never saw the way the orange slayed the rake i was only three years dead but it told a tale and now listen, little child to the safety rail did you ever see a Hissora kiss a Hissora on the Hissora Hissora's Hissora tastes of Hissora Hissora Hissora duckhalf a Hissora twice the Hissora not a Hissora farmer Hissora Hissora in a car alarm a Hissora Hissora duckis THIS how it's told now? is it all so old?is it made of lemon juice?doorknob ankle cold now my song is getting thii've run out of luck time for me to retire now and become a duck! I just funked up this trend a bit further.
M-mm-y.... my.. MY f-f-favo- MY FAVORITE Daft Punk CD is skipping D:
How does the guy in you avvie drink the tea? Does he have like an invisible straw? And how does it get to his mouth? D;
Discuss snazzy entries here ;D
S0t\/\/ no. 31 Collaboration [entry.thread.][][entries.due.on.april.26] Alright, after a few suggestions, Collab is this week! Here's the low-down~ You and one other member have to team up to make a sig together. It doesn't matter if you completely make a normal sig and other person funks it up or you guys go back and forth makin' it into some snazzy shiz. Completely up to you guys. PM ME your team ahead of time, so I know FOR SURE now who's with who. Only ONE person may post the final sig in this thread to reduce spam and confusion. It would be nice to see screen shots of each person's work or the original piece and such. Teams: Misty & Chaser007 cronoking & DPWolf sadden Blood warrior & VideoGameNerd GhettoXemnas & Darkwatch King_Mickey &singstar Ready... GO!
r i kewl nao?/?//SLASH/???
I really don't know I just like trends Go go power rangers.
1st period, went outside to draw DNA on sidewalk with sidewalk chalk 2nd Period, Finished Concept art for online manga 3rd period, Saw that two birds were in the gym flying around. I wonder how they got in there. 4th period, quiz. Friend goes to the bathroom and finds bird dead on the ground. Funeral starts.
Yeah, I've noticed some newer members are infering crap, so i'll give you the truth. I'm a girl. =/ Words out. Plz stop saying I'm a guy. You can go home now
I can see you >>
I lol'd at your sig. Vary hard.
So I've been totally addicted to FF7 lately, and I've realized something. Kays, so, In FF:AC Kadaj and his gang are at the forgotten city with the kiddies, yes? And Cloud goes there from Midgar, yes? The Forgotten City is on another FREAKIN continent AND Clouds on a motorcycle. HOW DID HE GET THERE SO FAST?! It was night when he left and it still was night when he got there, so it must've taken him about an hour. HOW DID HE GET THERE SO FAST??! I'm srsly wtfing right now.
I'm the only one in the spamzone ;o
vary much.
And this prate told us a story. It was like mad libs or who's line is it anyways? where people shout out random things. The story was like, there was a pirate ship was called the minnow and all the crew could jump... really well. The captain was named Comclotts and he could breathe fire. The crew and captain hadn't done anything for a while so they went out in search of women. The found this huge watermelon at sea and came out a seed. The seed told them they could find women at this volcano. So they went o the volcano and found a cave and dragon. So it wasn't really a volcano, it was just a mountain... with a dragon in it. So the captain and the dragon breathed fire at eachother and Comclotts won. They dragged the dragon out and found the whale. The whalke was like, "I'll trade you fifty women for that dragon meat." Why a whale wanted a dragon and had 50 women, I don't know. So in the end the crew was happy with their women. And we also got these people to dance for us since we bought water.
Sooo... yeah.