okay, my countdown to death has begun! in less than a week, the new movie "Camp Rock" will premire. i have a very good feeling that this will suck. our computer is in the living room and it will be on. also, it's gonna be on other channels. PLEASE HELP ME!!!
we have every flavor of soda in the world! RULES: nothing diet!!!
Omfg Dn Fans!! okay, i just found out that there is an episode 38 (for those new to the series, it ends at 37) *SPOILERS* YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! this is part of the ending of the last episede. it's a flash back to L's funeral. it's really cool. ( i haven't seen the full episode, so i can't tell you where to look. i also don't know if they are going to dub this episode) http://youtube.com/watch?v=tX1_K-mUH94&feature=related i can't wait to hear english light's laugh. you know what i'm talking about...
yes, it's back! my "kingdom hearts censored" videos are back. it's kinda short, but it's good. Kingdom hearts censored 3: the return never seen the other two, we'll here they are!! kingdom hearts censored 1 kingdom hearts censord 2
lifes like a novel, with the end ripped put the edge of a canyon, with one way down take what your given, before it's gone start holding on, keep holding on. whoever can guess where this is from get's a cookie!!!
Yet another video made by me. this time it's an amv. "How to save a life" by the Fray. Please rate and comment (on youtube) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGlpTIcs2ck
do not post this again, next time is a warning. -neku
PLEASE WATCH!! i spent alot of time on this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhY7B88vPcQ
it was awsome. you have to watch 'Attack of the show' to get it.
yes, i'm following the wierd fad. her's my list of pwnsome.:stupid: excuse my cr@ppy drawing EDIT: i accidently left some names out: xJayn Xendran AngelsNeedFlight
can someone tell me what's going on right now between obama and hilary. i've just been to f**king lazy to give a cr*p about the news these past months. and please keep it short.
write a book. i won't care what's it's called. if it becomes a best seller, i will come out with another. it will be called "How the hell did my last book become a best seller?"
4 years ago, a reality tv show premired on ABC. now, the second seasno has begun. for those who don't know what it is, "the mole" is a reality game show. it's not like the boring retarted ones like american idol or "so you think you can dance". the mole includes 12 strangers. each test they complete, they get more money. among them is a traitor trying to stop them (the reason the name is the mole). after about 2 tests, they take an actual test, asking stuff on who they think the mole is. the person with the most wrong answers is eliminated. the winner- the person who can answer the question: who is the mole? the first episode of season 2 premired last night. what did you think.
i've been thinking this for a while. as everyoine knows, there are many gamers in the united states. could it be that those people could have a big impact on the '08 presidential elections. one candidate could do something that would mess with gaming, therefore not get the vote. does anyone know what i'm saying???
an original piece, telling of my past year. walking into familiar territory scared for no reason. found friends of past year smile on my face. some classes were tough some were easier than others being the class act nerding my way to the top denied love many times regection after another. one hurt more than anyother the end finally came reflected on my past. said all my final goodbyes summers come at last.
the devil went down to georgia looking for a soul to steal.
"C"? just really bored. me: Cloverfield Monster. :cheers: :stupid:
it's that time of the year.there's surf, sun, and... wait a minute. is that kairi in a bikini. RULES: 1. characters from kingdom hearts 2. no spamming. 3. keep it pg-13. 4. NO YIOU OR YURI!!! 5. can be up to 4 characters. 6. have fun!!! characters: sora- tummer73 riku- kairi- donald- goofy- mickey- stitch- cloud- roxas- namine-