*preps self for ultimate fangirl attack* .................. ................ ....... sucks.
holy crap! i'm caught in hurricane dolly. the lightning sounded really close! if i randomly am logged off, it might be a power outage!
<look at post> parta!
they played "How to save a life" in the lunch line. wtf with the giant database error?? that is all
this guy really loves final fantasy...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eim5jLlEPYI (sorry for the random threads latly ^.^)
first, say the following (top to bottom), but say cows before each word. (ex. cows____) cows about talking idiot this got I long how beleive can't I now do the same thing, but instead saying cows after each word. after that, say cows before and after. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . once your done, read it from bottom to top.
to get haters! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MveGgvBURH8
Yes, i need voice actors. I am attempting to create a "Kingdom hearts 2 abridged series". i need some voices. Just send in an audition to me via pm. it could be a recording, or something on youtube, or other stuff. the deadline will be Aug.30. Include who you would like to be. you can be more than one person. Voices: Roxas- Ollette- Hayner- Pence- Sifer- Sora- tummer73 Riku- Riku (Ansem)- kairi- Namine- Selphie- Axel- Xemnas- Luxord- Demyx- Siax- Leon- Yuffie- Cloud- Tifa- Donald- Goofy- Pete- Malifacent- Yen sid- three faries- queen minnie- daisy-
http://youtube.com/watch?v=aFeUhqvSQa4&feature=related after i saw this, i thought "n00bz" >>
i was searching around the internet, and well.... do you remeber the vid of prison inmates doing thriller? we'll they came out with another video. it's so wierd. you may sh*t bricks
okay, i know that all anime characters are fake! that does not change that fact that everyone of us is attracted to a certain character. so, who would you date. mine would be Yuki Nagato. She is a very cute girl. She also reads, yes ladies; i like smart girls!
i've been recording "death note" because there is no way i can stay up that late. the final episode is rated "TV-MA" for the excessive use of blood. your kidding me right? everything else is rated "TV-14" becasue there was no blood. so, death is okay, Light looking at a dirty mag is okay, hell, Misa wearing smexy cloths is okay, but blood is crossing the line?
just uber bored. "it's so much fun taking all your cloths off!". Haruhi Sasumiya. i literally FLMAO when i heard that.
be honest when putting your answer. your going to the amuzement park. you're on a date with the hottest girl/coolest dude in school. when you are close to a door, you see a little homeless girl. she goes: "excuss me, i don't know how much time i have left. i know i'm going to die today. i just wanna go to this park for the first time as my last wish." you see you only have enough money for 2 tickets. "let me call you a hospital!", you say. "No!", she yells. "They will do no good. please det me have my last wish." you turn to your date. you tell him/her "you don't mind do you?" she/he turns to you, "ditch me, and we never go out again." so, who will you take, the popular guy/girl, or the dying sick girl.
okay rant time. for the first time ever, i'm going to attack.... the extreme HSM haters!!! there are two kinds of haters. the regular ones who watch it once and that's it. i'm on the border line of love and hate with the sereis. the ones that really p*ss me off are the extreme HSM haters. you can click on any HSM vid that's been up for like a couple of months, and find a comment that says: "this movie sucks" or "this song sucks". why the hell are you watching it if it sucks so bad. hate to tell you, but your oppinion will non't matter. all because you post that doesn't mean people will stop posting and viewing it. i just completely facepalm you people. you're also some of the most extreme imature people on earth. that is all.
look at what happens when you spell yagami backwards. yagami/imagay pure lulz.
another forum game TAG! your it! now you must post 5 random facts about yourself and tag someone else. RULZ: 1. must do tag 2. can't tag the person who tagged you. just bored...