Okay, a while ago i created a thread asking what kind of short story i wanted to write for a class project. The majority of you guys wanted me to write my own story version of The Fray's hit song, "How to Save a Life". I finished it awhile ago, and you guys are the first to see it before i e-mail to my teacher. How to Save a Life Jason woke up from another terrible dream. His head sweating like he ran a ten mile race. It was a flashback to about a week ago; he was with his mother in the hospital. She was in an awfully bad car crash, and was in critical condition. Her body tried hard to recover from the wounds. After he said goodbye, his mom said to him: “Never live in terror.†Those were her final words before she went into cardiac arrest. He was called out of his class that morning by the school’s guidance councilor, Mrs. Fey. She was an older woman with light white hair. He entered the room slowly and shook her hand. He sat in the chair parallel to the woman’s desk. “Step one to these things is we need to talk.†Mrs. Fey began to say. She gave him a polite smile as he stared out the window. “Would you like to talk about it?†He delivered nothing to her about what happened the last two weeks. We wanted to keep how he felt inside him for the rest of his natural born life. He wouldn’t even tell her about the odd dreams he’s been having ever since her death. He looked out the window, wondering why he went there in the first place. The lady was not going to fight with him. He had to be willing to tell her what he feels. “Well, promise you’ll come to see me when you are willing to talk okay?†She told him. “Alright, I promise.†He told her. He gripped on his note back to class. “Thank you, ma’am.†During his lunch hour, he sat with his girlfriend of two years, Jackie Worro. He did not feel like eating anything, not even the sweet juicy oranges on his plate. She constantly tried to get him to talk about how he was feeling. The teachers admired the effort, but knew it was useless. All he would ever say about the situation was “I’m fine.†She felt she knew what was best for him. “Why don’t you make a list of what’s going on that’s hurting you?†Jackie suggested. “Nothing is hurting me, okay!†He told her. “Just drop it!†He stormed off in a divine furry. He wanted to turn back and apologize to her, but his pride wouldn’t let him. That weekend was the funeral. His mom sleeping in her casket with her white dress; her face was pail white but Jason’s was whiter when he saw her. The family all said their last goodbyes. It was Jason’s aunt and uncle that decided to take him in. Jackie was always by his side that day, hoping he’d share his feelings. He was the last one to leave the graveyard. He stood on the hill top with his white rose. He placed it on top of her tombstone, and he bowed his head. Jackie watched from a distance, tearing at the site of him. She noticed rain drops fall on her, so she ran to get Jason under the umbrella. “Get under.†She told him. He obeyed the girl’s command, and started walking to her car. She looked into his eyes, and he seemed soulless, no expression of emotion on his face. Water was slowly sliding down his hair to his chin. “It was my fault.†He started. Jackie was already on driving on the free way when he started talking. “I begged her to get me a book I wanted. While on the interstate, it happened. She took an alternate route that day to the bookstore. I blame myself for her death.†Jess was in complete silence. She didn’t notice, however; that the radio was on while he was talking. She turned it to a low setting so she could have a say. “Here’s your choice.†Jess said. “We can drive away from this place, or we can stop and really talk about this.†“Just take me home.†He told her. She drove his to his uncle’s place, hoping he’d change his mind. He gave her a kiss on the cheek before exiting. She waited until he was inside before she left. “God, help him.†She said to herself. “Please hear me if you can. Let him know it’s not his fault. Tell him I’m trying to help him. I love him.†Jason sat in the man made dark, watching T.V. he grew surprisingly tired. It wasn’t even nightfall and he was drowsy. He tried to open his blinds to keep him awake, but he slept when he hit his pillow. “Always sleeping, aren’t you.†A feminine voice said. He slowly opened his eyes. To his amazement, a ghostly silhouette of his mom stood before him. “Mom!†He yelled. “I need to tell you-“ “Shh!†his mom interrupted. “Now listen, my death is not your fault. You need to do one of two things: tell Jackie how you feel, or say you are not the same.†“But mom, that’s doesn’t make any-“He paused. He figured out what she meant. “Confine in Jackie, you two are one. Please do me that much.†“Okay mom.†He told the allusion. “And remember what I told you.†She told him. She leaned in towards his forehead. “Now, wake-up.†She hit him on the head with her fist. He woke-up in another sweat. He looked at the clock, 8:30 A.M. To him, the dream was short; but he had slept through the night. He grabbed his cell phone and called Jackie. “Jackie… I’m ready to talk… Yes, this is really Jason… we’ll meet there then.†He drove to the park he would play at when he was little. He waited for Jackie under the tree where they had their first kiss. She looked mad at him; guessing that it was about how he snapped at her the other day. He explained how he really felt about her, life, and his mother. Tears came from his dark brown eyes. “I know I was bitter last time, but I don’t want to lose you!†He told her. “I’ll do anything for you to believe me; I’ll stay up with you all night if I have to.†She oked into his eyes. The truth she saw into his pupils said he was sincerely sorry, which made Jackie forgive him. She went to hug him, but they both fell on the ground. He was on the floor with Jackie on top of him. “Marry me?†He asked her. She forced her lips onto his. “Sure, sounds fun.†She replied.
Okay, so i came across a lot of videos making fun of a website. AS an optomistic person, i decided to check it out. Apperently, when you register on it, you can marry your own website. So i registered, and guess who i married. Spoiler I'M AN OTAKU AND PROUD OF IT DAMMIT!
Stuff In The World That I found interesting. I'm just really bored right now... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfkmPOmp3qI
My school library finally got the entire death note series, and i just finished book 6. They somethimes put small rules (usually repeatative) at the end of each chapter. We'll, here's the one at the end of ch. 52. There are male and female gods of death, but it is neither permitted, for them to have sexual realations with humans. The gods of death also cannot have sex with eachother. Sorry, it's 9:18 right now, and i waited for a vid to load. I'm bored okay!
So, since i can't make anymore amvs, i decided to go a different route. With that new road, i also wanted to create a new logo. I made this one last night, and i want to know if it's any good...
how's it going?
Dancing with the stars is ending tomorrow. You know what that means... [Scrubs season 8 will be on next week!!!]
Something i came up with today. I just got the opening to "Death Note: the Last name" and edited it a little. It was a pain in the @$$ to do, but i think i did pretty good. please excuss the background noise. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHNcudXhOC4
A new T.V. show that is... well basically hide-and-seek for adults on steroids. 10 people are kept in a close location and are trying to avoid the hunters. If they are tagged, then they are out. They can gain tools to devert or stop the hunters, but the first one who will get out (base for hide-and-seek) is the winner. It seems like an interesting idea to me. Also a little fun (i loved HAS when i was a kid). Now people are winning money for this? SIGN ME UP!
Okay... for school i need to write something over thanksgiving break (all next week). Anyway, it has to be an essay or a short story. I've had so many ideas, i can't decide. So can you help me. (btw, it's for a contest that a bunch of people in my school district do to get published in a local district book) A boy and his pup A story of a boy who gets a dog when he is 10 years old. How to save a life Translating the famous song into a short story of a boy whose mom died. Wish making A short bio on my trip to Orlando, Florida two years ago Kira: God of Justice? An essay analyzing is it alright to kill people. so, which sounds better?
I was looking on wiki just know, and i read this...
Dashing through the sand with a bomb strapped to my back. I had a nasty plan for Christmas in Iraq. I got from from Checkpoint A, but throught checkpoint B. That's when i got shot in the ass by the US miltary! Oh, Jingle bombs, jingle bombs, mine blew up you see. Where are all the virgins that Bin Ladin promised me? Oh, Jingle bombs, jingle bombs, your soilers shot me dead. The only thing that i have left is this towel on my head. I use to a man but every time i cough, thanks to Uncle Sam, my nuts keep falling off! (Stop looking you perverts!) My bombing days are done. I need to find some work. Perhaps it would be much safter as a convinence store night clerk. Oh, jingle bombs, jingle bombs I think i got screwed. Don't laugh at me becuase i'm dead, oh I KILL YOU!!!
this song reminds me of this site... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aU4XpXWwUsg
yep, just spaming.
guess where i've been... [the hospital]
i've said before i have a heart problem, and i was having odd chest pains yesterday and today. they took me to the hospital around 10:30pm my time. they did the standard test, and i came back fine. I still feel bad though. I'm having chest pains every few minutes, my sis says i look pail, and i have a slight fever. i think i might have a heart attack or something.....
in my opinion, McCain won the night. NOte: i'm not saying the election, just the night. I was at the hospital and i saw the results. His speech was just one word: class! He was polite, accepted defeat, and recognized Obama as the president. He was just an awesome person tonight, therefore; he was the better person. so obama won.... LET THE LIES BIGIN!!!
this man has my vote for tomorrow's presidential election. He works hard in what he does, and he's really funny. He announced he was running for president last year i belive. Some people thought it was odd, but i agree with him. He'd do good in the white house, and he needs all of your support. see who i'm voting for: Spoiler WALTER FOR PRESIDENT!!!
my otaku club had a cosplay contest today. i entered as Ryuk fromDeath Note. The judges were the librarians. I won too, a $10 gift card to Barns & Nobel. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Okay, i decided to just upload it today, sorry. I think it's pretty good though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UU5ov-LQwFA