i miss your old name DX :( :crashcomp: :crybaby:
we'll two days ago on "Mythbusters", they were blowing stuff up on the stove. that got me thinking, what would happen if i put a coke on the stove???
i read this a while back on wiki. there were two little kids that were arrested and not allowed to be in any of the schools in their county. the reason why: they possesed death notes. the police raded their rooms and found the two little black notebooks. it had names of students and staff members of their school. i seriously think this is stupid. humanity today is afraid of fiction. these kids might have a hard life, so they need to blow off steam. they get arrested for something fake. what the fu*k?
in every japanese movie i see, there is a demonc child involved. the grudge- evil boy, the ring- evil girl, one missed call- evil girl. is this some kind of freaky psa (public service announcement)
just super bored 1) Verb ending with ing 2) Name 3) noun 4) Adjetive 5) Feeling today i was (1) with my best friend (2). in a matter of minutes we saw a (3). my friend was like (4). watching the failure, i was (5)
as alot of people believe, the end of the world will be in 2012. there is fact that the earth, sun, and center of the milky way will aline in 2012. some people think that there will be some magnetic pull change, and stuff will happen to the earth. now, the maya's beleived in these 13 skulls (i was watching this thing on the sci-fi channel). they are hidden around the world. if we find most or all of the skull, and put them in a certain place, it will prevent armageddon from happening. what do you think???
you have been selected to recieve two free ipod nanos.
last week, my cheek was all puffy. we went to the dentist and found out it was infected. they took an x-ray and found out that half a tooth is still in my gums. tomorrow, they're going to take it out. i'm a little scared.
i can't believe it. 1 year and 6 days ago, i joined this site. it's been a great time.
it's been like a month since i last got on. my mom said we broke the computer, so she won't let us on the internet. i'm currently in class. hehe.
this is book II. i just worte the first part of chapter 1 today. hope you enjoy! Chapter 1: welcome back For the past two weeks, kairi was in the hospitol. The next day she was to return home with her daughters. Sora was waiting with her for her last night. Roxas and Namine were coming back to the house after their date the planned. When the turned on the light, the house was a mess. "We're doomed!", Roxas yelled. "What's wrong?", asked Namine. "Don't you understand?", Roxas started, "women are crazy after pregnancy. she's already crazy on how the house should be clean. she'll go insane when she see's this place." "What's the worst that could happend?", Namine asked him. "You idiots are dead!", said Sora the next day. "I told you.", added Roxas. "What's up guys?", Kairi said while holding Kyrie and Angel. "Nothing.", said Namine, "Sora was going to take you out to breakfast." "No.", Sora said, "she wants breakfast here. let's go inside" when kairi entered the house, she screamed. she woke up the poor babies, and they started to cry. now she ws furious "Get this place clean!, she yelled, "Sora, take me out!" "But i have no...", he started when she gave him the look. "We'll hit the ATM on the way." so Sora loaded the car and was his way. Roxas and Namine now have only 2 hours. Roxas and Namine rushed to clean the house. they were able to clean the house with 30 minutes to spare. there was only one room left. the worst room of all, the bathroom. "Hell if i'm doing it!", said Namine. "Please?", Roxas asked "But i'm so tired.", said Namine in a suductive voice. " I'll be able to pay you back." he couldn't resist. "Okay." he said. before he could kiss her, she ran to the couch and read a magazine. "what just happened?" Roxas went in with a mask and a plunger. there was week old dirty cloths, soap scum, and a wied yellow thing in the toilet. Miracuasly, he was able to clean it with 5 minutes to spare. Sora and Kairi entered just on time. Kiari was amazed on how clean it was. She took the babies to their new room. Later that night, Kairi came from the kids. Sora was laying down while she had a white liquid on her. "Angel threw up on me.", kairi said "you okay?", asked sora "yeah.", she said. "thanks." "for what?", sora asked. "everything.", kairi started. "i know the past months where hell. you might not have wanted to be with me." "that's not true.", sora said."i wanted to be with you all that time. "thanks." she kissed him. the baby walki-talki went off. kyrie was talking. "i have to go.", kairi said. sora pushed her back down. "no.", he said, "let me" he got up to go to the room. kairi layed there thinking i'm the luckyest person in the world. CHAPTER 2: BABY SITTING sora and kairi were getting ready. kairi put the last dab of papou perfume on her that sora got her for her birthday. sora was hanging up the picture of him, kairi, and the two babies. this was to be their first "out" since the babies were born. Roxas and Namine were left with the babysitting. when the couple left, the babies were in their room. Roxas put his hand around namine "So, can they do tricks?", asked Roxas. Namine hit his hand. suddnely, Angel started crying. "Stay here.", namine said. "i don't think you'll like what you'll see in there." she left to the babies. Roxas laid bored on the couch. he was thinking about his wedding with namine. it was only afew weeks away. "Namine!", roxas yelled."are you okay?" "Yeah Roxas.", she said. "it's just... you can sometimes screw up sometimes." "Like how?",Roxas asked. "Remeber when you played the 2ed death note theme after the babies went to sleep?" "That was an acident.",Roxas said. They spent the whole night talking. how roxas can improve, how namine makes mountains out of mole hill, and finally sora and kairi came home. "How were they?", kairi asked. "they were okay." "did roxas mess anything up?", Sora asked. "No.",namine said." He was fine." "Here's your 'thing'.", kairi said handing her a bag. "thanks.",Namnine said. she went straight to her room "Sora.",Roxas said. "am i right for namine?" "Sure man.", Sora said. Sora went to his room kairi came out with a stick and handed it to roxas. a small circle in it said it was blue. "uh-oh.", Roxas said. Mini chapter: Namine's tears Namine was sitting on the couch. as the lights flashed off her face, tears of sadness came down. Roxas could hear her balling in the other room. He thought that something bad happened to her. her ran into the room and saw her on the couch crying. "Namine, sweety.", he said holding her. "What happened?" "Right now on tv,", she started trying to hold in her tears. "yes, yes, continue." Roxas said. "Ryuzaki died!", she started crying again. Roxas had a face that made him look like a doofus. he took her off his lap and walked off. "dumb fangirls.", Roxas said. CHAPTER3: THE VISITOR "she's pregnate man!", Roxas yelled. he was pacing around the room, while Sora was changing Angel's diaper. "What am i going to do?" "You can shut up while i do this!", Sora said. he kicked Roxas out, and he went to his room. Namine and Kairi were on the couch. "is it bad?", Namine asked. "Yeah!", Kiari said. "You get urges and pains. i kept having mood swings everyday." "Kairi!!", Namine yelled. "that doesn't help at all!" Namine and Kairi hugged. "look at the yuri in this house.", a familiar voice said. Kairi looked and saw a familiar person. "Riku!", Kairi yelled. "you're back from exploring the worlds already?" "Yeah.", he said. "Now i'm looking for a home." "You can stay with us if you like.", Kairi said. "we have an extra room." "Hey Riku!.", Sora said holding Angel. "Hey Sora.", he said. "Who's this?" "This is Angel, our daughter.", Kairi explained. "Our other daughter, Kyrie; is napping." "I'm gone for a year and you get her knocked up?", Riku yelled. he turned to Namine. "And you?" Namine smiled."Guilty." "Aww man! i miss all the good stuff.", Riku said. "So, have you met anyone Riku?", Sora asked "yeah, her name is Kristy. She's awsome. She's coming tommorrow." they chatted for hours, Riku telling of his adventures. it was like he never left. While everyone was asleep, Riku got a soda and stepped outside. he found Kairi drinking wine. "Haven't had it in a long time.", Kairi explained. "Aren't you breast feeding?", Riku asked. "Na, it hurt to much.", Kairi said. "How much have you had?", Riku asked. "Third glass.", she said. "Don't over due it and get drunk.", Riku joked. they chatted a while and Riku had some wine. they both were drunk. Riku started to walk to his room. Kairi went with him. "Good night Kairi.", he said slurring. then the kissed. not a friend kiss, a real one. Kairi ran to her room. "Crap!", she said. Chapter 4: Revolations "You what?!?", Sora yelled. "We were drunk.", Kairi explained. "It doesn't matter! You kissed Riku!", Sora yelled. "Did anything else happen?" "No, i swear.", she said. Kairi was on the verge of tears. She heared Angel waking up. "Let's talk about it later.", she said. Kairi ran out of the room closing the door behind her. Namine saw her running. She felt that Kairi wasn't feeling good. "Kairi," Namine started. "What's wrong?" "Last night, me and Riku got drunk and kissed.", she started. "I was feeling so guilty all night. I told Sora just to get it off my chest; and it didn't turn out so well." "Bummer.", Namine said. "You guys still coming to the rehersal dinner tonight?" "I think so.", Kairi said. "I am a brides maid after all." "Yeah. I'll take you, and Roxas will take Sora. How long do you think it will last?" "Honestly," Kairi said; "I don't know..." Namine exited the room and saw Riku about to enter Sora's room. "Wait!", Namine yelled. "Don't go in there!" "Why?", Riku asked. "Kairi told him about your....kiss." "Oh crap!", Riku yelled. "I gotta get out of here!" he ran straight out of the house. Later that night was Namine's and Roxas's rehersal dinner. Kairi wore a pink dress, and Sora wore a tux. "Hey Sora.", Roxas said. "Namine told me what happend." "I feel horrible man.", Sora said. "I feel ya dude. I'd hate if Namine kissed you." "Not that, how i spoke to her.", Sora explained. "I over reacted. She was drunk. I've seen it before, she'd do anything." "Anything?", Roxas said. He tried to get a smile out of Sora. "Shut up!", Sora said. Kairi and Namine looked accross the room and saw a small machine. "What's that?", Kairi asked. "A kareoke machine.", Namine said. "I thought it would be fun. Here's the song list." Kairi looked through the list. She choose a song and got on stage. The begining of "Never gonna give you up" started to play. Sora and Roxas looked on the stage and saw Kairi. "Sora,", Roxas started. "Doesn't Kairi have stage fright and gets sick or faint?" "Yeah.", Sora saidl. Kairi started to sing. "We're no strangers to love. You know the rules, and so do I..." Kairi continued the song. She was really nevious. After she finished, she started to fall. Sora ran and grabbed her before she hurt herself. "Sora,", Kairi said. "Forgive me?" "Only if you can forgive me. I'm sorry.", Sora said. They kissed on the stage. The audience started to cheer. Sora and Kairi then laughed. mini chap2: revenge is a dish best served cold Sora and Riku meet outside. "Dude, we're cool right?", Riku asked. "Oh yeah.", Sora saild. Sora looked down. "You okay?", Riku asked. "Now i am.", Sora said, then gave him a swift kid in between the legs. "So there is no little riku.", Sora said. Riku was there lying on the floor.
i know what your going to say by reading the title. THIS GAME IS TO COME OUT ON THE DS!!! i know that. the thing is a few days ago, i was telling my friend jimmy about the three new games. he said that 358/2 days is to come out the the DS. i told him "no, square enix said it's for the DS." he then to told me that he went to japan a couple of weeks ago and saw a stand for the game. he played it on the wii. he said it had something to do with roxas, and didn't tell him the story line before that. EDIT: okay guys i get it. my friend got it wrong. but wouldn't it be cool if it did come out on the wii?
this is for all the yu-g-oh fans out there. there was an extra season to yu-gi-oh. when it came to america; wb (the first people who gave us episodes in english) didn't licence it. So it became yu-gi-oh season 0. i beleive the reason why is because it had some stuff that was unsuitable for children. i'm on episode 5 right now, and it's pretty good. you get good back story on each character. you see tea when she works at the burger place (was mentioned in the english version). so far, it's not centered around card games. only one is and kaiba has green hair!!! so look it up on youtube. it's pretty good. EDIT: there is also a new chick in the group. her name is miho. Honda(Tristian) is really in love with her
where freedom stands along where justice needs to be upheld. let's join special agent s.s.ora and special agent r.r.riku? a cr@p. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbWExwwxBi0
i haven't been on alot latly. like a week ago, my dad bought me a ps3. a ps3! he bought me rockband to play. the short version is i was hooked. i kept trying to unlock dani california. i still haven't, but i'll keep trying. so to the people who care and have noticed i wasn't on alot, i'm back.