NOTE This game is Japanese-exclusive, so to play it you need to have one of the following: Option 1: *Japanese PS2 Option 2: *Swap Magic 3.6 *American/European PS2 I bought this game to appease my inner fanboy, and I must say that I'm pleased. This is probably the least known of the series since it's Japanese-exclusive, but it's quite fun. It takes the combat mechanics of the second game and expands upon them while keeping the core ideas intact. It's true that fans of the series will like this more, but anyone who like action-RPG games, such as Kingdom Hearts, should really enjoy this game. Graphics Not bad, but I really wish they would have given a good attempt at upping the graphics from the second game. Regardless, the graphics have a nice cell-shaded design that is faithful to the anime. Perhaps the greatest part of this game (and this game series in general) is that they got the whole original voice cast together and make some of the cutscenes in actual anime style that weren't in the actual anime. A downside is that the enemies are rather repetitive in look. Gameplay A nice mixture of hack-n-slash and RPG gameplay. The combo system is fairly deep, but at the same time, you can still get the job done with basic combos, so old pro gamers and newbies alike will leave content. You can switch between both of the Elric brothers on the fly and each has distinctive attacks and abilities which you will need to learn to use effectively to get through the game. The combination attacks with Edward and Alphonse add some nice variety to the fights and can turn the tide pretty fast. Only bad aspect I can think of is that the characters move a bit slow. Sound The musical scores are reminiscent of the show which is a great thing. All the original voice actors are here from the anime and they appear in cutscenes frequently. The fanboys wil go crazy, I would know. Entertainment This game is a great hack-n-slasher that mixes fun gameplay with classic anime-esque graphics and an all-star voice cast. If you're a Fullmetal Alchemist fan, you will love this game more than someone who isn't, but you'll still enjoy the game either way so long as you like a good old hack-n-slash game. Overall 8.5/10 ...That's it? Wow I expected it to be a tad more complex. But if that can get more homebrew to my Wii, then cheers to that!
When you entered this thread, what did you think it was about? This is mainly just a way to see what people assume GoW is since God or War and Gears of War have the same abbreviation.
Just a stupid game I thought of. Give the character name (can be a character from anything, not necessarily Nintendo) and the list of attacks (any number of attacks, not necessarily all of them if you don't want to). Edward from Fullmetal Alchemist A - Punch. Side+A - Turns the top part of his automail arm into a blade and slices horizontally. Up+A - Uppercut. Down+A - Kicks in a circle around him. B - Claps and launches spikes in front of him. Side+B - Claps and then reaches back behind his head, then brings his hands back and fires a ball of lightning from his hands (from the first Fullmetal Alchemist opening ^_^). Up+B - Turns the top of his automail arm into a grapple and launches it in whatever direction specified. Down+B - Claps then ducks and touches the floor and spikes appear on the floor around him on both sides. Final Smash - Claps then touches the floor while a giant transmutation circle appears around him, causing a giant cannon to appear on the bottom of the screen. Edward jumps on it and says "Advantage Elric!" as the cannon fires a stream of flames onto the screen. The cannon can be controlled while the move is going on for about ten seconds.
I've been searching the vast interwebs for a DS disassembler or even a dumper, but I could not find either. What I did find, however, was a device called the "Trainer Toolkit". It is made by the company that makes Action Replay (Datel) and it claims to be able to provide users with relative hacking experience good DS hacking utilities. The downside is that it costs $40.00... I would like to know if there is either a good disassembler and dumper for DS, or an emulator that con do at least some of this before I pay that much for something that I'm not completely confident with. Thanks in advance!
I want to buy it and the expansion because of how many good things I've heard. So what does KH-Vids think of Fable?
Thanks to Erkz's Kingdom Hearts 2 Cheat Code Exhibition Video for introducing me to this great band! This band is the definition of potpourri. From what I understand, they were trying to find an appropriate genre for themselves for a while, and thus, released songs of almost any rock genre you can think of. They've found they're place (as an alternative group I think), and (aside from the more rap-ish songs) I love their entire library of songs ^_^. So what are your thoughts? This is disgusting. This child is going to grow up into a terrible person because of her idiot parents.
Yes, my cell phone has become the source of several 4Chan users' 'lulz" supply. They know my cell phone number my full name and based on the area code, no doubt know my relative address. They've been prank calling me for the past 24 hours on a semi-frequent basis. I'm 99% certain it's a group of 4Chan users based on the content of the calls (I know it's not my friends because there are a variety of voices that I don't recognize, plus one even said they got my number through 4Chan), and I think I know how they got my number. There was a site that is currently down that allowed you to enter a phone number and the site claimed it would Rickroll (play a clip from Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" the person. I tried it on myself on April 2nd and I was disappointed when it didn't work. Yesterday, I received many "Unknown" calls soliciting bizarre products and just being stupid in general. The calls seem to have stopped, but knowing 4Chan, they'll be back. I attached the audio of one of the voice messages on my phone from a 4Chan user(I edited out my name, which he also knows), there are several others (which vary in obscenity) that are just as or even more annoying. There are ways to prevent this from happening. 4Chan users have strong trends that stand out and they prey on not-so-experienced internet and computer users. If the site you're viewing has a lot to do with Rickrolling, be careful as Rickrolling originated on 4Chan and they love to use it. Never input any personal information into a site that you aren't completely sure about (like me). Be careful what you do on forums, namely and even more so on the /b/ board there. If you do get your information discovered, tell a parent or if you're an adult, someone who can help. Bottom line and moral of the story, use common sense (unlike me).
Which episode is the one where Will and Carlton get arrested (for speeding I think) and they're in the jail cell and they start singing Let My People Go and then one of the prisoners sings with them in a really deep voice. Thanks for any help!
You know you want to download it! The song is actually really well charted. Kudos to whoever did it/had this idea!
I'd like to see a new Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Game on the Xbox 360. I know about the rumors of an MMO KotOR game, but I hate MMO's and would much rather have a core console game to tie up the loose ends of the previous game. What was he smoking and where can I get some? As if his political "career" wasn't enough of a joke, he had to produce this little wonder.
My first real original story. It's a non-fantasy/political drama. Any criticism is appreciated! 1 The clock struck six forty seven. Steve polished the counter carefully, scrubbing mercilessly yet precisely at each white spec that took away from the perfection of the cherry wood. The door opened right on time. Jamison extended his hand out, not needing to say anything while Steve mundanely pulled out five merits from the register; same old procedure though he secretly couldn't stand it any more than the others. Jamison gave a quick grunt and walked out. It was almost time to open the pub, just as was mandated; all businesses were to open at seven a.m. and close at eleven p.m., a time frame Steve disliked since he was more than willing to work a few more hours for as much as ten more merits. In the thirteen minutes in between then and the opening, Steve still couldn't clean all the smudges. No matter, nobody minded because people came to Steve's not for clean counters, not for better brew, but for Steve. In a fog of depression and financial burdens, Steve was a guiding light for a few motivational words and occasionally a free beer. Rick walked in four minutes after opening, being, as usual, the first one of the day- half off his first beer. "Hey Rick, what'll we have?" asked Steve, whose voice alone lifted the spirits. Rick's still face cracked a grin, "A Henson. Dark." "Coming right up." replied Steve who immediately found the Henson Dark. He knew his pub. Steve slid it across the slightly smudged cherry wood in the classic bartender style, his quickness in movements almost made you forget he was forty five, slightly balding with just the slightest gray tint to his hair. Rick lifted the drink in a "cheers" gesture and took a quick slug. He put the beer down and quickly inhaled letting out a short "ah" before asking, "So, did the PCC get you yet?" The Patriot's Charity Collectors. They collect money on a daily basis from all citizens and bring it to the Patriot's Charity, AKA, Emperor Gardner's wallet. "Yea, Jamison came same time as always." he replied in a slightly monotonous voice. Quick to change the subject, "How's the wife?" "Just got over the flu. Those damned treatments put us back one hundred and fifty merits..." Steve looked in the register. Twenty nine merits. He pulled out two five merit bills and handed them to Rick. He looked hastily at the currency, "Steve, I can't, man." he tried to push them back to him across the counter. Steve refused them, "To a loyal customer." he grabbed a Henson Classic for himself, "Here's to twenty four years of runnin' this place, and the guy who kept me sane enough to keep goin'." they chuckled and took a large slug of beer. He pocketed the bills, "I don't know how I'd ever repay ya, Steve. Every time I'm in a bind you have some way to help." he took another sip. Steve put down his Henson and picked up the rag he was using to rub the counter, "Hey don't worry about it, guy. I don't have a family to support." After finishing his Henson and waiting about an hour to let what little alcohol the fairly cheap beer contained be filtered out of his system, Rick got up off his stool and left for work, saying goodbye. Over the course of the day, people entered and exited the pub, some times there were up to ten people in the pub when at other times there were none. Around three in the afternoon, Steve waited for the three or four people of the after-work "crowd". Calmly nudging at the counter, he was alarmed by the sudden bursting of the door. Standing behind it was Francis, the normally mild-mannered cubical worker, gripping a stack of messy papers in his right hand. He quickly closed the door and locked it, and once he was sure it was safe to do so, he ran to the counter and excitedly said, "Steve I've got it!" "Whoa, Frank what's the commotion?" Francis didn't like being called Frank as much as Francis since most called him Francis anyway, but Steve insisted on calling him Frank because he felt it was a "friendlier name". Francis brought up a stool and presented the papers to Steve on the counter with a wide smile of pure confidence. Steve was reluctant to read the papers, but he humored Francis and read the first paragraph. "'Reconstruction of the establishment'? 'Resurrection of freedom'?" Steve recited, slightly confused and somewhat worried. "Steve, I brought this to you since I knew you would be the only one who could back me up on this!" Francis said, somewhat disappointed. Steve scanned it over one more time, "These are dangerous words, Frank." Steve began to give the papers back to Francis, but he wouldn't take them. "I've basically memorized this. It's just a list of demands of the people, and the consequences that will follow if the demands are not meet!" Steve hushed Francis quickly and looked around in slight paranoia. "Burn this. Destroy it. Do something because if they see you with this you're dead." Francis' face became serious. "The other reason I came to you with this is because I know you can rally up people better than anyone in this nation. Your charisma can be the backbone of a successful rebellion!" Steve wasn't convinced. "Listen, you're smart. You have people skills. You're creative. You are the quintessential leader! And-" "Leader?" Steve interrupted. "Yes." Francis replied. "You weren't supposed to be a bartender. You're too smart." Steve knew what he meant. The Empire used to be a city of a much larger nation. Gardner started rebelling. With force. He rallied up a large group of men and diligently fought off wave after wave of troops until the president of the mother nation signed a treaty to give Gardner a piece of the country's land- all those who lived in that piece of land were also new citizens of Gardner's Empire. The only time Gardner paid close attention to his people was when he established new jobs to them as he viewed each of the twenty thousand people's summarization of experience and age (the population has since grown a bit). Steve, as well as many of his college classmates at the time, were seen as "Young and ignorant." Steve received the job of running the East Side Bar, which became known as Steve's by the regulars. He was very upset at first considering his fairly high grades and many friends he'd never see again since most of them were sent into forced labor, but he accepted his job and worked hard at it every day of his life. Francis spoke again, "At least keep them for a few days." he said, handing him the papers again. Steve sighed deeply and took the pile of paper from Francis. He flashed yet another grin of confidence and stood up from the stool, "You won't regret this, Steve!" he yelled as he left the bar, "Trust me!" *************************************************************************** Perhaps the only kind gesture he had only received from Gardner was that his house was a block away from the pub. It was eleven thirty two, and by now the papers were piled neatly next to his crude, self-constructed rocking chair. He read the newspaper silently, which was a pointless activity since it was all pro-Gardner propaganda. Today's "news" seemed to bore him more than usual. He couldn't help but glance at Francis' papers. "No" he mumbled to himself, and he returned to his reading. More and more he looked over at the documents that proclaimed a "people's nation" and "revolution if necessary". Looking back at the newspaper he read the title of the cover story, "Patriot's Charity Raises Record Funds!" Steve dropped the news paper at his feet. He read through Francis' papers. Really great set up. Awesome ideas here.
The guy who did the voice of Roxas in the Japanese KH2 is going to voice Ven in the Japanese BBS. Just thought I'd let you know ^_^.
EDIT: I spelled concern wrong... So we just finished World War II in global history, and I noticed that the main reason Mussolini sided with Hitler was because France and Britain were angered by Italy's invasion of Ethiopia. This is the second time Italy tried to obtain Ethiopia (at least that we learned of) and I'm wondering why did they want it so badly? Is their a set reason, or was it just for territorial expansion and they happened to choose Ethiopia? Thanks in advance! 0_o I find it stunning yet so very weird... Informative. I'll take a note.