My dad told me to listen to some of The Doors' songs. They are actually really good, and have great variety from psychodelic to hard rock. My favorite song by therm so far is Moonlight Drive.
Yea, I'm bored so I ripped off a game from 4chan's /b/...jkoljhmnmn (John)
Just picked it up. Graphics are very nice for the DS and the music quality is great. However, the strumming on the touch screen takes getting used to. Anyone else get it?
I saw my grades drop pretty badly this year. They went from all A's to A's and B's. Not a huge deal yet, however I don't want it to get worse. I need your guys' help. How can I beat my laziness and procrastination and actually study?
We have been calling the secret boss from FM+ Terra this entire time, yet it very well might not be him. Sorry if this is epically old, but I just noticed this.
I don't know how big this is in European countries, but in the United States and even Canada now, this has been something politicians have argued over. Not so much today in the U.S., but in the past 5 years, it has been a hot topic. I was compelled to write this because I saw a YouTube video of a Canadian governor who wants to implement gun control into his city's legislation. This also made me realize that if the U.S. does elect a democratic president (Obama), gun control will no doubt be brought up again. So, do you agree or disagree with gun control? I disagree strongly. This accomplishes nothing but putting law-abiding citizens at greater risk. Let me explain. Besides the fact that it goes against the U.S. constitution *glares at the Bush Administration* and that areas with more lenient gun laws have less firearm-based violence, this legislation is simply pointless. People who obey the law will give up their guns. But just like with drugs, people who chose to break the law will still find a way to get their hands on guns. Whether its importing or making home-made guns (trust me, some people would do this), they will find a way. So, in the end, the bad people have guns, and the good people are defenseless. Thoughts? EDIT: This might belong in the Debate Corner.
I didn't hate Chain of Memories, but I would have preferred a real portable Kingdom Hearts-style game. Similarly, when I first heard about this game and saw the screens, I was excited to think I would be playing a real Kingdom Hearts-style game on-the-go. When I read the Wikipedia article and read that it would most likely be a card-based system similar to Chain of Memories, I was deeply disappointed. The Card system was fun, but it hindered the ability to have that good 'ol button mashing Kingdom Hearts feel. While Birth By Sleep is definitely going in the right direction for me (with the command menu and all), I still hope they just go with flat out regular Kingdom Hearts gameplay. Thoughts?
Internet fads. Yep. All you /b/tards, such as myself, will find this rather easy.
[QUOTE="“]Ten years ago I could never have imagined I’d be doing this,†says Greg Pal, 33, a former software executive, as he squints into the late afternoon Californian sun. “I mean, this is essentially agriculture, right? But the people I talk to – especially the ones coming out of business school – this is the one hot area everyone wants to get into.†He means bugs. To be more precise: the genetic alteration of bugs – very, very small ones – so that when they feed on agricultural waste such as woodchips or wheat straw, they do something extraordinary. They excrete crude oil. Unbelievably, this is not science fiction. Mr Pal holds up a small beaker of bug excretion that could, theoretically, be poured into the tank of the giant Lexus SUV next to us. Not that Mr Pal is willing to risk it just yet. He gives it a month before the first vehicle is filled up on what he calls “renewable petroleumâ€. After that, he grins, “it’s a brave new worldâ€. Mr Pal is a senior director of LS9, one of several companies in or near Silicon Valley that have spurned traditional high-tech activities such as software and networking and embarked instead on an extraordinary race to make $140-a-barrel oil (£70) from Saudi Arabia obsolete. “All of us here – everyone in this company and in this industry, are aware of the urgency,†Mr Pal says. What is most remarkable about what they are doing is that instead of trying to reengineer the global economy – as is required, for example, for the use of hydrogen fuel – they are trying to make a product that is interchangeable with oil. The company claims that this “Oil 2.0†will not only be renewable but also carbon negative – meaning that the carbon it emits will be less than that sucked from the atmosphere by the raw materials from which it is made. LS9 has already convinced one oil industry veteran of its plan: Bob Walsh, 50, who now serves as the firm’s president after a 26-year career at Shell, most recently running European supply operations in London. “How many times in your life do you get the opportunity to grow a multi-billion-dollar company?†he asks. It is a bold statement from a man who works in a glorified cubicle in a San Francisco industrial estate for a company that describes itself as being “prerevenueâ€. Inside LS9’s cluttered laboratory – funded by $20 million of start-up capital from investors including Vinod Khosla, the Indian-American entrepreneur who co-founded Sun Micro-systems – Mr Pal explains that LS9’s bugs are single-cell organisms, each a fraction of a billionth the size of an ant. They start out as industrial yeast or nonpathogenic strains of E. coli, but LS9 modifies them by custom-de-signing their DNA. “Five to seven years ago, that process would have taken months and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars,†he says. “Now it can take weeks and cost maybe $20,000.†Because crude oil (which can be refined into other products, such as petroleum or jet fuel) is only a few molecular stages removed from the fatty acids normally excreted by yeast or E. coli during fermentation, it does not take much fiddling to get the desired result. For fermentation to take place you need raw material, or feedstock, as it is known in the biofuels industry. Anything will do as long as it can be broken down into sugars, with the byproduct ideally burnt to produce electricity to run the plant. The company is not interested in using corn as feedstock, given the much-publicised problems created by using food crops for fuel, such as the tortilla inflation that recently caused food riots in Mexico City. Instead, different types of agricultural waste will be used according to whatever makes sense for the local climate and economy: wheat straw in California, for example, or woodchips in the South. Using genetically modified bugs for fermentation is essentially the same as using natural bacteria to produce ethanol, although the energy-intensive final process of distillation is virtually eliminated because the bugs excrete a substance that is almost pump-ready. The closest that LS9 has come to mass production is a 1,000-litre fermenting machine, which looks like a large stainless-steel jar, next to a wardrobe-sized computer connected by a tangle of cables and tubes. It has not yet been plugged in. The machine produces the equivalent of one barrel a week and takes up 40 sq ft of floor space. However, to substitute America’s weekly oil consumption of 143 million barrels, you would need a facility that covered about 205 square miles, an area roughly the size of Chicago. That is the main problem: although LS9 can produce its bug fuel in laboratory beakers, it has no idea whether it will be able produce the same results on a nationwide or even global scale. “Our plan is to have a demonstration-scale plant operational by 2010 and, in parallel, we’ll be working on the design and construction of a commercial-scale facility to open in 2011,†says Mr Pal, adding that if LS9 used Brazilian sugar cane as its feedstock, its fuel would probably cost about $50 a barrel. Are Americans ready to be putting genetically modified bug excretion in their cars? “It’s not the same as with food,†Mr Pal says. “We’re putting these bacteria in a very isolated container: their entire universe is in that tank. When we’re done with them, they’re destroyed.†Besides, he says, there is greater good being served. “I have two children, and climate change is something that they are going to face. The energy crisis is something that they are going to face. We have a collective responsibility to do this.†This sounds exciting, but still involves the "burning" of biomass that would otherwise have fostered soil health. There was no "waste" biomass before humans arrived, and there is none now. Distilled to its essence, the scheme is still a trade-off: burning plant material to effect transportation. There is no reason not to burn petroleum products. We all know now that man-made global warming is a myth and there is no danger from carbon emissions. We need to maximize supply to get the price down. We need more liquid oil, oil shale, tar sands, coal liquification, algae, bacteria, etc.; now. Claiming carbon negativity is interesting. It's possible to argue that this is better than regular petroleum since growing new organic material will remove carbon. However, arguing it is better than technologies that do not emit carbon because it creates an incentive to grow more is presumptuous. Tom Hughes-Croucher, London, UK[/quote] I like the idea. It seems very promising. You need to have Jump Ultimate Stars on a DS Flash card (any brand will work) as a ROM file. There are instructions on how to do the rest as well as the link for the patch in this video.
This teaser image, as well as several threads on have revealed that Anon will be back due to the amazing success (in terms of attendance and media attention) of the first Scientology protest. Same idea basically. I really wish I didn't have 3 finals that day! I would have been there in a second! EDIT: The title should be Anon's Back to Protest Scientology on June 12th
I am conflicted.
After the mission "Russian Revolution" when he backed Niko up in the warehouse, he was just awesome. One of the most loyal characters in the Grand Theft Auto series, plus he's amazing with that pistol. Thoughts? Yea could be old, but I've never seen it...
How Good/Bad is it? I've heard its terrible and I have to read it this summer. Thanks for any thoughts.
Yea, so its a Phoenix Wright sort of game/debate. The first topic is about whether or not Square Enix should invest time and money into a Final Fantasy VII remake on PS3. Whoever wins gets repped by me ^_^. So far, I'm judge and VideoGameNerd is one of the opposing sides. We need 1-3 more people (each side can have up to 2 people). If you want to join in, post in The Phoenix Wright Courtroom in the Competitive Arena.
I dunno, I thought it was weird 0_o. EDIT: Yea, I know its old now >_>...
I'm excited. I loved this show as a kid, and I will definitely be seeing it. Thoughts?
THE PHOENIX WRIGHT COURTROOM Since I recently got addicted to the brilliant Phoenix Wright series, I've decided to make a competition based around it. I will be the judge to determine who among two groups (each group composing of 1 or 2 people) the prosecution and the defense, can argue a point better on a certain topic. I guess this is kind of like the Debate Corner, but the topic doesn't have to be intelligent or real. Your arguments, however do have to be intelligent. There is also a reward for winning: I will rep all members of the winning side. Rules: 1) Both sides must agree on a topic to debate, and on which side of the debate they will be supporting. If the two sides can't come to an agreement, I will chose a topic and/or the sides the two groups will be supporting depending upon what is necessary. 2) Whether you are the prosecution or the defense, it doesn't matter. It's simply a name to address your side by. 3) A team can be composed of 1 or two people, and you can have a 2 on 1 match. 4) The case is played in turns. After both sides give their (optional) opening statements, I randomly choose who goes first. Either side can choose to call a witness (a user who is not on the prosecution or defense side) or explain their point themselves during their turn. An explanation cannot be more than 300 words in a single turn. 5) Each side has 5 exclamation points. When a side loses all their exclamation points, the opposing side wins the case. Also, if a side doesn't complete their turn within 3 days, the opposing side wins the case. 6) You can object to the opposing side's argument/witness if you find it unintelligent, irrelevant or just incorrect by posting "Objection!" or using the "Objection!" screen image below. If I agree and allow the objection, your opponent loses that turn and it is your turn. Your opponent will also lose an exclamation point. However, if I overrule your objection, your side will lose an exclamation point, and the opposing side/witness may revise their testimony if they wish while keeping the same idea of their previous argument. 7) You can ask a witness to explain their point further by posting "Hold it!" or using the "Hold it!" screen image below, and quoting them in one sentence. The witness then has to explain their point pertaining to the portion of their testimony. This can be done up to three during the opposing side's turn. If a significant flaw is pointed out, the witness must revise their testimony. 8) If both sides lose all five exclamation points within the same turn, I will determine a ruling in favor of the side I feel had the better argument overall. "Objection!" screen: "Take that!" Screen: "Hold it!" Screen: Defense Sprites: Prosecution Sprites: Judge advent_of_apocalypse residing. Ready for anyone who has a case. I can also make a suggestion for a case if you want to play and don't have an idea. First come first serve for prosecution and defense!