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  1. Advent

    Holy Crap

    My version of Microsoft Word is from 1997.

    Thread by: Advent, Jul 26, 2008, 34 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Advent
    As if the hate in these areas wasn't great enough, now they're getting to the children while they still have any innocence. This makes me sick.
    Thread by: Advent, Jul 25, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: Current Events
  3. Advent

    Beyond (Madi)

    Why did you change your name if you still like the name Madi?
    Thread by: Advent, Jul 24, 2008, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Advent
    As a career, I'd like to go into a field of science, preferably chemistry or forensics, so I've been searching for things to put on my resume. I have two choices as of now: To be an intern for no pay at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, a world famous laboratory, or work in the research labs at North Shore LIJ, a fairly big and somewhat well known hospital where the pay is from $10 to $12 an hour. I'm leaning towards Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, but what do you guys think?
    Thread by: Advent, Jul 22, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Advent
    Title explains it all.

    Here's mine: "Become a CSI [firsname]!"

    And no, I'm not putting "[firstname]" to block out my name, that was really what they titled the email.
    Thread by: Advent, Jul 21, 2008, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Advent
    At this point, I'm sure most of us realize that the presidential nominees aren't all that great. In my opinion, none of them stand out. However the one a lot of people see as the "big man" is the up and coming Democrat Barack Obama. Supporters like him for one of three reasons. His campaign theme of "Change" , his speaking ability, or, let's face it, his race. However his opposers have a lot of ammunition against him, like his extremely controversial pastor, his wife who claims to have never been proud to be an American, and most of all, his lack of experience. He hasn't been a politician for very long, and a lot of people think that he isn't ready to be president. So what do you guys think?
    Thread by: Advent, Jul 20, 2008, 86 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  7. Advent

    I'm Back

    How is everyone?

    Thread by: Advent, Jul 20, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Advent
    I'm trying to buy Song Summoner, and it seems to have gone through correctly (I set my mom's PayPal as the payment, it showed me the Terms and Conditions gibberish, I confirmed I was using PayPal, and finally I synced the iPod) but the game isn't showing up. Advice?
    Thread by: Advent, Jul 11, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Advent

    See You Later

    I'm going on a cruise for a week. I'll be leaving tomorrow and I'll be back the following Sunday. I might be able to get on occasionally, but odds are I won't be on at all.
    Thread by: Advent, Jul 11, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  10. Advent
    Great to see that the Senate is now nothing but Bush's b*tch. Congrats guys. The terrorists win.
    Thread by: Advent, Jul 9, 2008, 20 replies, in forum: Current Events
  11. Advent
    Originally posted July 8th, 2008.

    If any of you still needed a sign that freedom in the United States is slowly slipping away, this should do it.
    Thread by: Advent, Jul 9, 2008, 47 replies, in forum: Current Events
  12. Advent
    Someone kill me.
    Thread by: Advent, Jul 9, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Advent
    Amazing series when it was on the PSX, but after that it got kind of bad. My favorites are 2 and 3.
    Thread by: Advent, Jul 8, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: Gaming
  14. Advent
    ITT post something that you normally wouldn't laugh at, but you find funny.

    Thread by: Advent, Jul 8, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Advent

    OMG Spoilers!

    Thread by: Advent, Jul 7, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Advent
    Just as the title says.

    In 6th grade, I read the wrong science assignment, and then volunteered to write an answer to one of the numbered questions on the board from the very same assignment. The rest of the class read about plant cells or something, while I had read about Einstein's theory of all things. My answer was a freaking novel, and the rest of the class had like 2 word answers. Just a bit out of place.
    Thread by: Advent, Jul 5, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Advent

    This is pretty epic.
    Thread by: Advent, Jul 4, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Advent

    Yea, lightsabers! I gotta say, I will definitely be buying at least one of these.
    Thread by: Advent, Jul 4, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: Gaming
  19. Advent
    Light? Don't get me wrong. I love the Death Note ending, it's one of the most beautifully developed ending scenes in any anime I have ever seen (so much symbolism and the L reference at the end was perfect), but I just really liked Light's character. I was kinda hoping for him to live personally and have him ruling the New World (which would be destined to fall obviously). Also, the shinigami Ryuk talks to at the end of the Special Episode 38 was pretty strongly hinted to be Light transformed into shinigami (he told Light in the beginning a person who uses the Death Note would neither go to Heaven nor Hell, and he tells him to "drop the notebook, you could see something you won't forget for the rest of your life. Isn't that right Light?"), a sad end in my opinion, but eerily awesome at the same time. Thoughts?
    Thread by: Advent, Jul 4, 2008, 49 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  20. Advent
    Yea I'm getting into metal, so I'd like to know some good bands. I already know:

    Dragon Force
    Maximum the Hormone
    Cannibal Corpse
    Mayhem (*looks at their song titles* wow, just wow)
    Thread by: Advent, Jul 3, 2008, 21 replies, in forum: Music